a reply to:
Hey Millennial, Gen X in da house.
What's I see actually going on right now is an attempt to divide the generations. I was doing some tech research, and differences are endlessly being
emphasized in marketing materials. I read today that Baby boomers are interested in "relationships", while we do "email" and you do "digital
multimedia". Of course its a stereotype - I know boomers, and in fact older still, WWII era greatest generation members who are total Facebook
addicts, as they claim only Millennials are. People are pretty much people.
But these narratives are creating a lot of friction, and have an agenda behind them. They want to describe youth as "technologically aware" and "hip"
and "ahead of the curve" on things, because they want to advance agendas that would have been rejected all throughout American history by any wise
mature persons, who've seen the wickedness of the world, with the hope that naive youth will accept them.
Here is
an example of that sort of marketing. The old are stupid and paranoid, and only the young understand technology. But the reality, the seniors have
enough world knowledge to know how compromised you are when you share that much data, as youth are unknowingly constantly doing with their phones. It
has played out with nations across the world. Think information sharing makes you powerful? Then look at the two most powerful nations on earth,
America and China, and tell me what their internal geo-political strategies are. You can't, because those were decided at high levels inside the CIA,
Pentagon, and Chinese intelligence agencies.
Powerful groups keep their information to themselves. Want to know Liberia, or some other
poor/powerless nations strategy? If you paid Stratfor enough, you could probably find out. Because these nation's information is compromised, which
goes with being weak and powerless.
Being young is cool - you get to be gorgeous, healthy, with your whole life ahead of you. Behind old is cool, you get to know a whole lot more than
when you were young, and enjoy more subtle pleasures. My advice to break this game they are setting up - and it goes for young and old - is really to
see the value of all people, and refuse to let them divide us.
edit on 26-1-2015 by tridentblue because: (no reason given)