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Originally posted by Croat56
Originally posted by centurion1211
And a saint that can perform miracles for harvests, weather, etc. is different from a god or goddess doing the same thing exactly how
Wait, didn't the Romans also makes gods and goddesses out of their dead rulers? And that's different form how someone becomes a saint exactly how
It was all happening abut the same time, too
Its not a harvest or weather thing. Man some of you guys know nothing. Theyre saints not gods. Saints are not our rulers. A good example of a miracle is stigmata. For those who dont know what stigmata is: it is when a person recieves the wounds of Jesus. Wholes in their legs, wrists, and stab wound to their side. Its a miracle because these things cannot be explained by science and never become infectiouse. Some constantly bleed,other stop and then start again. Now if any1 out there is thinking that these people just cut theirselves then your wrong because there have been people in a coma that did not have stigmata befor they lapsed into it.
Originally posted by Hailthekingoflights
If you Look in the Bible GOD himself called all who believed in him saints not just those who show forth miracles.
Originally posted by saint4God
I testify that I am a saint.
Originally posted by riley
What miracles have your performed.. [need testimonies other than your own] and when were you given your sainthood?
Originally posted by saint4God
I brought a practioner of the dark arts to see the err of her ways before the fires of Hell consumed her,
She too is now a saint by her own will. If you think this is easy or not a miracle, try doing it sometime.
Originally posted by centurion1211
Wait, didn't the Romans also makes gods and goddesses out of their dead rulers? And that's different from how someone becomes a saint exactly how
My point is that it is very clear that the early catholic church borrowed much from the other religions of the day.
a miracle because these things cannot be explained by science and never become infectiouse.
I think the evidence is quite conclusive that it aint God working in that church.
But you [and she] need to perform three before you qualify as being a saint
Originally posted by riley
The 'dark arts' usually refers to everything other than the religion doing the calling so I'm unsure what that means and can't make a judgement on it.
She too is now a saint by her own will. If you think this is easy or not a miracle, try doing it sometime.
Originally posted by riley
But you [and she] need to perform three before you qualify as being a saint.
Originally posted by riley
I guess it could make you a healer or a 'messenger' of sorts though..
Originally posted by riley
have you ever considered becoming a priest?
Originally posted by riley
It's not just to offically qualify either.. it's to spiritualy qualify. Calling yourself a saint after one miracle would excuse you from doing anymore.. plus I'm pretty sure you have to be dead as well.. though I think mother teresa was close to being ordained while she was still alive.
I'm not negating what you've done for this woman.. I've had some very extraordinary experiences as well but 'saint' just seems a little premeture to me. No offence intended.
Originally posted by saint4God
She was a spell caster, conjuror-type. Not directly Satanic, but well versed on the practices. Best description I can use here without getting into trouble is someone who practices sorcery. I'm not here to start a fight really, just trying to relay the situation.
By what standard? I'm sorry but I don't see that in the Bible.
I'd considered ministry briefly but no, I know it's not where I am needed to be at this time. It's weird. Spent years upon years asking what I need to be doing. Then I find out and I'm like 'Huh? You're kidding right?' It's funny because it aligns with a lot of my interests.
Time will tell. [just let us know though!]
Am I going to be a part of more miracles? God only knows
The 'devil' is no a god tho. Its just a thing
Originally posted by madhatter
The 'devil' is no a god tho. Its just a thing
I was under the impression that the devil was an angel who was
cast out of Heaven, according to the christian bible anyway.
Originally posted by madhatter
I was under the impression that the devil was an angel
I was under the impression that the devil was an angel who was
cast out of Heaven, according to the christian bible anyway.
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming�How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer�thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah 14:9-16 KJV)
I think the evidence is quite conclusive that it aint God working in that church.
No, there is no evidence one way or another that any god is working or not working in any church. You beleive that god wouldn't give people stigmata, and that stigmata are the work of the devil and therefore any religion that works with stigmata is a devil deceived religion. But even in your own system god is allowing people to receive stigmata, he created the devil, he gave it the ability to make stigmata, and he doesn't interfere when it inflicts people with it, and, more importantly, he doesn't come down and say 'i didn't do this'. The fact that stigmata are unpleasant hardly means that they can't have come from god.
[edit on 17-12-2004 by Nygdan]
Originally posted by shmick25
Your logic is terrible.
Read the Bible, and then define the characteristics of God. Better still, find in the Bible where it mentions stigmatas.
It should be somewhere after the death of Christ I would have thought, and it should be well documented amoungst the early Christians
So why does he? I'm sure you can figure it out right? If not I can tell you.
Really? How? All I have stated is that we can't know which religion is the true religion. Please demonstrate the analytic technique that allows you to do this then.
Read the Bible, and then define the characteristics of God. Better still, find in the Bible where it mentions stigmatas.
Why? What does it matter if it does or does not mention them? Their inclusion in teh bible is irrelevant.
It should be somewhere after the death of Christ I would have thought, and it should be well documented amoungst the early Christians
As far as I understand it stigmata didn't occur on anyone until much much later.
So why does he? I'm sure you can figure it out right? If not I can tell you. Ok, go ahead and explain the mind of god to me. Should be interesting.
What difference is there between this omnipotent god creating a creature that creates stigmata on people or directly creating it himself? This god is all-powerful, existence occurs because it wills it. Even if one allows 'non-determinism' for humans because of divine fiat, these stigmata you are saying are comming from the devil, a creature that god created and that there isn't any mention of it having free will.
And, how does any of this mean that the Roman Catholic church is a satan lead instituion?
Why wouldn't god tell the pope or any of the catholic leadership in the hundreds of years that its been around that stigmata are the work of satan?
If the bible is telling them that it isn't, then this god does communicate to his church and can reasonably be expected to communicate with it outside of the bible.
Indeed, since the bible is a fallible book copied, written, transcriped and coallated work of very fallible humans, in particular the work of the RCC itself, (or at least its pre-schismatic antecessor), then it demands that god directly comminucate with the church community.
So not having stigmatics in the bible is completely meaningless, and certainly not evidence that they are the result of the devil. Any more than, say, the pagan traidtion of communal religious service and a raised stock of wheat at the 'height' of the religious ceremony and communal consumption of it means that the christian ritual of the eucharist is inspired by the devil.
Originally posted by riley
I'm certain I've had 'christians' praying against me.. I think it's just a matter of someone tapping into a more universal power and using it for their own desires.
Originally posted by riley
.. if someone was praying to 'god'.. to do harm against someone else they would actually be praying to something negative not positive.. and therefore not christ.. even if they evoked his name.
Originally posted by riley
if someone has a dark heart they can go to church all they want but if their motives are not good.. the outcome will never be good either.
Originally posted by riley
I guess the vatican probably bases the 'rules' on some sort of doctrine.. perhaps they are trying to ensure legitamacy.
Originally posted by riley
Glad you found where you belong. I considered becoming a buddhist monk for a while there though it didn't completely correspond to my beliefs.. there seemed to be a couple of oppresive aspects to it.. but it still crosses my mind from time to time.