posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to:
First of all, there is already a thread on this:
Secondly, while this is certainly very interesting, I'm not sure why you say it is "Big News". What do you mean by Big News?
11 billion year old solar systems are not that surprising. I suppose we should have expected to find some (although it is still exciting when we
actually do find some).
Considering that our solar system was built from the remains of ancient stars that went supernova in the past, it wouldn't surprise me if some of
those ancient exploded stars that gave birth to our solar system included planets -- maybe even ancient earth-like planets.
10 billion years ago, there were still solar systems with 2nd generation stars -- which are the systems that could include the heavy elements required
for rocky planets similar to Earth. 2nd generation stars are required for this, because it is those stars that had other 1st generation stars come
before it. It is the death of these 2nd generation stars (in supernova explosions) that create the all of the elements from iron to heavier ones.
We already know that most of the atoms in our bodies (other than Hydrogen and and some helium) were created inside these stars, but maybe some of
those atoms were also parts of long-gone planets.
edit on 1/28/2015 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)