posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 02:33 AM
Does this sound like some kind of devious cleanup operation to anyone else?
Let's toss in a few of the more relevant pieces of information.....
1. We're dealing with Obama (liar, con man, deceiver extraordinaire)
2. Obama wants to make friends with Cuba. The communist country that almost started WW3 back when the US had the common sense to oppose
totalitarianism and communism. No surprise there. Some of us have been saying Obama was a communist/socialist.
3. Gitmo now comes into the picture. Everything about Gitmo has been sketchy since 9/11 (at least).
4. This would be a great way for the US government to sort of change the topic and the narrative when it comes to the whole Gitmo thing. Who knows
what they'll actually claim they're doing but you can almost bet it will be a lie.
5. Is there any reason at all why we even need to make friends with these people? No. It's completely random and unnecessary. Unless you want to
normalize relations with communists. Which wouldn't be surprising after everything that's happened and now that communists are openly advocating for
totalitarian government in the United States. They still kind of hide behind different names like "progressives" or whatever but they don't put a
lot of effort into camouflaging themselves like they used to. The scary part is they no longer need to. Their propaganda has been successful in
convincing a lot of people that they're harmless and they mean well. Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Communists have never been
harmless even if they believed they were doing something good.