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North Korea Vows "Final Nuclear Doom" in Most Recent Threat to US

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posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 08:18 PM
I hope this hasn't been posted already, but I was just breezing through youtube videos yesterday and saw the ones about the remote viewers, and they all agree that WW3 starts with North Korea dropping nukes on South Korea in a fit of rage. We get angry because of the many thousands of our military that get vaporized so we nuke them in retaliation.

Because China is bound to NK with a mutual protection agreement, they strike us (and Japan gets it too), and away we all go.

Again, whether you believe it or not, all the remote viewers agree that North Korea starts it. Litte Man syndrome and the hubris of idiots will kill us all.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 08:18 AM
Good morning everyone. Hope all is well.
So yesterday, I watched the "Vice Guide to North Korea" through this thread. DPRK is more bizarre than I had even previously realized.
As far as launching ANY strike, I can't subscribe to the notion that they would do so against our country, or military bases abroad, LET ALONE our mainland.
Now, some people, including NK defectors, have recently claimed that the DPRK's true agenda is to invade the South and "unite" Korea.
I don't see their nuclear threats or tests as currently being anything more than their typical sabre rattling. Also, if they were to really attempt to invade the South, I believe that they would utilize the tunnels that have been built underneath the DMZ as their means of doing so. As far as a military strike of any kind, no matter who it is against, I don't firmly believe that they would use their nuclear arms.
They would have to be BEYOND insane to do so...but then again, after watching the Vice documentary, I also can't 100% put it past them actually. I just see it as more of a last ditch effort if they were getting their asses handed to them in a military conflict.

Good day.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 08:41 AM
North Korea has no nukes to drop on anybody.

The massive standing army of North Korea only poses a threat to South Korea and Japan. Mostly the North Korean military is a threat to the people of North Korea.

There are real existential threats to North America. None of them come from North Korea. Any time taken for hand-wringing over the perceived threats posed by North Korea is time taken away from solving real, actual, problems that plague this nation daily.

Eyes on the prize people.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Leonidas

Did you carry out the inspection yourself?
How do you know how far they have progressed with weapons miniaturisation since their nuclear tests some years ago?
Have you checked everything going into the country to ensure that no weapons have been transferred from anywhere?

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: AgentSmith

There was no nuclear detonation. Proven to be false. Massive explosion, no radioactive signature.

They don't have a bomb because they haven't used it.

America has NOTHING to fear from North Korea. Going back to the Kim-il Sung, they rattle the sabre, and get a basket of goodies from America. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush W. all played along.

Any worry about North Korea is a distraction. Don't be distracted. There is nothing to worry about from N. Korea. Nothing. I guarantee it. Take it to the bank, bet what you want, I will play.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Leonidas
a reply to: AgentSmith

There was no nuclear detonation. Proven to be false. Massive explosion, no radioactive signature.

I think you're thinking of the articles doing the rounds straight after, but they're out of date.

The CTBTO’s radionuclide network has made a significant detection of radioactive noble gases that could be attributed to the nuclear test announced by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on 12 February 2013.
The detection was made at the radionuclide station in Takasaki, Japan, located at around 1,000 kilometres, or 620 miles, from the DPRK test site. Lower levels were picked up at another station in Ussuriysk, Russia. Two radioactive isotopes of the noble gas xenon were identified, xenon-131m and xenon-133, which provide reliable information on the nuclear nature of the source.
The ratio of the detected xenon isotopes is consistent with a nuclear fission event occurring more than 50 days before the detection (nuclear fission can occur in both nuclear explosions and nuclear energy production). This coincides very well with announced nuclear test by the DPRK that occurred on 12 February 2013, 55 days before the measurement.

They don't have a bomb because they haven't used it.

Don't really get that, going with that logic then every country with nukes would be using them..

America has NOTHING to fear from North Korea. Going back to the Kim-il Sung, they rattle the sabre, and get a basket of goodies from America. Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush W. all played along.

I think the Romans, Nazis, Mayans, etc, etc all had that attitude once....

Any worry about North Korea is a distraction. Don't be distracted. There is nothing to worry about from N. Korea. Nothing. I guarantee it. Take it to the bank, bet what you want, I will play.

I'm not distracted, I don't put all my eggs in one basket and keep an eye on everything. The threat of EMP from rogue nations and groups is something constantly overlooked. It's a shame the EMP commission report was released on the same day as the (postponed) 9/11 Commission report pushing it into the background and away from the public - almost like people are being distracted from the threat...

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 10:48 AM
- There is no consensus that either the 2006 nor the 2009 detonations were nuclear explosions. It seems that there is reliable evidence that the 2006 explosion was a "dirty bomb".

- North Korea is not Russia, America, Britain, France, Israel, India or even Pakistan. Even the very short list of North Korean allies would not allow North Korea to possess such a weapon, no matter how unwieldy or impossible it was to deliver. The instant China or any other tacitly supportive nation believed NK had a weapon and a method to deliver it, they would instantly have to physically defend it's existence.

They, other than the other nuclear nations would have to "use it or lose it"

- Romans, Maya, Nazis...and uh, North Korea? The decline and fall of those ancient nations, empires, city states are all well know and documented and have nothing to do with what we are talking about on any level what-so-ever.

The North Korean "machine" is designed and built to terrorize South Korea and keep Japan on it's toes. Ever since 1950, it has cast America as the Far-away-and-unknown boogey man.

I agree with you that North Korea is a rogue nation and a threat to it's neighbours - our allies - but other than a very faint and temporary black eye it posses no existential threat to America. At all.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Leonidas

Can you tell us in a nutshell why we cannot reach some sort of a peaceable agreement with NK ??? I mean....we wiped out a bunch of N. Americans in our past and everyone stayed friends with us. From what Dennis Rodman had to say about his visits with their sounds like their leader is trying to build a better society for his people. Can't we help them with that in some way. I mean we can pick on them about their saber rattling all we want but we are no better than they are if we can't come up with a new solution to this problem. I mean for all I know they might just want more Crunchy Cheetos and we won't give them anymore.
edit on 10-2-2015 by HarryJoy because: add

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 12:47 PM
I just want to add and clarify a little about what I said. The Cheetos remark is simply stating that they may just want access to commodities that would help them to build a more pleasant society for the people. I have stated in other threads that I feel NK is in the best position to be a shining example of what a society "could" be like if it had a wise leader that truly cared about his people. I feel that they have a good chance to develop a self-sustaining environmentally responsible society. That would be a shining example to the rest of the world.

If that is the type of assistance that he would like and we are not helping....then I would say woe to us.

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:35 PM
I just pray that NK does not have some kind of super virus that they will unleash on everyone. They are crazy enough to do it. Not too worried about them otherwise. 1 nuke from them will garner 1000 from the US.

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:47 PM
At this point, I'm not much worried about North Korea...

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