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Why do people fake pics?

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posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:43 PM
i know i'm fairly knew to the forums, but have always wondered what compells people to fake pictures of aliens / UFOs. is it just a sense of empowerment that you can fool people?

are people just trying to show their skills at photoshop?

it seems that this is the worst thing possible for the conspiracy community. do any of you fully believe that you have seen a real picture that has not been altered in any way?

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Good question!!!!

Because they want to show up with their work of art, and they want to feel special. Such behaviour definately lacks morality, and these people never learnt to achieve any little effort in their life. They are among the low-level scum in every human society. !!

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:49 PM
people do it either as a joke or an attempt to gain notoriety or merely to see what they can get away with.

I've seen plenty of ufo's in pictures. They are merely objects which cannot be identified. doesn't make them alien craft although it also doesn't mean they aren't.

take a look at billy meyer and a few of the other folks who seem to be visited on a thrice weekly basis and seem to have all the answers and yet their "proof" is rather flimsy and often looks like something Ed Wood would reject as too phony. They make a living off of their "images."

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:57 PM
The motives of why people make a hoax thats a hard one. I think alot of hoaxer get some kind of pride in their work when they fool some people.

There are many pictures that have not been altered in any way though. Look at the mexico city sightings which were seen by thousands of people and video taped by more then on person. Granted this was video footage which is harder to fake but having many eye witnesses helps find the fakes out.

Also experts can tell if a picture has been altered if they examine it closely. It might fool the average person but not the experts. But its harder to tell a fake when they take a picture of a real object made to look like something eles. Like the famous Lochness picture that was fake. There was a real thing that looked like a sea monster but it was only a toy sub made to look like nessie. The photo was not altered but it was still a hoax.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 12:58 PM
I'd answer your question but I wouldn't want to get scolded by one of the mods for discussing something that's already been discussed on this board. I shutter to think of the dire consequences that doing so would bring about. I'm not bashing all mods here, but some of you guys need to get a life!


posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Good point ShadowXIX.

i was reading through the posts last night when i saw a thread where you were asked to submit your best fake. This seems to be the best possible option for conspiracy theorists as a whole - it allows people to show off their abilities while at the same time, forcing us as individuals to understand how photos are faked (or hoaxs).

Does anyone have any other ideas for how to help identify hoaxes and/or to prevent these fakes from becoming so wide-spread?

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 01:08 PM
maegman, sometimes we do it because we're invited to. Look at this site:

Most of the people on that site believe that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. I don't happen to believe in that, but it was still fun to take a couple of pictures, 'shop them together, and make up a story.

I was up front and said right away that it was a fake; it's the people who don't do that who are cheating.

BTW, here's my UFO picture:

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 01:29 PM
A few weeks ago i took some pictures of the moon with my mobile camera phone thingy.. and when i looked at the pictures they looked like id taken pictures of a ufo! it was a bright light in a dark sky with an aura around it... it looked impresive.. even though it was the moon.. neverless i told my work friends that i saw a ufo and i have pictures etc.. it was quite fun, but i deleated the pictures and that was that, but it really angers me when people fake ufo pictures.. it makes the whole ufo subject look like a joke...even though i did it... that dosent count

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
maegman, sometimes we do it because we're invited to. Look at this site:

Most of the people on that site believe that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. I don't happen to believe in that, but it was still fun to take a couple of pictures, 'shop them together, and make up a story.

I was up front and said right away that it was a fake; it's the people who don't do that who are cheating.

BTW, here's my UFO picture:

Oi! just a minute Buddy, that thread is called "faking pictures section" its fundamentally understood that pictures there ,explained up front or nor are deliberate fakes for the sake of entertainment. Are you saying above, that anyone there who didnt say "heres my FAKE" is cheating?

maybe im misunderstanding and you mean folk in general who post pics alledged to be ufos, but dont say there fake?

how did like my pics anyway? i thought they looked good.

[edit on 013131p://56121 by instar]

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 08:09 PM
Instar, you're right. Anything on that particular thread was assumed to be a fake. the problem is that most of the fake pictures of UFOs and Little Space Ship Guys are put forward as actully the real thing.

And yes, I liked your stuff, too.

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