posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 04:19 PM
State Sponsored Malware research project
I was hoping to find some other tech-inclined ATSers to help out with a serious collaborative research effort to catalog all known state sponsored
malware. After phase one is finished, we will convert our entries into an easily updatable XML definition file. Our final goal is to release an open
source, peer reviewed application capable of detecting, removing or immunizing against the specific agent in question.
Currently, we need knowledgeable people in the areas of: malware, IT security, data integrity, database architecture, programming, and
multi-environment OS operations.
Anyone interested in helping out? This is a serious project that will likely require several hours per week of research, programming, code review and
so forth.
Warning: not for the technologically faint of heart
Thanks in advance! I really look forward to collaborating with my esteemed peers at ATS.