To begin, I want to include a DISCLAIMER: ATS people plz don't do drugs. drugs are b..b-bad, uhm'kay! REAL bad--mkay. I'm serial.
So, despite me being a super goody-two-shoes and a polly prissypants who excels academically, is involved in volunteering and helping my local
community and seems like totally the opposite of the type who one would normally see as the type of person who would have a run-in with the fuzz--
ATS I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE: I was arrested once before. *totally embarassed*
My fiance and I unwittingly took the fall for our friend (who isn't our friend any more but not because of this instance). Granted, I WAS in
possession of the 2cm by 1cm chunk of righteous chitown flame (which isn't even a full bowl) but I didn't buy it our friend did (it was his turn that
week) And my absentminded fiance somehow had our friend's pipe in his pocket...ugh i'm still irritated about that lol
Anyway, youth and foolishness aside--So they arrest me & my fiance (didn't read me my mirandas either)
my response to hearing the words "under arrest" were as follows: "NO."
i shiiit you not haha =X
i just blurted this out so loudly. they actually literally all froze, mid-handcuffing me and all of the cops were just looking at me like WHAAAAA lol
and then they just continued as if i hadn't said anything. Twas hilarious even then and even more so in retrospect. I actually had to stop myself from
giggling at the time because I was stunned that they had been so stunned by me saying NO. Haha well I guess I did say it rather commandingly. ^_^
granted, I was very cooperative but it just came out of my mouth right then without thinking. So what is 'resisting arrest'? Is it a physical
resistance or could it be verbal?
Btw my lawyer was my friend Anthony Cotton. He got the misdemeanor possession charge (which would have been criminal O.O yeah...I wanted to just die
when I found out) reduced to a MINOR TRAFFIC ORDINANCE VIOLATION. A TICKET. which isn't criminal at all. And that means that instead of paying $1500
or something for the misdemeanor I ONLY HAD TO PAY THE COURT $150. He even got the D.A to discount me so I didn't have to pay $230.
So coming back to the OP (i'm sorry i went on one of my monologues).
I think that this idea of the NYPD is a stupid idea and I think that they just want more money from tickets and court fees. Feels too "respect mah
authoriTIE"/Cartman-esque for me to be ok with them doing this. Just my 2 cents.
edit on 12-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason
edit on 12-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason
edit on 12-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason