posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to:
Silcone Synapse
Eh, bears don't live everywhere. And doesn't everyone already know what bears look like? I sure know that I do. I mean, if you've been to a museum
or a zoo then you know how big a bear is and how it would look standing up. I don't think you could mistake that for some huge monster that you have
never seen before ever and couldn't have even imagined.
I mean, maybe SOME of them are bears walking upright. But I'd say that that must be a minority of sightings from backwards people who haven't been
to a museum or zoo and who don't have the internet and who don't know what a bear looks like so much so that seeing a bear inspires fear of the
UNKNOWN in them lol
Just my take on that. Granted, I've seen that wolf thing so I'm a bit biased.