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Breaking: Courts Discreetly Confirm MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

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posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: purplemer

This is not breaking news. Your sources are from 2013.

They did not confirm, nor deny that these vaccines are what cause autism.

This entire story is misleading and somewhat false. Not surprised however, since Natural News is a terrible source.


Oh come on...tptb have been virtually screaming that autism and vaccine are in no way shape or form linked, even to the point of ruining credible doctors careers and reputations who have dared to speak out about possible links..and here we have cloak and dagger court proceedings for vaccine harm, and they.. "did not confirm, nor deny that these vaccines are what cause autism"...and you don't see a total dichotomy in these two positions?

1. Total denial of a link between vaccination and autism

2. No denial of a link between vaccination and autism, and sealed court records.

And you reckon these cases are misleading and false?

Blimey, your apparent blind faith in mega profit corporations and weak, crooked politicians is something to behold, especially in the face of the dialogue and facts of actual court cases on autism and vaccination links, being all but kept secret when huge pay awards in compensation ensue.

There is a link between autism and vaccinations..BUT it doesn't happen to everyone. Why that is, is unknown to me. Why some kids are damaged for life, die, become mentally disabled following a vaccination and most do not is not known, but the point is, this does happen to a minority of those receiving the vaccinations.

At the VERY least, the facts ought to be made available to the public, so parents can make and informed choice for their families, are aware of the potential risk of mental and physical damage that 'may' occur after vaccination.

If it transpires that 0.0001% of children WILL be negatively affected, even to the point of death, then parents can make a determination and risk analysis based on factual data.

Keeping quiet about the numbers that are damaged or worse, even if that number is comparatively small compared to the amount of vaccines given in total, only creates distrust and suspicion that the actual numbers are much higher than they really are. Parents have the absolute right to know the truth, and the right to make an informed determination regarding the health of their families.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:15 AM
I don't get the hype over measles, mumps and chickenpox, I had everyone as a kid and it barely phased me at the time. Yes, some have gotten very sick and died, but other diseases are far worse, just the common flu is worse. I'm willing to believe that riding bicycles and winter sledding has more child victims than these childhood diseases. Some people are so sensitive to so many things, a cut or simple infection can kill them.

Another thing, is it possible that this outbreak came from a new virulent strain that may not be as effectively controlled by vaccinations? Maybe those kids from S.A., coming across the border have some connection. I bet many are heading to California, and there are many that have been sent all over the country.

Not enough information to make any connections like I posted above, but much study is needed in my opinion. I'm not ready to commit to any of this hype until more facts are gathered.
edit on 28-1-2015 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: MysterX

.and you don't see a total dichotomy in these two positions

I don't, considering I understand what happened. The courts ruled in favor of the family, because the kids, reacted to a KNOWN SIDE EFFECT of the vaccine. That was not hidden, nor denied to be real by the company.

1. Total denial of a link between vaccination and autism

2. No denial of a link between vaccination and autism, and sealed court records.

There is no credible, peer reviewed science to state that such things exist. Which is why they don't claim they do.

Blimey, your apparent blind faith in mega profit corporations and weak, crooked politicians is something to behold, especially in the face of the dialogue and facts of actual court cases on autism and vaccination links, being all but kept secret when huge pay awards in compensation ensue.

Again, nothing secret. They paid money for a known side effect. They would have appealed had they considered it anything less than just.

There is a link between autism and vaccinations..BUT it doesn't happen to everyone. Why that is, is unknown to me.

Yes, cause there are known side effects. It's not known to very many people. Actually, without any peer reviewed research, it's not known to anybody. So please await the proper science, before screaming about things you don't yet have information for.

At the VERY least, the facts ought to be made available to the public, so parents can make and informed choice for their families, are aware of the potential risk of mental and physical damage that 'may' occur after vaccination.

And they have been. Known side effects, are known, which means disclosed or talked about. The rest aren't, because there isn't concrete, peer reviewed research. What is hard to understand about this?

If it transpires that 0.0001% of children WILL be negatively affected, even to the point of death, then parents can make a determination and risk analysis based on factual data.

And they do, again, risks are known, to the current extent of science, or scientists willing to study it. Parents have every ability to be informed about what's going on. Nothing is being kept from them, in this context.

Parents have the absolute right to know the truth, and the right to make an informed determination regarding the health of their families.

Informed indeed. Instead of making emotional judgements based on junk science and misunderstanding of a court case.


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: MysterX

I would like to staple this to the heads of every Government Health minister and those involved in forcing parents the MMR vaccine on our children.

Keeping quiet about the numbers that are damaged or worse, even if that number is comparatively small compared to the amount of vaccines given in total, only creates distrust and suspicion that the actual numbers are much higher than they really are. Parents have the absolute right to know the truth, and the right to make an informed determination regarding the health of their families.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: DjembeJedi

The thread is not about if vaccines should be taken or not. It is about a link between vaccines and autism.

How was Dr. Andrew Wakefield was proven to be falsified looked like a smear to me. You want evidennce how about the CDC whistblow..

The CDC’s own censored scientists and studies prove the link exists. Thanks to CDC whistleblower and vaccine-autism researcher for the agency, Dr. William W. Thompson, the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism has been proven. What’s also been proven is the link between CDC executives and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations they appear to be secretly working for.

Was he falisfying information too..?

happy days


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I would make a detailed reply and address the rather weak points you've made, but what would be the use?

Your mind is made up...without scientific peer reviewed science based data i might add.

Good luck to you and yours. I sincerely hope you or yours are not part of the %.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Well to be fair he just used the articles title

I agree, natural news is a horrible source.

Perhaps the OP can find a more reputable source?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: MysterX

lol i dont think tenth is one of the 1%


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

This is a conspiracy site people need to read between the lines. Evidently there is a link that the company is aware of but the government denying why else would the government refuse to release the doucments.

You want to know why you are not finding a lot of science in support of this. Its because there has been a coverup and the falsificaiton of information.

Have a read about this CDC whistleblower if you have time...

Happy days


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: MysterX

I would make a detailed reply and address the rather weak points you've made, but what would be the use?

You're right, you'd still be wrong. Also the mark of somebody who lost an argument.

Your mind is made up...without scientific peer reviewed science based data i might add.

I've made up my mind, to not believe in nonsense, in the absence, of peer reviewed science. Why you would choose to do otherwise is beyond me.

Good luck to you and yours. I sincerely hope you or yours are not part of the %.

Well considering my husband is a pediatrician, who is quite familiar with the science, and the community that science is done in, I'll probably take his word or, research for that matter, more seriously than some hyperbolic misunderstanding, based on a 2 year story.

But the fact remains, I'm correct in my previous post. The courts did NOT 'prove that autism and this vaccine are linked". All it proved was that a pharmaceutical company was willing to pay out over known side effects.

Those two things, are completely different.


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: purplemer

I'm sure there's a link. There are side effects, some better known than others. More research needs to be done.

But the whole anti-vaccination campaign is mostly built upon hyperbolic, misunderstandings of science. And it's dangerous to us all to carry on like Vaccines are bad and don't do any good for us.

That's all I'm trying to combat.


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

Thank you.

I can only go by my own personal experiences.

A healthy, happy and developmentally normal little boy, a cousin of my Wife, had the MMR..within a couple of days he was fitting, head banging and showing very distressed and aggressive behaviour...his Mum took him back to the GP's surgery where they got the jab and the waiting room was full of people who his Mum had seen getting MMR vaccines only a few days earlier. After speaking with a few of the parents, they confirmed their children were showing similar symptoms to her Son, soon after getting the MMR vaccine there..coincidence?

Possibly, some on here would argue there wasn't a link, since no person in a white coat and lab goggles had performed a scientific analysis and had his or her work peer reviewed...but the power of discernment is a valuable ally i think.

Neither of my children have had any vaccinations, nor will they.

They are both top of their respective classes at school...have inquisitive, enquiring, ration and logical minds..and they are very keen on asking lots and lots of questions, showing an active interest in a wide range of topics.

Their classmates have mostly all been vaccinated with the usual UK round of jabs..and cause all sorts of disruption to the class, don't do homework, don't ask questions (much) don't show an interest in anything other than console games or football, and have a very lacklustre desire to learn anything much at all.

Can i prove a link between their..let's say subdued capacity for learning or mental exercises and the vaccination they received at various points in their young lives?, i cannot.

But, i can use discernment, we all can. Peer reviewed science isn't the holy grail, it isn't the font of all knowledge and most certainly is not removed from the foibles and pitfalls of human nature and greed / self advancement / preservation etc.

If it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, the chances are it is probably going to be a duck.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

You're right, you'd still be wrong. Also the mark of somebody who lost an argument.

That's absolutely fine with me mate. I can lose arguments all day because of wrong assumptions or incorrect grammar or terminology, or incorrect facts...i could do it every day for a year and still be ok with that...losing a child due to ignorant blind faith is another matter entirely.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:39 AM
Natural News have made lots of things up in the past, and they're making this up too.

False false false I'm afraid.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: paraphi

In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour

Nearly 100% of measles deaths happen in Sub-Saharan Africa and India. Malnutrition, exposure to industrial toxins are to blame.
The death rate was plummeting in the West before the vaccine was introduced due to better hygiene and nutrition.

If the vaccine is so great, why does Pharma and the administering Dr. enjoy 100% legal immunity and even when you can get a judgement through the vaccine injury court system the results are essentially secret? Open up the court records and the "private" research records from Pharma and we'll see who is lying and/or crazy won't we?
edit on 28-1-2015 by InverseLookingGlass because: image

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:42 AM
"But, i can use discernment, we all can. Peer reviewed science isn't the holy grail,"

Well, actually it is. Your computer and internet don't work because individuals used discernment, they work because peer reviewed science is the gold standard by which all science everywhere works. And is proven to work. So that we don't have to rely on things like 'gut-feelings' and 'beliefs'. Peer reviewed science is the process by which we can demonstrate truths about the world.

And there is no peer-reviewed science that says MMR causes Autism.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Yeah I get it. My son has a relatively rare auto immune disorder we think was in part caused, due to reactions of vaccinations received at 2, 4, 6,8 and 12 months. What's known as the booster shots.

Our two youngest have not received certain vaccines, precisely because we do not have blind faith in big pharma.


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Painterz

And there is no peer-reviewed science that says MMR causes Autism

Maybe not but there are peep reviewed scientist who say there has been data manipulation and a large govenrmental cover up concerning the issue...

The CDC’s own censored scientists and studies prove the link exists. Thanks to CDC whistleblower and vaccine-autism researcher for the agency, Dr. William W. Thompson, the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism has been proven. What’s also been proven is the link between CDC executives and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations they appear to be secretly working for.

kind regards


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: Painterz
Natural News have made lots of things up in the past, and they're making this up too.

False false false I'm afraid.

whys it false are you saying the court case never took place..?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Here you go 2the10th;

This supports your claims and this is fairly recent (2014) this has been extensively studied at Oxford

MMR and Autism: the facts
There is now overwhelming proof that there is no link between the MMR and autism, a developmental disorder which is normally diagnosed in pre-school children. Below is a list of recent studies and their findings (click on the links to view the abstracts of the scientific papers):
An analysis of studies involving over 1 million children has found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism development in children. It also found no evidence of a link between thiomersal and autism development (Taylor et al., 2014).
There is no increased incidence of autism in children vaccinated with MMR compared with unvaccinated children (Farrington et al., 2001; Madsen and Vestergaard, 2004).
There is no clustering of the onset of symptoms of autism in the period following MMR vaccination (Taylor et al., 1999; Mäkelä et al., 2002).
The increase in the reported incidence of autism preceded the use of MMR in the UK (Taylor et al., 1999).
The incidence of autism continued to rise after 1993 in Japan despite withdrawal of MMR (Honda et al., 2005)
There is no correlation between the rate of autism and MMR vaccine coverage in either the UK (Kaye et al., 2001) or the USA (Dales et al., 2001)
There is no difference between the proportion of children with a regressive form of autism (i.e. who appear to develop normally but then lose speech and social skills between around 15 and 30 months) who develop autism having had MMR compared with those who develop autism without vaccination (Fombonne and Chakrabarti, 2001; Taylor et al., 2002).
There is no difference between the proportion of children developing autism having had MMR who have associated bowel symptoms compared with those who develop autism without vaccination (Fombonne and Chakrabarti, 2001; Taylor et al., 2002)
No vaccine virus can be detected in children with autism using the most sensitive methods available (Afzal et al., 2006; D’Souza et al., 2006).

I still maintain I make a choice to not get the shot so those who may have read me argue against vaccinations this is in no way hypocrisy, I am just bringing forth scientifically based study relevant to the topic.

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