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A Question That Evolutionist Couldn't Answer

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posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:46 PM
We're still the same "kind" of species as monkeys, chimps, etc. We're all primates. We evolved through mutation and adaptation into a different kind of primate. I don't see why evolution deniers use the entirely new species line.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: Elton

Does it prove monkey to man evolution? Does it prove that mammals can magically morph into a new species given time? Where is the proof of that?

Sometimes you can get quite rapid modifications such as becoming albino, hairless, tall or short in a single generation.
After another generation, these get diluted, but if there are a large number of offspring, those variations can become recessive but in a good fraction of a small population.

If a group of critters are isolated due to geography (small island or valley) and are cut off from the rest of the population, then they will gradually mutate to become a different species. Examples include moth adapting to the color of soot pollution, or bird beaks adapting to the size of seeds available on an island. Bird plumage can also adapt to match the local vegetation, simply because predators see the ones that stand out.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: Grimpachi

Did those lizards change into a different species? LOL.

Seriously guys. You keep showing me evidence of things adapting, that's cool, I'm not denying that. Still waiting for evidence that things can evolve into a different species. Yet you all keep banging the same drum like a bunch of sheep.

(try not to spit out your coffee all over your keyboard)

Yes, I know you want to see speciation. It isn't an everyday occurrence.

I know for a fact this has been explained to you.

I will reiterate though. Speciation takes many small changes over time. Asking for observable speciation is one of the dumbest requests I have ever heard however, the ecoli speciated by definition.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:46 PM
The obvious conclusion is the Evolution becomes irrelivant once an organism become intelligent and technologically advanced.

Evolution becomes consiousness creativity. Where an organism in complete possibility with the technology and willpower, as well as the Intent to create life. Could very well Terra form planets. So yes Evolution CAN happen, But so can *Creationism* Because once you cross that line only extinction or destruction of civilization would stop it. And if such creatures were to colonize multipul planets, then if one society fails. It still means the others can Advance even further if unhindered.

There is no straight answer for Evolution VS Creation because in the end. Science accepts both. Humans have the full intention of Terraforming Mars.

And once that is done there will be no turning back, SO if we do. We will fail the human race.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:49 PM

In modern society, it does not take a genius to draw up these conslusions. Look at synthetic biology for example.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

The obvious conclusion is the Evolution becomes irrelivant once an organism become intelligent and technologically advanced.
Perhaps. If that technology removes sexual reproduction from the picture.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:54 PM
You know, I wasn't even going to reply to this thread because it's fully stupid to say that evolution isn't factual when the fact that it truly is a factual science based on provable and explainable data but I realized that for the sake of recording my views on evolution in the face of blind skepticism wouldn't be a bad idea, sort of like asserting oneself on the issue that the moon landing never happened or WWII was a radio show.

a reply to: TechUnique

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: Grimpachi

Did those lizards change into a different species? LOL.

Seriously guys. You keep showing me evidence of things adapting, that's cool, I'm not denying that. Still waiting for evidence that things can evolve into a different species. Yet you all keep banging the same drum like a bunch of sheep.

(try not to spit out your coffee all over your keyboard)

Yes, I know you want to see speciation. It isn't an everyday occurrence.

I know for a fact this has been explained to you.

I will reiterate though. Speciation takes many small changes over time. Asking for observable speciation is one of the dumbest requests I have ever heard however, the ecoli speciated by definition.

Okay so no-one has ever seen anything of the sort that you are explaining. There is no evidence whatsoever. Yet you're talking to ME as if I'M stupid.

You really are incredible.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Phage

You can still have reproductive organs. But you can design them as well. It's called artificial design. A Signature of *Creationism*.

The only catagory that exists for the need of life is that either life seeds or is created. Of course on planets. But that can also happen on giant ships. We may very well build a type of mobile planet at some point in the future. Kinda like a Deathstar that would have an enviroment within.

These are possibilities once we build a space port and begin mining asteroids.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:01 PM
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

You can still have reproductive organs. But you can design them as well. It's called artificial design.
I said nothing about reproductive organs.
As long as there is sexual reproduction there is the opportunity for evolution.
edit on 2/8/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

Seriously guys. You keep showing me evidence of things adapting, that's cool, I'm not denying that. Still waiting for evidence that things can evolve into a different species.

as populations adapt, their genes change - two different populations of the same species are subject to different selective pressures until their genes are no longer compatible - individuals from the two different populations can no longer produce fertile offspring and they are classified as separate species

every single thing we know about biology supports evolution - not one single thing we know about biology casts the slightest bit of doubt - it's an incredibly complex, subtle, powerful and beautiful process

One example of evolution at work is the case of the hawthorn fly, Rhagoletis pomonella, also known as the apple maggot fly, which appears to be undergoing sympatric speciation.[19] Different populations of hawthorn fly feed on different fruits. A distinct population emerged in North America in the 19th century some time after apples, a non-native species, were introduced. This apple-feeding population normally feeds only on apples and not on the historically preferred fruit of hawthorns. The current hawthorn feeding population does not normally feed on apples. Some evidence, such as the fact that six out of thirteen allozyme loci are different, that hawthorn flies mature later in the season and take longer to mature than apple flies; and that there is little evidence of interbreeding (researchers have documented a 4-6% hybridization rate) suggests that sympatric speciation is occurring. The emergence of the new hawthorn fly is an example of evolution in progress.


if you don't think evolution is correct it's because you don't know enough about biology - it's not a question of 'is it true'?

it's an inevitable process that's happening all the time

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: amurphy245
"evolved from monkeys" and "missing link" The two schoolboy errors creationists make

So the 'school boy errors' that were taught to me in school as fact are no longer true. Yet I'm to trust that evolution should still be taught in school even though there is no general consensus and still no proof.

No thanks.

I have to agree here...

Especially when people get mocked for understanding evolution wrong, when that's exactly the way they were taught years ago!

You are discrediting the science if you act high and mighty about your supreme knowledge of evolution, just saying...

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
So when my science teacher TAUGHT me, ... in SCHOOL, that we evolved from Monkeys, he was wrong?

So what is right?

If that's what your science teacher taught you about evolution, he was an idiot.

If that's not what was taught, but what you took away from it because of your faith, then you can't fault the teacher for your lack of understanding. I have a feeling it was your preacher who said "evolution claims you evolved from a monkey" and not your science teacher.

Homo Sapiens are the snap-shot result of a long line of genetic mutations in primates. First came bipedalism, then came larger brains and tool-use.

Given another several hundred thousand to few million years, it's likely that our descendants will evolve into a completely different species as most species are constantly evolving. Eventually, our descendants may take a form that would be unrecognizable to us.

The different races seen among homo sapiens are due to environmental factors. When homo sapiens first migrated out of sub-Saharan Africa to different climates, various mutations offered better chances of survival and therefore breeding. The different races around the world are a very simple and obvious example of evolution that should be simple enough to accept.

The first thing you have to accept before any of this information can be grasped is: anatomically-modern homo sapiens have only been around for 200,000 years. Behaviorally-modern homo sapiens have only been around for 50,000 years. The first evidence of bipedal primates is from around 4 million years ago... so try to wrap your head around how long it took for us to go from a primate, or "monkey" as you like to say, to an anatomically/behaviorally-modern human. The main piece that's so hard for most people to grasp is the amount of TIME we're talking about. It's unfathomably long.

The reason the dingdong in your video got such half-hearted answers is because he was trying to get a simple answer to a very complex question and his smart-assed way of responding to people made it obvious that he was just trying to make his own point and not actually looking for an answer. If someone like that approached me on the street with a camera, I'd tell them to piss off instead of getting suckered into internet mockery. I'm not going to give a scientific lecture to some wanker on the street that walks up to me and sticks a camera in my face.

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: AnuTyr

You can still have reproductive organs. But you can design them as well. It's called artificial design.
I said nothing about reproductive organs.
As long as there is sexual reproduction there is the opportunity for evolution.

What about you Phage. Any proof of Macro evolution? Where do you stand on this issue, are you a believer? If you are, then why do you believe and what led you to believe?

I respect your opinion by the way, which is why I am specifically asking you. Everyone else has failed to give me a satisfactory answer, yet they still bleet on like they have proof for Macro evolution and I'm stupid for believing otherwise.

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: aynock

Macro evolution.


posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Atsbhct

We are the same Primate species yes...

But the Human species is seperate from the Gorilla species (for example)...

That's why its called Speciation... When different species "evolve" from an "ancestor".

That's why people bring up the "entirely new species line".

edit on 8-2-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

Did you just not want to answer what I had asked you?

Do you hold other beliefs of our origin to the same standards that you are trying to hold evolution to?

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

evidence of speciation - ignore it if you want to

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Phage

Not if all DNA is regulated like humans are planning very soon.

People will be required by law to marry the people they procreate with or by law have to become an authentic sperm doner. They will do this to absolve genetic defects by screening all DNA. So Evolution will become regulated.

This of course won't happen before society goes through a major scientific shift in life. Survalence is only just the Begining. They plan on having every human become a network of Information and as agents of their intention. Many ideas thought up by the major organizations are enacted for their own benefit. This stuff is coming to our near future, As we are continued to be stripped of rights ect. But Yes there is also a possiblity for Niche mutation.
But as it goes for our society and the totaltarian politics slithering through the rat den in parliment. With the bribs of corperations it's very likely we will reach this route if there isn't social unrest. but that's a whole nother issue in of itself.

I could imagine many empires of aliens Either cloning themselves or finding unorthodox methods of reproduction. So what we have might now may very well be phased out. We could become genderless as you mentioned. And just grow ourselves in cloning vats lol.

That's a horror story for another time. Let's just say that both possibilities exist. It is very possible to be stuck in an *evolutionary* Rutt cause by non other than artifical design, Flawed as it may or a masterpeice? We're going to find out as the sub human race in the shadows continues to tinker with human *evolution* via genetic manipulation and intergration and bio-technology and nano technology. What ever comes out of that. It's defently not *natural* Evolution lol. Well i guess Evolution honestly is the organisms willpower to want to change.

So in a way, intention through action causes change along with it's Enviroment which is the building blocks.

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