posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 08:08 PM
Do you find yourself coming to websites like this, listening to the radio, reading the newspaper, and anything else that seems like it might give you
hope that things have started changing for the better?
me too.
Do you find yourself wanting to express two or three thoughts at the same time, in response to these topics, before someone attempts to label your
thoughts as "for" or "against" some popular opinion, when you never intended to entirely condone or condemn the subject of discussion?
me too.
Do you find slightly assaulted and embarrassed when you come to this website and see three or four advertisements coming at your from all angles while
you're trying to read an thread or keep a train of thought, and the goddamn advertisements are randomly blaring audio at you..? have you noticed how
these ads don't even seem to attempt to reflect the general attitudes of the MEMBERS of this site (yanno.. the people who give the site a
reason to exist)...?
me too.
(and personally, I've NEVER clicked one of these ads. ever. how's that for a marketing statistic fellas?)
my point being: for a group of people who are supposedly so interested in "finding the Truth" and "saving the world", more and more it seems like
everyone on here is more interested in projecting their opinion and "developing their online personae" than any of the previously mentioned goals.
Is Conspiracy Theory like sports to most people on here? Is it really another just time-killing entertainment for people who are "debating" about
terrorists, drugs, politics, and/or trying to take "the righteous view" on every topic imaginable..
..just so long as we don't take a REAL stand on anything we feel passionate about?
I find more individual thought and earnest effort put into the "below top secret" forum these days, and than anywhere else, and it's just ironic.
Aren't we supposed to be here to "deny ignorance" or has it really just become a game of "exposing turds".. i don't really think they are
i mean Christ, does no one else find it hilarious/infuriating that if you donate $10 to this website, you're supposed to consider yourself a "junior
conspirator" and (yanno, if you REALLY care) if you donate $1000 you can consider yourself a "black project leader" or even better yet for
$2500 you can be "The Powers That Be"...?!?!
is it supposed to just all be a big joke..? Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians.. its just a big game where everyone is *really* on the same team?
somebody please explain THAT one to me haha..
i know that i am calling out ATS on ATS, but if it actually stands for what it claims to stand for (which ain't a whole lot these days) then i think
that these thoughts should be able to be considered valid.. I honestly lurked on this site for YEARS and it seemed like there was at least a few
interesting threads every day, but now its like.. maybe a few in a week that have any real information in them.. and that's if you can find them
amongst the diluted mess of constant new threads of opinion and arguing about dogma.
I come here to get a "man on the street" view of the world and find some news that THE PEOPLE find to be important..
but it seems like this site has become more of an addiction for a lot of people, instead of a tool. For every person who posts some original thoughts
and is sincerely looking for good information, it seems like there's 20 other people who are just out on the web to share what disgusts them, what
religion/philosophy they prefer (over all others), which recent current event is a "false flag" (without any hard evidence or even a 'i know a guy
on the inside who told me..'), which pop bands they love (more often than not, i see people still parading washed up crap like AC/DC, Journey,
Metallica, and recent bands that THE RADIO PLAYS... i don't care if people enjoy the music, but do you guys really think that these bands need
more advertising..?
ultimately, i am trying to say that maybe forum discussion itself is being used as a tool to distract people from taking any real ACTION that could
change things. Maybe we're being tricked into opting out of participating in history, in exchange for dicking around on the internet, trying to
shout the loudest, getting all tuckered out, and saying to yourself "well.. i did my part in attempting to be informed. Now i can relax and go back
to being a comfortable consumer"
I know that not a whole lot of people will read this, but if this makes just a couple of people reconsider the situation, i think some good will come
of it. I'm not saying we should just "give up" on trying to collaborate on refining our ideas on how the world should work, but i AM saying
that if we were serious about finding solutions and holding people accountable to practicing what they preached..
i think there might be a whole lot more threads like this one..
i don't claim to have the answers, but i do have quite a few questions..
here's a couple that I've been holding back on, over the last year:
-If Ebola could have been contained with 1 billion dollars, where are the people praising Bill Gates for his "philanthropy" in Africa? If i was
that guy, i would have said "here's a billion. take care of it and pay me back when you can."
-If ISIS is such a horrible entity, then why does a day not go by when they aren't discussed in detail? I know that something should be done about
that situation, but what does everyone think we can gain from reiterating the same thing over and over and over..? Will beating a dead horse fix the
problem, or do you think it just makes you look smart to "know things"..?
if you made it to the bottom, thanks for reading my thoughts, and I'd be glad to hear yours! What am i missing?