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Why are we judged so harshly?

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posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: IngyBall

Hey Millennial, Gen X in da house.

What's I see actually going on right now is an attempt to divide the generations. I was doing some tech research, and differences are endlessly being emphasized in marketing materials. I read today that Baby boomers are interested in "relationships", while we do "email" and you do "digital multimedia". Of course its a stereotype - I know boomers, and in fact older still, WWII era greatest generation members who are total Facebook addicts, as they claim only Millennials are. People are pretty much people.

But these narratives are creating a lot of friction, and have an agenda behind them. They want to describe youth as "technologically aware" and "hip" and "ahead of the curve" on things, because they want to advance agendas that would have been rejected all throughout American history by any wise mature persons, who've seen the wickedness of the world, with the hope that naive youth will accept them. Here is an example of that sort of marketing. The old are stupid and paranoid, and only the young understand technology. But the reality, the seniors have enough world knowledge to know how compromised you are when you share that much data, as youth are unknowingly constantly doing with their phones. It has played out with nations across the world. Think information sharing makes you powerful? Then look at the two most powerful nations on earth, America and China, and tell me what their internal geo-political strategies are. You can't, because those were decided at high levels inside the CIA, Pentagon, and Chinese intelligence agencies. Powerful groups keep their information to themselves. Want to know Liberia, or some other poor/powerless nations strategy? If you paid Stratfor enough, you could probably find out. Because these nation's information is compromised, which goes with being weak and powerless.

Being young is cool - you get to be gorgeous, healthy, with your whole life ahead of you. Behind old is cool, you get to know a whole lot more than when you were young, and enjoy more subtle pleasures. My advice to break this game they are setting up - and it goes for young and old - is really to see the value of all people, and refuse to let them divide us.

edit on 26-1-2015 by tridentblue because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: nullafides

[ If friends won't stop friends from using blatantly poor english...who will? Should we trust anything to them? ]

I love it when people get on their high horse and proceed to make asses of themselves.

At least I'm aware that my writing isn't perfect. Yours is subpar. You shouldn't be lecturing anyone. Go ahead and pick my writing to pieces, I'm sure I've made an error or two. I bet you'll be the guy that says my post is ironic and doesn't realize irony is using that word incorrectly.


OP, this happens with every generation. Every generation deserves criticism, but it seems that the older you get the more you forget that the generations before you thought you acted like an idiot.

If the naysayers were right humanity would never advance. Technology would never advance.

Change is hard.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: IngyBall

I'll "play nicer" this time so you understand what is being said...

What is it about the criticism of your generation that makes you think it is so detrimental to you all that it would cause you to fail...

You have admitted that every generation has had to deal with admonishment...

& we can attest that we are no worse off for it...

So why should your generation get a pass?

Are you more sensitive?
Do you need to be wrapped in bubbles?

Because that would only invalidate your point as well!

Thick skin... & common sense...
That's what you need...

Not a life without criticism.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:48 PM
Your generation has it too easy. When I was your age we had to do chores before and after school. There was no internet, no cell phones, and we watched a black and white tv if we were rich enough to afford one. If we were lucky and lived in or near a major city, we could pick up 3 channels, NBC, ABC, and CBS. Some of us had transistor radios that we could listen to baseball games on, or football take your pick. That was a major highlight for me was listening to baseball.
We had potato soup for lunch during poor times in the summer, macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner, and oatmeal cereal for breakfast. Fast food? What is that? Drive thru? never heard of it. A great Saturday afternoon was getting a root beer float at the A&W root beer stand. Sunday was always BBQ chicken at home and we loved it. Saturday night was Taco night by popular demand. We sat at a table as a family and ate meals. We didn't know what a "Hot Pocket" was. We didn't have a microwave. They weren't invented then. Meal time was gathering time for the family. Whatever we were doing we stopped when Mom called out that "Supper's Ready!" This was every day. We did our homework when we came home from school before we were allowed to do anything else. After dinner we played outside or inside. We had an early bedtime that was set every night and we got up early every morning. We went to church on Sundays, and Sunday School. Families that pray together stay together.
We grew our own organic garden before organics were trendy and popular. We had friends from church that were farmers and we drank fresh milk and ate fresh butter, beef, poultry, and pork.
We said prayer around the table at meal time and every night at bed time. We canned our own food, made our own clothes, and my 3 sisters wore hand-me-downs..I was the only boy.
You see, the whole culture was different back then. Today we're in an experimental culture that has changed exponentially over the past 50 years. This experiment has yet to be decided. There is hardly any comparison of the past generation to this generation. This generation has to have instant gratification. Everything NOW. People are addicted to their cell phones, video games, and social media. It won't play out well. People are only social on a superficial level. The issues that matter in our lives aren't even talked about. Today's generation doesn't care as long as they have netflix or whatever their entertainment source is. We don't gather together to solve problems. When I started I wasn't planning on typing this much but it just started to flow. Didn't mean to get carried away.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: tridentblue

This is exactly my point, My generations shouldn't be talked down upon, and though I've never seen people say old people are inept with technology, though I'm sure it exist, but I do see the splitting of young vs old in our society and I want it to stop. By the way, can you guys guess which age group plays the most games? hint it's not teenage boys.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:59 PM
The bulk of the dislike for the younger generations have to do with the generic superiority complex (every teenager that ever lived has had one at some point) In other words, you really haven't been around long enough to be so high up on a self-pedestal yet. Secondly, and most importantly, entitlement complexes. I'm 90's teen, and you, that coattails generation, is quite different from ours, and much more spoiled, catered to & rife with the entitlement complex ("I deserve X because I say so" etc)

It's more than just age, young padawan. It's a lot more than age. Changes in how your generation was reared verses older generations is a big, big thing to consider.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:00 AM
who cares bro, their gunna get old and continue to age. Many of the old people now will be on life support in a decade.

Just enjoy your life now, your friends at school. And enjoy being young because one day you will be a decrepit old man as well.

Just like me one day. I was born in 1991 however. I still got plenty of years head of meh.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

We must embrace hardships as they are part of each of us. The only way to learn is to understand a mistake or hardship and why it became a problem. When one does this, call it dwelling, I prefer to call it learning, is how we avoid the next hardship and how we teach others to avoid the same.

Always good to remember the good times, the times we are blessed but if you fail to remember the hardships you are not prepared for the next one. Every generation blames the one before and the one after, we fail to take what each has provided and use it, improve it, or come up with a better way altogether.

Attempting to tell someone to just "stop it" doesn't work and never will. I said listen not because you don't but because I didn't always listen, it wasn't a barb or criticism, more of a reflection of myself. I have really not noticed the negativity you point out, after all it is the internet and hard to place inflections and tone in mere words especially for those of us not skilled in their use.

Criticism will never harm anyone. It has taken me a long time for me to realize this and I still forget that lesson at times, its the human in us. Listen to it and use what you can and will, and learn to discard the rest, as much of our criticism is petty, jealousy, and hurtful pride but on occasion you do manage to pick out a gem.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

Every single generation gets criticized by the previous generation.

It's a rite of passage... like acne and dorky yearbook photos.

Before you know it, you'll be the crotchety old fart waving your cane at the young reprobates of the world.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

Go get 'em tiger! Do all that you can do and be all that you can be. There has to be hope somewhere and hopefully we can find it in some of our youth.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Because I notice what negativity does, it makes things worse, I watch my own sister speak negatively of herself and I see her grades suffer because of it. I try to tell her to stop being negative, but I'm not always there when she is. Generations have all have their faults, I'm not saying ours can be perfect, but limiting the negativity will help limit the failures.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

There is nothing "negative" about admonishment.

It's a learning curve for growth as an Adult.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: IngyBall
a reply to: nullafides

So your saying my imperfectness invalidates my opinion/fact? Not to mention I'm sick in bed as I'm typing this. Show me one perfect person living on earth right now, since you seem to be saying you have to be perfect in order to state a fact or an opinion.

Here, have a cookie

Lub ya!


posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: AreUKiddingMe

It's not our fault that my generation grew up as technology advanced, you can blame greed for your generation not getting to grow up with that kind of technology. I have a pretty good hunch that if greed hadn't destroyed Tesla's plan of Free Energy, we would be living in a much different world. But, Tesal's goals didn't happen, but removing the negativity towards my generation, who some haven't even reached high school yet, will help my generation achieve those goals. Growing up being talked down upon by adults is not healthy for a child's/teen's growing mind.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

Every generation paves the way for the next. The technology available today would not be possible without the wisdom of generations past. Intelligence is relative in any era. Where would todays generation be without da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Hawkins and the like. They made a lot of things possible for generations that followed, as will your generation for the next.

But your music still sucks! Just kidding of course.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Hey, perhaps subpar as you so aptly put it, but at least I know how to use the past vs present tense of words.

Also, I typically am fairly anal about going back and checking things before posting. Moments after. Matter of fact, I've cursed the gods when I've caught a mistake I've made and no longer was able to go back into the post and edit it.


As for high horses and making asses out of one's self....well...

I could create a thread whining about how everyone thinks my generation sucks instead of saying what I did. How 'bout that ?

Would that make you feel all warm and gooey, you know, down there ?


posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:25 AM
Please allow me to be the first to say it....



posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: DJMSN

Unnecessary criticism does harm people. There is no need to judge a generation when as of right now less than half of them could vote, and even less of those people actually voted in 2012. I'm helping to encourage a 14 year old to limit her stress, and I found out that a lot of her stress came from not only classmates but teachers speaking negatively to her.There are times she doesn't feel special because teachers have called her stupid, I have had to tell her that everyone has a talent when they try their best. So don't tell me criticism is not harmful. Constructive criticism is different than regular criticism, and even that doesn't work for some people.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: IngyBall

Your point is noted and it does sound like I'm blaming you. It's an experiment in progress. You are the product of your life experiences. I've just seen the change in cultural values and the effects to date. The old farts are sitting in Washington DC and running the show. The whole thing is a train wreck waiting to happen, from the looks of things. I do see a lot of bright, very smart, enthusiastic young people coming onto the scene. It is up to them to be the guiding force for the next generation. I do have faith they will grow and take the reins and do what is needed, in the long run, hopefully better than their parents and grandparents have.
edit on 1 by AreUKiddingMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: mtnshredder

Yes, I know that I love most of those scientist, especially Tesla, but just think, how many more scientist, artist, politician etc would have changed the world for the better if they had not experienced negativity or criticism? I've always wondered what would of happened had Hitler had been accepted into the art school instead of joining the military and his infamous carer. Or what if Fidel Castro had been signed by the Yankees, I wonder what relations with Cuba would be like today.

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