posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to:
it's quite possible is has a bacteria on it that was frozen in a sort of cryogenic sleep, from being out in deeper space temps and when it passes near
heat or radiation, the "bacteria" for lack of a better word, either warm up and spread or mutate or both... and over the course of billions of years
of; heating up and cooling down and being exposed to mutagenic radiation, that whatever possible bacteria it started out "as" could mutate into all
sorts of things and become like a biological bullet... like a spermiogenesis that spreads life through the universe. If this "biological-bullet" were
to strike a planet suitable for this bacteria to grow or get caught around a sun at the right orbital distance, and keep gaining mass to build into a
planet... then life would have been on the planet at the start of it's formation and slowly evolved from space particulates adding material to it...
it's also quite possible that both of these instances occur.
Perhaps all planets have this potential, and as they drift towards the systems sun they "awaken" when they are pulled into the habitable zone for
life. If so perhaps, looking for a past civilization on Mars is not a good idea... but the one with the extremely poisonous atmosphere called Venus
one planet closer to our sun... at our present technology we have an idea of how to colonize Mars and terraform it... not enough data to know if Venus
is really where we came from as a first earth, and we are currently on "Mars" as one planet collides with the sun... it may not be that "Ancient
Earthlings" were responsible for impossible structures but ancient "Venusians" but still "us" none the less... perhaps there was a catechism or
something that occurred that caused us to lose the tech, or "help" from the original mother earthlings remaining behind, but still managed to save
some of the writings?
If that is the case, then "Aliens" wouldn't have very far to travel at all to pay us a visit.
Science, when mixing in with known data, and unknown data for a complete picture in logic and rationality... can make for some really good logical fun
and reasoning especially when using rationale, legend, history and superstitionalistic tales
superstitionalistic... yeah I know that's not a real word but I like it.
edit on 26-1-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-1-2015 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no
reason given)