posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 11:57 PM
Dragonrider, I am shocked with American masonry, because not due to race but rather ritual, Freemasonry and Prince Hall masonry, do not get along.
At first it was race but again, that's the people, not Masonry, now though American Grand Lodges will not recognize Prince Hall Lodges under the main
principle that Prince Hall masonry has a different initiation.
So Masons from the two jurisdictions can not just prove they are masons, and go into a lodge, they have to go through all the degrees.
Some states I think, though maybe not, have accepted Prince Hall Lodges, and I do believe GLoE has recognized Prince Hall Masonry. But they've
recognized them for a long time.
Recognition is an "individual" thing. Every Grand Lodge gives their tyler a book of recognized lodges, if your lodge isn't in that book, then you
no matter what doccumentation you present, can not be admited as a Mason.
Basically a lodge is not recognized when the lodge does not follow the "ancient landmarks" or follow the specific rules for joining, for instance
the Grand Lodge of the Orient in France, which allows Athiests in, is not at all recognized by ANY masonic lodge.
This Dragonrider is why you will find few blacks in Masonry in the States, because most all go to Prince Hall Masonry out of choice.
Just so you know there are minorities in my lodge, and I know of Black masons in a few lodges up the river from here.
They just aren't as common as many Masons would like to see.
But a compromise in the States just isn't being found.
A little more explaination, because it can be confusing.
Is just because say the Grand Lodge of England recognizes your Grand Lodge, does not mean you can go to any lodge. If you go to a Grand Lodge that is
recognized by the GLoE, but does not recognize your Grand Lodge then you can't be considered a mason in that jurisdiction.
But again, the reasons for not being recognized are not petty quarrels, they are usually serious breeches of what Masonry means, and thus almost NO
Grand Lodge will recognize you, for instance, Grand Lodge of the Orient.
The exception for the Prince Hall Lodges, is rooted in history. Interesting read, should you like to look up on it.