So basically, i've been having weird "visions " lately and they are very frequent now;
They usually happen when im really tired, and i close my eyes but havent quite fallen asleep yet.
Although prolonged meditation has provided visions.
Mostly i see random faces, lights, and hear voices.
Faces: these are random faces, people ive never seen before, and theyre so distinct and detailed that youd have to see it to believe it.
Lights: ive seen sacred gemoetry in 3d form vibrating and pulsing with a weird electric sounds.
Also i see random sparks of light, and a royal blue/purple blob is the most frequent thing i see on a consistent basis.
Voices: sometimes its random voices. One time i heard "youre leaving" when i got scared and just wanted to sleep lol.
Also ONE time i asked "can you hear me" and i did get a "i can hear you" only one time. During this time i had a HUGE headache when the voice said
that (i used to get apulse type headache everytime i heard a voice now i dont)
Places: this one is the craziest/best.
I see so many crazy things i have no idea how i would think of them. I see vast places as big as miles! With crazy scenery but also i have random
visions for example:
One time i seen a lot of people with business suits in a city walking perfectly in sync it was so crazy lol.
And then theres deja vu:
When i was little i would have a dream, then like 2-3 years later it would come true, hence deja vu.
Now these things are becoming way more frequent like months/weeks and sometimes even days.
Some Dreams recently arent EXACTLY like what happens, but they predict what happens in general. examples are too many.
The reason for this topic: i had the weirdest case of deja vu ever.
Yesterday i was in my car sriving and i remember the exact dream i had was what i was doing and the conversations on the talk radio is what sparked
that memory, i was able to complete them and my grandpa was in the passenger seat like wtf?lol.
The weird part was, in my dream i said "wow this is deja vu" so it basically was like a third time maybe?
Idk, lets start off with a simple question, am i going crazy? Lol
edit on 29-1-2015 by A1nth0ny because: (no reason given)