A very interesting article,
thanks OP.
Although the article cites Facebook and mentions Twitter, I have no doubt whatsoever that they will target sites such as ATS and similar; and
specifically ATS itself. After all it is the Web's "Largest and most popular website for Cover-Up and Conspiricy Theories".
The article says it is to "meet the challenges of modern conflict and warfare", i.e. web-based personal opinion and "It can also be seen as a response
to events of the last year that include Russia’s actions in Ukraine, in particular Crimea, and Islamic State’s (Isis) takeover of large swaths of
Syria and Iraq." Whist true that such groups like ISIS do use social media to spread their hate and attempt to sway readers to collusion and, as such,
need to be counter-acted, I agree with the overall sentiment of the posters here that it can also/ may also be used on enquiring, free-thinking minds
to push any agenda/ view of any given political or social policy and also corrupt any views to the contrary.
Also, as others have pointed out re: the identifing of home-based (UK) political "dissidents" or activists who will not conform to a viewpoint that
every fibre of their decent, educated being says is wrong or dangerous: being UK based, they can concentrate on UK members and work on identifying
them in real life- ala info (rough location, age, sex, remarks about if they have children and how many, brothers and/or sisters, their locations-
gleened from posts- comments, photos etc. For example, how many 36 yr old females live in Redditch, (gleened from a remark/ posted photo), say have
four kids AND a brother in Kurdistan? Narrows it down, does it not?
In regards to spotting them from their probable avatars, page 1 of the thread, (I've had fun with this one), I seriously doubt they will be so
blatant or stupid???? as to use the obvious:
For me, a stupid/ ineffective shill would be one who: consistantly takes the same approach toward a certain topic, even when what they are posting is
blatently misinfo, rewritten history/ facts/ out-of-context quoates, yet interwoven with some truths. Combining this with a certain idiotic username,
e.g. "iamashillpaidbygovernment"/ "soliderofthe77th Brigade"/ "007jamesbondwannabe". An avatar thus: a picture of a Bond/ the 007 Logo/ one of the Ms/
Qs etc. or the iconic "gun barrel scene/ one of the more famous Bond gadgets/ his family Coat-of-Arms and/or motto or indeed a photo of G.C.H.Q.. Add
to this Registered: (very soon after the story being referenced in this thread), Location: MI6/ SIS/ G.C.H.Q./ Universal Exports/ Vauxhall Cross &/or
85 Albert Embankment (MI6's address)/ Pett Bottom, Kent (where JB grew up) etc. Mood: Spying/ Shilling/ Derailing/ Setting my own agenda/ Vesper
Martini/ Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred etc.
edit on 2/2/2015 by Seeker7 because: Spelling
edit on 2/2/2015 by Seeker7 because: inserted missing quotation