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Swamp Ape/ Bigfoot... Some compelling video taken in Jan 2015.

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posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: Tangerine
So what did you do when the bear charged you? Or when the mountain lion watched you? And what do you think you will do if you ran into a what looks like a bear but may be a Bigfoot in a swamp while on a canoe. Start making noises and paddle in circles to scare it away? Obviously if it was not a hoax whatever it was, it was not that concerned with it being spoted, maybe because it just did not care. Or maybe because if they came closer it was quite confident of its ability to rip there heads off. Who know eh? If anything its actions point that it was more annoyed it had to leave to another spot now then anything else.

No offense but i am not sure what your trying to say. I would assume that if a bear charged you, you would have shot it. That or run away, and if it did not catch you. That's one lazy bear, probably was not serious about killing you. And mountain cats prowling. Well its what they do, they scope things out first, if you see it or sense it near, its not likely hunting you. But as for running into something in a canoe in a swamp. I dont really know what you expect people to do. Stand up and shout at it or something?

And people forget all kinds of things, park rangers are people. I see no reason why a video which may be a hoax may concern them or anybody else for that matter. For all you know, everybody including the guy who took the vid may have forgotten about it by now.

What I'm trying to say is that, contrary to your suspicions I have had experience with wildlife. The bear wasn't serious about killing me or I'd be dead. He stopped short after charging. What I honestly did was ask myself, "What would Steve Irwin do?" By the time I finished that thought, the bear had stopped. However, if I'd had a camera and the bear was going the other way, I would have videotaped him.

I know you want to believe that's a Sasquatch. I would personally like to see a videotape of one. I'm just not convinced that this is it.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Tangerine

The sound link you provided doesn't match the video. There's rowing sounds throughout that were not present in the video and the boat was clearly stationary in the video. Do you have sound from the start of the video?

I did the sound analyses. My post here will give some context to the sound clip and why I did only that part of the video. If I amplified the entire clip like I did the voices, the loud "bangs" from the paddles would seriously distort the sound. I had to amplify the voice(s) by 30-40 decibels to get them at the volume where they are now - and it's still very soft. So the "rowing sounds" you hear in the sound clip isn't clearly audible in the video because it was amplified along with the voices. I can however assure you that the sound is from the video.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: Gemwolf

originally posted by: Tangerine

The sound link you provided doesn't match the video. There's rowing sounds throughout that were not present in the video and the boat was clearly stationary in the video. Do you have sound from the start of the video?

I did the sound analyses. My post here will give some context to the sound clip and why I did only that part of the video. If I amplified the entire clip like I did the voices, the loud "bangs" from the paddles would seriously distort the sound. I had to amplify the voice(s) by 30-40 decibels to get them at the volume where they are now - and it's still very soft. So the "rowing sounds" you hear in the sound clip isn't clearly audible in the video because it was amplified along with the voices. I can however assure you that the sound is from the video.

As far as I can tell--and correct me if you see it differently--the boat was sitting still while the video was being shot, but the audio you have amplified clearly sounds like someone was rowing and bumping the boat with the oars. IF the boat was, in fact, being rowed while the the video was being shot and the oars were making banging sounds, the "creature" surely would have heard the boat coming. That lessens the likelihood that it was anything other than a person in a costume. I do believe you that the sound is from the video. Thanks for doing this work. How many people do you think were talking in the video?

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

It's not really possible to say whether the boat was sitting completely still from the video as the movement of the "cameraman" does not necessarily have to coincide with the movement of the boat. I'm guessing there are two people in the canoe. The one at the front is taking the video, with the oars out of the water, and the person at the back has his oars in the water making small corrections to keep the boat straight or in a good position. Watch the video again - specifically 1:03 to 1:22. By this time the "creature" already noticed them and was walking away, and by the end of the clip (where the "let's go" is heard) the camera isn't even filming the "creature" yet.

There is a loud bang at the beginning of the clip (more or less the time the "creature" slams on the water) after which it looks directly at the camera (well as far as you can make out). There is no doubt that the creature heard them and therefore walked away (perhaps the fact that it walked and didn't run is another tell?). If they were quieter they could perhaps have presented a much longer and better video - if it is indeed real.
edit on 3/2/2015 by Gemwolf because: WW

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Gemwolf

On whether or not the subject ran, walked or bolted due to the presence of the videographer..

If sasquatch exists we can all agree it must have extraordinary senses to have remained as a cryptoid aka avoid humans..
So whatever your take...Yes it saw them and knew they were there.
Secondly...Is "bolting" or "running" even possible for any creature in that terrain?

At the end of the day the video is insufficient. Not close enough, not long enough, not the necessary location context for people to fully examine the spot for depth, circumstances...potential hair samples left as it moved through tangled brush, footprints in muddy ground.

The above insufficiencies are either by intent to support a hoax or have rational explanations.

My opinion is that it is a good hoax and unfortunately that looks like that and any conclusions will remain "opinion" unless the videographer offers further evidence and context.

A good exercise for critical thinking.

I used to have an enthusiastic interest in Bigfoot and the potential for a North American primate having survived the spread of civilization, but in the age of ubiquitous cell phone cameras, cheap trail cams, go pro's et al. solid evidence has not emerged...which leads me to believe that the Bigfoot Phenomena is likely an instinctual relic, a ticklish part of collective conscientiousness and imagination, wired into our brains through evolution as a result of the millennia we spent on this planet competing with other humanoids...

For example, researchers now recognize that Neanderthals were actually quite sophisticated. The full history of prehuman species is significantly more complicated, with numerous branches that may or may not have led to modern humans. What's more, emerging evidence has shown that there were more of our "cousins" living on the planet at the time of Neanderthals. A branch known as Denisovans has been discovered that, based on DNA analysis, is distinct from both human and Neanderthal lineage, yet some of its DNA lives on today in human DNA. Yet another branch is Homo floresiensis, popularly known as the "hobbit" fossil, which may have survived until as recently as 18,000 BCE (although there is still debate on whether or not it is a non-human specimen -- see below). Recent updates on these developments are available in two Scientific American articles [Harmon2013; Wood2014].

We spent thousands of years fearing the "Other" wilder, bigger humanoid species on the planet while fighting for dominance and survival..I believe it has hard wired a special place in out collective imagination and explains legend, myth, and current natural interest in bigfoot.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Gemwolf

The other thing that kinda catches me off guard about the audio. after you hear the second lets go, i also heard what sounds like the start of a high pitched giggle like oyu would when you are trying to hide one. just my two cents though.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: AbandonFaieth

The very first time I listened to the audio after I amplified it, I thought I heard laughter as well. It was, however, too soft, and there are too many other loud noises to properly isolate it, so I lost interest. Perhaps I'll invest some time in trying to find laughter or whatever sound that was. It'll have to wait for tomorrow though.

LoL. As I typed that, I realized how it sounds: "Let's all try and find the laughter!"

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

You provide an interesting and credible analysis. Although I think it is possible that a large "undiscovered" species (or more than one) of a Bigfoot type exists (a look on a map at the Cascade mountain range will show how extensive it is, for example), I also think these encounters may be of a paranormal, interdimensional or projection of the collective unconscious nature. Many people think physical remnants such as footprints rule that out, but that's not true. The same is true of UFOs which have been researched for about 70 years without an iota of testable evidence forthcoming. I don't for a minute think everyone is lying about sightings of UFOs or Bigfoot but they may not be entirely physical.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Tangerine
a reply to: Indigo5

You provide an interesting and credible analysis. Although I think it is possible that a large "undiscovered" species (or more than one) of a Bigfoot type exists (a look on a map at the Cascade mountain range will show how extensive it is, for example), I also think these encounters may be of a paranormal, interdimensional or projection of the collective unconscious nature. Many people think physical remnants such as footprints rule that out, but that's not true. The same is true of UFOs which have been researched for about 70 years without an iota of testable evidence forthcoming. I don't for a minute think everyone is lying about sightings of UFOs or Bigfoot but they may not be entirely physical.

Perhaps an ET pulling over on an intergalactic road trip to let the wookie out for a potty break. Planet earth might be considered noting more than a patch of grass beside the rest stop

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Gemwolf

Earlier post in thread/email from the site that received the video first (See underlined portion)

originally posted by: Vasa Croe the following are the responses I got back from the site. They are checking with the guy to see if it is ok for me to contact him. The following are copy/paste emails.

My email to the site:

I would like to find out if there is more video than what is shown as well as possibly contact the individual that filmed this animal in the swamp. There is an ongoing discussion on this video on and while I have always been a bigfoot skeptic, this video appears to have a lot going for it.

I mainly just want to find out if there is a longer version of this video, such as the lead up to the encounter and the aftermath, as well as possibly being able to find out the name of the park ranger he spoke with to confirm the story.


First Response:

thank you for contacting us.

My name is XXXXXXXX and I'm the news editor at Cryptozoology News.

When Matt was interviewed on Monday, he told us about the moments prior and after the event taking place. However, he did not have the footage to backup that part of the testimony, other than the provided video shown on the website. To the best of our knowledge, that's the entire footage taken that day. What we gathered from the interview is that he turned on the camera when he noticed the alleged animal, then turned it off when he started paddling away.

The video was sent as a .mov file with a 720p resolution through Google Drive due to, he stated, the excessive size of it. Its size was a total of 88.0 MB.

Additionally, if it's of some value to your current discussion at the forum, something that wasn't mentioned in the article is that he did not tell us who the other person on the canoe was, even though we had clearly asked. Also, If you listen closely, there's some sort of laughter-- could be just nervous laughter-- at the end of the video.

Another thing I found quite interesting was that the writing pattern and choice of words used by the witness also resembled those of the early January witness who had claimed to have taken a picture of another creature at the same exact place.

I will have to ask Matt to see if he'd be willing to allow me to provide you with his contact information.

I will let you know as soon as he replies.

In the mean time, please feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

Best regards

Second response follow up:

Sorry it appears that I missed one of your questions from your previous e-mail.

He did not disclose the park ranger's identity either. He also said that he "wasn't looking for attention".

He contacted us Monday 26, 2015 at 7.04 PM. Just a little later that day we published the article and uploaded the raw file to YouTube. I forgot to mention that the file was unedited and presented it to our readers as it was sent to us.

Also, of special importance and as originally stated further within the article, the witness said that the alleged creature went down into the waters as they were leaving the area and were not able to see it emerging again.

We were able to determine, by IP means, that the man was near the location he claimed to be. However, the IP address did not match the one belonging to the mentioned early January witness. Also, Matt claimed to work as a tree service worker in Wimauma.

We have contacted the subject asking for permission to release his contact information over to you.

XXXXXXX, again, please don't hesitate to let me know if you or any of the members being part of the discussion have further questions.

So...doesn't lend any more credibility, but doesn't really hurt it either. It seems they are being just as skeptical of it as I am and trying to be a bit objective.

edit on 3-2-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

He isn't getting a drink with his hand. He is smacking the snakes or a smaller Gators head on a log to kill it and then he carries it away. This is my neck of the woods and this just happens to be the same type swamp I had my run in with Bigfoot, skunk ape is an insult to them.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

At the end of the video the one guy says lets get out of here. No laughing, maybe you were hearing birds.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
a reply to: Vasa Croe

He isn't getting a drink with his hand. He is smacking the snakes or a smaller Gators head on a log to kill it and then he carries it away. This is my neck of the woods and this just happens to be the same type swamp I had my run in with Bigfoot, skunk ape is an insult to them. long as you're sure.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:26 PM
I'm certainly no expert on Bigfoot or video manipulation but this is one of the best videos I've seen.
My eyes aren't nearly as sharp as some so I don't see what some are claiming to see. Maybe I need a bigger monitor---but it is a very interesting show nonetheless.
I have no idea what the creature is but my gut instinct in watching isn't yelling "Hoax!" Like a lot of other folk, I would have been finding a way to get as far as possible if I encountered a critter like this in the middle of a swamp.
Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Gemwolf
a reply to: AbandonFaieth

The very first time I listened to the audio after I amplified it, I thought I heard laughter as well. It was, however, too soft, and there are too many other loud noises to properly isolate it, so I lost interest. Perhaps I'll invest some time in trying to find laughter or whatever sound that was. It'll have to wait for tomorrow though.

LoL. As I typed that, I realized how it sounds: "Let's all try and find the laughter!"

Down here we have Mocking birds, no telling what sounds will come out of their yappers. I know for a fact Bigfoot is real and he lives where people do not go.

I have hunted this area of Florida my whole adult life and only ran into ONE. When I was younger a friend and I had over a thousand acres of land to hunt by ourselves all year long. I noticed the deer would walk out of a swap, never leave the swamp waters surrounding it and go right back in. They thought they were being sneaky but their hoofs would make tracks that stood out like a silver dollar, as they would only displace the silt over the sand and leave us perfect tracks.

One day it was cold but not freezing cold so we bravely walked back into the swamp water till we were chest deep at one point with arms up high and our shotguns pointed down at the water in-case a snake or gator came to visit. I know it was dumb but at that time I discovered the holy grail.

It was like stepping into another world. There were deer beds everywhere in waist deep water like little islands in the sea. Dirt had accumulated in small areas, some surrounded by Cypress stumps with tall grass all mashed down making some very comfortable beds. These deer had to swim to get to their beds and they did this every day!! Now just imagine what Bigfoot does!

There is no doubt in my mind that Bigfoot does the same thing and only the people who do this will ever find them.

I have caught deer leaving the swamp just by the noise they make leaving the water and if your a deer hunter your a fool for not finding where they walk out and sitting right there.

I had my run in with Bigfoot back around 2006. I was walking down an old logging trail through a swamp. It was a small one or two person wide trail just above the swamp water in the dry season. I was stalking deer I had seen the weekend prior with a friend. I had just caught sight of some hogs on the trail in front of me, it was pretty grown over in places so I crouched down to get a better look at them when all of a sudden King Kong was charging at me from my left. I seriously about shat myself. I turned my gun so fast in that direction i was lucky to hold onto it lol.

I have never in my life heard what I heard that day and I hope I don't again, unless I have four or more friends with me, with guns. Nothing can compare really to what a large male Bigfoot sounds like when he is charging through the woods. Bigfoot the monster truck would be a good description without the engine noise that is.

Lucky for me he stopped before he got right on top of me. He was obviously just warning me I was not wanted there, probably cause he wanted the pigs for himself and I got in his way or he just wanted me gone, I don't know but he was pissed and I was not moving till I knew he wasn't coming at me again. We were in a Mexican stand off for what seemed like an hour but was probably ten minutes or less. It was getting dark so I made the decision to back out of there really slow that way I had a chance if he decided to charge at me again.

I got maybe 50 yards and I heard him following me in a flanking maneuver or off to my side which did not make me happy at all. I then decided I needed to run back to the main road where I had the advantage if he really wanted to mess with me. When I got to the lime rock road we drove in on, I was out of breath. I just got down in a prone position and waited for the big basterd to show himself cause I was in fight mode now. I was out of gas and tired of it, lucky for him he smartly did not step out onto the road because he would have got a 150 grain 30.06 right in the chest and another if he did not drop. I had five to give him and I was glad I did not have to shoot one.

I have not hunted since! Don't get me wrong, I love the woods and nothing will keep me away from them, you just will never catch me out there before sunrise or close to sunset without friends lol. I also don't like killing deer anymore, they act just like dogs and I love my dogs. When I was hunting I never seen that side of them, thanks to YouTube I have. In a #F situation that will the first thing I will go for though cause they taste great.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
I'm certainly no expert on Bigfoot or video manipulation but this is one of the best videos I've seen.
My eyes aren't nearly as sharp as some so I don't see what some are claiming to see. Maybe I need a bigger monitor---but it is a very interesting show nonetheless.
I have no idea what the creature is but my gut instinct in watching isn't yelling "Hoax!" Like a lot of other folk, I would have been finding a way to get as far as possible if I encountered a critter like this in the middle of a swamp.
Thanks for posting.

The Mayor of Tampa has seen it and says its the best evidence he has seen yet. I think so as-well, given Todd Standings videos might be a huge Hoax. The one has the same lips he does lol. I know I will never go back in the woods without a camera again.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Gemwolf

It's not really possible to say whether the boat was sitting completely still from the video as the movement of the "cameraman" does not necessarily have to coincide with the movement of the boat.

Seriously? You cant hear the chain of the anchor being pulled up? They were sitting still, as still as you can in a Canoe that is.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 01:17 AM
Even if this was a legit Bigfoot, this video is not clear evidence in any stretch of the imagination. It's too far away and their exists not a shred of physical evidence to back up any assumptions.

And, to top it off Matt has walked away from providing his partners name in the canoe or providing the Rangers name he talked to. With Matt's help maybe the location could be studied for feces or travel paths, etc. But, Matt is not providing assistance and the investigators are not willing to press him or question him and his partner on the trip in an objective way. Legitimate bigfoot researchers get lumped in with these poor researchers and it's not fair.

This video is more of a Rorschach test of a persons willingness to believe without clear evidence. You see in it what you already think.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

The Mayor of Tampa has seen it and says its the best evidence he has seen yet.

Do you have a source for that?

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Indigo5

Thanks for pointing the mention of laughter out in the correspondence.

Even so, I pulled the sound from the (apparent) original video. I amplified the entire clip with about 35 dB - anything more and the entire clip distorts. I put a hard limit on, so the distortion on the loud sounds is less. I don't hear any laughter. Anyone else interested, you can download the entire amplified clip here:

TinyUpload 1.3 MB MP3 file - you may get a pop-up ad.


a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

I can't say I'm familiar with the sound (at around 16-20 seconds into the original video?), but it may very well be an anchor being pulled up, moved, dropped, or not at all. Impossible to tell. If it is indeed an anchor being pulled up, it changes everything. However, if you watch the original uncropped video you'll notice that they are indeed moving forward, albeit rather slow.


originally posted by: thepixelpusher
And, to top it off Matt has walked away from providing his partners name in the canoe or providing the Rangers name he talked to. With Matt's help maybe the location could be studied for feces or travel paths, etc. But, Matt is not providing assistance and the investigators are not willing to press him or question him and his partner on the trip in an objective way. Legitimate bigfoot researchers get lumped in with these poor researchers and it's not fair.

I agree with most of your post. I'd just like to point out that apparently the coordinates are known to

Further research confirmed Matt’s identity. Additionally, Cryptozoology News was able to obtain the coordinates for the exact location where the video was filmed.

So if someone isn't sharing, it's Cryptozoology News... One of the "Bigfoot Researches" also claimed that he would be visiting the park with a perfect view of the place.
That would be Tim Fasano. Claims to have been at the spot here. Not a very scientific or even informative claim/study... In my opinion.

And on a side note, it was pretty easy to track down Matt on the Internet/social sites, etc. once his surname was revealed. From a certain social website's profile I wouldn't picture Matt as the hoaxer type. Or even outdoorsy for that matter. Again. Only my opinion - no facts to be presented.


a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Thanks for sharing your story. Why not create a thread about it, and we can have some Q&As. I know I have a question or two. That way we won't derail this thread.

Your story does however prove that people are - uhm - crazy (?) enough to walk/wade through the dangerous swamps...
edit on 4/2/2015 by Gemwolf because: Readability formatting

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