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originally posted by: Foderalover
Funny how if you interchanged the word "woman" with the word "black" this thread would disappear so fast. I guess its ok to challenge the intellect of a woman but not a person of color, I guess this thread is sexist since the other would be racist? we are not allowed to ask questions any longer.
I don’t feel so harshly against men.
I don’t see it as insecurity, and I find that patronizing. I have been very active in discussion over the years with many men, here, in real life, and on various other forums. There are some opinions views and perspectives that come out as more prevalent amongst American males than others. A common accusation I get is that my husband is probably a “white knight” that has been dominated and manipulated by me to stroke my ego in order to get a unlimited source of sex. This is so common that to pretend it isn’t a highly probable response would be outright irrational.
Even having kids- you say women avoid physical risk out of fear for their beauty? You seem to have forgotten the risks of childbearing, the pain, and the unavoidable damage it does to our body! If we are objects on the market to you, as you say, we fall into the damaged goods mark down bin after that, and we know it.
Stop...stop again BluesMa...Stop. You mean this does not happen to men??? Their bodies and minds wearing out??? Unavoidable damage to men??? Spiritually as well as physically???
This is not worthy of you and your intellect. For it is obvious that you are a deep thinker and that is good. Otherwise I would not have spent so much time replying to you..but this of which you describe is not a one sex thing.
Ah, then I see this, and recognize it is within this context that you shall read what I have written. Nothing I can do about that then, even if I asked my husband to come here and bare witness to what I have said, you'd probably say he had been manipulated by me to believe it himself. All you can do is really look inside and see if, as a young man, you didn't have the urge to face challenges and test your strength and abilities in real life situations....
I would agree, this aspect of male vulnerability is not emphasized in our culture at large.
But is that so much the fault of women, or of men who refuse to acknowledge it?
"Women only make .70 cents for every dollar men make for the same work."
Men as well as women only wish to acknowledge that they are strong, that they are totally independent. Inter-dependance is not something to search for or acknowledge.
originally posted by: orangetom1999
I remember years ago.I dated a woman with two children. She drove a van. One day she came over and told me she had a problem with her van..would I take a look at it?? I did and quickly determined that she had a bad rear universal joint. Did I know how to fix it? I told her she should take it to a garage to get it fixed.
Could I fix it for her??...sure I could. I have the garage and all the tools to so do. But I knew enough not to run that touchdown . She got it fixed some time somewhere on her own.
That was the beginning of my application of not running touchdowns after first learning of the principle in subtlety at work. I was not interested in being that white knight or running the touchdown.
Once todays women want a man who is more sensitive than they ..hence high maintenance and or competition for "feelings??"
originally posted by: orangetom1999
The look on the average male's face when I ask the interesting to observe. Many times it is one of astonishment. It is obvious that it has never occurred to them. They are so one track...touchdown minded. And I think many women know this.
Well Bluesma..there is a problem here ..historically..
Independent???? What happened to .."These two shall become as one flesh???"
Are you seeing a problem here or is it to Occult??
I must get some things done about here...and go see my elderly parents.
I guess I can look from your point of view and see why you see it that way. Then I also jump back into my own shoes, and see it from my way, which is- There are lots of men that enjoy exercising and using their skills in mechanics, and jump at any chance to do so. I guess you'd call that touchdown, but they will do that for other men as well as women. So she wondered if, by chance, you might be one of those men.
There are also women who love being an emotional support to others, of either sex, and will be quick to accept any opportunity to do so. (as I write this, I guess I realize I am of this type). So if someone I know asks me if they can talk to me about some current problems, and bend my ear, I will accept it gladly. Believe it or not, I can be a good listener (but that can't be recognized in this medium without some feedback to show I actually listened carefully).
She has the right to turn down that request, just as you had the right to turn down the request made of you.
As long as she didn't try to force you. But I don't think it is fair to call those who would accept such a request as doing some sort of dance for the other- if an activity interests you, you might be accepting such opportunities because you enjoy doing it.
The patronizing tone I rejected was the ones which along the lines of "oh come on, if you are intelligent, you will see things my way and agree with me." People can be intelligent, and yet also have an opposing opinion. My philosopher father has his best friends who he recognizes are "brilliant" and yet they have some very big disagreements on things that they enjoy debating.
I don't want to enter the topic of abortion, but I appreciate your letting me know where you were coming from and the influences of your responses.
I must admit, you've mentioned competition for feelings a couple of times, and I am pretty vague on what that means?
What is competative feeling?
But on what todays women want- yeah I guess a lot of women hope for finding the perfectly balanced emotionally and intellectually mature man, but not anymore than men hope to find the the ready made, emotionally and intellectually balanced woman.... but that isn't going to be very easy when you're young, and not even aware of your own immaturity yourself and how that interacts with another's.
Um, I pointed it out in the context of it being a problem ... was that not clear?
The american mantra of independence, individuality above all! Becomes a real obstacle to relationships.
It is also one of the reasons I point an accusing finger at the feminists of the '70's cultural revolution, who , in my view, tried to abolish femininity in exchange for their high value upon masculinity.
originally posted by: orangetom1999
It obviously never occurs to most men that running touchdowns is very similar in thinking.
I must continue to 'Try out for attention..." to be seen by various rescuing..even at great expense and risk.
For most women I have ever met...they do not want to raise a man in the feelings department. It is ok the other way around and a man support her feelings..but not so much females support his feelings except within a narrow female framework.
This is a significant social difference in males and females and one often hidden and concealed within the dogma of equality...but it passes unequal...unseen..unnoticed...undiscussed...Occult.
originally posted by: orangetom1999
I taught a couple of males to break the mold with their teaching them the "No Oil Shortage " dogma.
These guys , in small talk, often lamented their women coming to them with the argument..."You only come to me for one thing!!" They did not understand it and I told them how to handle it...Their women could silence them by this technique. I was astonished by this.
I taught them that this is a strategy of many women to go to the next step and increase their value to these males in the marketplace. To get a male to fall into the female control run that next touchdown for her by strategy.
The answer to this maneuver was to tell her that she is not sitting on the only one in town. That you knew women who's only skill is taking off their clothes and some of them would gladly take off their clothes for you to show that she is not sitting on the only one in town. That you can get women to take off their clothes. That you expect much much more from a woman than taking off their clothes..because you know that there is no "Oil Shortage " going on out here.
What she is trying to do is substitute in your mind as a male ...the value of Piece for Peace. She is stereotyping in trying to maneuver you as a male.
Your responses are thought provoking, on this. Because it is something I run into often and find it strange that many males will absolutely share this view and not even grasp what I am saying. I suggested a person might get pleasure working on mechanical devices- completely disassociated from who owns it and who might be observing. That they may do that for that reason- not to impress a female.
To pull this back to the topic- do men ever write, or speak, solely for the pleasure they get out of doing the act?
Or does it always fall into the intent to get recognition in some way from others?
"femme enfant" enfantine
When my children were in school, I was shocked to observe repeatedly that a behavioral problem by a child was immediately assumed to be some sort of problem with the mother- either she is not disciplining enough, or too much, but in any case, the father was never mentioned or looked into. No questions asked like "Is the father present in the home? Is he taking a part in the childs education?" The paternal figure just isn't considered so much a key in the education of the children and the harmony of the family.
But let's be honest- most american men don't like the idea of getting any guidance from another, and surely not their mate.
Back to the Individualist values again.....
Oh I disagree in such a big way here!!!
A woman who says "You only come to me for one thing" is often expressing that she sees the relationship as an exchange, but not of "sex for material provision". She usually is saying she wants some dialogue, and some emotional baggage sharing- she wants to do her part in the relationship, but he is not sharing that load with her.
You feel no guilt about stirring feelings of distrust and animosity between partners by telling them such things??
A woman could easily (and they often do) ask, why do men seem to have trouble expressing themselves emotionally?
originally posted by: orangetom1999
Ya woman of this type..under emotions/stress...looks on a man as a success object who will flash dance her to success without her risk taking. These women did not care how it was done ..only the results necessary to get them out of the pit stop area and back onto the track. They did not care now much emotional satisfaction in other arenas for which you deprive yourself by rescuing them.
Or conversely you can debate this as capitalism at work. Either way ..I don't think this male was that fast in thinking..only reacting to a stimulus.
For females place a much higher value on socialization than do most males. This translates into leverage if properly used.
I am aware of this in Europe ..also in England and now Australia. The Male in those societies and social structure is not considered important..and is disposable and expendable..not considered or factored in. This is the direction desired to go here in American we built the great socialist utopia.
In I need to accomplish my assigned tasks and defaults and then help her with hers as well as her other pursuits. This because socially I am expected to do more social constructs..but I get no social defaults in return. In short does equality have a different meaning to some and not to others. A double standard.
I was raised doing addition to traditional male, cleaning, sewing, and washing clothes et al..are not new experiences or knowledge to me.
originally posted by: orangetom1999
I cannot believe you are asking me this question. She is preying on what she perceives as a vulnerability of a man with an Oil shortage type order to get leverage..raise her value in the marketplace...leverage...when only offering a transient thing?? And you want to talk about distrust and animosity??? "You come to me for only one thing."
If a woman does not respect this in a man...he is finished...she will raise the bar on him often and expect him to default/jump...not think.
These two guys learned to think differently. The fact that their women learned to drop the issue...means that they got caught...and don't want further light brought on the issue. I've had the same results.
originally posted by: Eunuchorn
This thread is the epitome of TLDR, lol