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Prescription drug comercials

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posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

I agree but most meds side effects they say can happen only effect a small percentage of the people who take them. most time the benefits outweigh the side effects. After 14 yrs I have found the meds that help me with no side effects.
edit on 1/26/2015 by catt3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: GetHyped

What is rare, about one percent is rare. But there are fifteen side effects listed so there are possibly up to five percent of people that could have one of these symptoms. The one percent is based on each symptom. Also, sometimes simple drugs cross react with the foods we eat to cause problems.

I think paracetamol is a cox 2 inhibitor. Turmeric is also a cox 2 inhibitor. so are other natural chemistries found in nature. There may be more ways paracetamol works but I can't remember what it does off hand.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:59 PM
originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: InTheLight

"May cause swelling of the face, hands, or eyes. In some cases, a rare but serious blood condition develops.

Yellowing of the skin and eyes.

[Insert drug name here] increases the chance of stroke and heart attack. Do not take [ insert drug name again] if you have a weakened immune system from conditions such as HIV."

And it goes on, and on, and on....

Horrifying, indeed! Have any of you been seeing the more and more frequent commercials for medicines that cause crazy negative effects and these law firms have class action suits? One was for a medicine that caused boys/men to develop female breasts. Pharmies are so sketch but people take them without hesitation as doctors prescribe more and more.... what in the world will it be next, pharmaceutical grade COMMON SENSE would be a good one!

Unfortunately girls can't sue that drug company because it's ok to grow bigger breasts, oh and one little secret they don't tell you is, girls don't get their menstrual cycle at all! Girls get messed up too, only it's ok, no one cares, they only care about men and boys. Whatever. I know, my daughter didn't get it for 2 years. We were about to see an endocrinologist to find what was wrong with her when an ER doctor decided to play ring around the autism meds and took her off of this particular medication. Two weeks later she got her cycle. No warning, no nothing, just BOOM!
edit on 1/28/2015 by Anyafaj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: catt3
a reply to: kosmicjack

I have taken a lot of different medications in the last 14 years and I haven't had many side effects, they do list them all to avoid lawsuits, but a very small percentage of people experience any of the side effects.

Unfortunately I'm one of those very small percentage. My body is destroyed from a surgery years and years ago, and it has decided to take it upon itself to go to war with itself. Oh so much fun. I used to never have problems with side effects until recently. In the last 3 years, if there is a side effect, you can darn well bet I will get it. I used to take Vicodin with no problem, now I get major side effects, so my dose is lowered, but I still have to take it for neuropathy and other pain problems. I have to take a muscle relaxer as well. I used to be able to take Flexural with no issue. Now I act like I have Parkinson's if I take it and don't eat. Period. The most I will have is half a pudding cup every 3 days. It destroys my appetite. Same with Zanaflex. My leg goes so weak I can't walk, I hallucinate, and again, no eating. I lost over 50 pounds between Flexural and Zanaflex. Now they have me on a low dose of Robaxin. Even with both the Vicodin and Robaxin, I'm still in severe pain, but I refuse to take more pain meds, because with my daughter being autistic, I do NOT want to be a zombie. Truthfully I'm suppose to be on a Morphine pain pump. Can you imagine me functioning on that?

sdhjhfhkwjkw. LOL Yeah. Not! I take 8 medications a day for various severe health issues. If you can believe it, I used to be on EIGHTEEN! Thankfully between the side effects and good doctors, we managed to get them down a little. If I could take none, I'd be happy. Unfortunately it's not feasible with chronic conditions.

That said get those dang commercials off the TV! WTH! Last I heard, some countries they were illegal. (I think England it's illegal to play those commercials, but I could be wrong and if I am, I'll apologize.) They should be illegal here, but of course money, money, money, will make sure that will never happen!

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:28 PM
i have never understood , nor seen any rational justification for the advertising of perscription drugs to the public

here [ the UK ] only OTC [ over the counter ] medications can be advertised to the public

i go to my doctor to tell him what my symptoms are - not to tell him what drugs i want

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: roth1

So Inherently Dangerous that Only Two Countries in the World Have Legalized This and the U.S. Is One of Them

What I'm talking about is direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, that barrage of ads you see on TV and in magazines and newspapers, or on the radio and Internet. They're ads telling you to run right out and ask your doctor if this or that pill would be right for you.

Some drug companies have even taken to advertising highly specialized medical devices, like heart stents.

It's a marketing bonanza that's turned America into a medicated mass of people who've been brain-washed into thinking that taking pills will make everything better―even for ailments you might not have. But it's a brilliant move for Big Pharma, who has now turned the consumer into their very own sales rep, and a persuasive one at that. Not only is there a correlation between the amount of money drug companies spend on DTC advertising and the brand of drug patients request from their physicians, but the data shows DTC advertising rapidly converts people into patients.

Among respondents who had seen a doctor with the past three months and remembered seeing an ad for a prescription drug, approximately 40-50 percent said that an advertisement for a prescription drug had caused them to seek more information, for example, about the drug and their health.

More than a quarter (27 percent) of survey respondents in the first survey and 18 percent in the second survey who had seen a doctor in the last three months said that an ad for a prescription drug had caused them to ask a doctor about a medical condition or illness that they had not talked to a doctor about before.

Approximately 7 percent of respondents said they visited their doctor because of something they read or saw, or because of an ad for a prescription drug.

Forty-two percent of respondents agreed strongly or somewhat agreed that DTC ads make it seem as though the drug will work for everyone.

About 75 percent believed that DTC ads caused patients to think the drug works better than it did, and many physicians felt some pressure to prescribe something when patients mentioned DTC ads.

Only 40 percent of physicians believed that patients understood well the possible risks and negative effects of an advertised drug from the DTC ad alone.

Eight percent of physicians felt very pressured and 20 percent felt somewhat pressured to prescribe the specific brand name drug when the patient asked the physician to do so.

America, where the pharmaceutical companies know better than your doctor.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: anonentity

In December 2011 I was hospitalized due to severely loud and scary visual/audible "hallucination". I regret not letting the doctors use a nueraleptic. I asked for something without side effects. The quack lied and said a new drug " latuda" was without side effects. My group home called my psychiatrist and said I couldn't return if risperdal was stopped. I told the doctor if I get any side effects I would sue him. He threatened me that he would claim harrassment. Within a week out I started twitching my neck. My voices got worse after 5 months. Again I was hospitalized and was put on zyprexa. Another fail. Then got diabetes. Then my right arm developed a burning sensation, which lasted a month, I went in to the emergency room and because I said to the voices to shut up they never treated my arm and put me in lockup. Coincidently it was a blessing, another patient
Had a lidocain patch, over two weeks my arm felt better. It took another hospitalization after that to get a nueraleptic which didn't fully stop the voices but blocked the crazy loud sounds.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:50 PM
I saw one that said " side effects include, oily discharge."

I was like "from where?"

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: sanitizedinfo
a reply to: anonentity

In December 2011 I was hospitalized due to severely loud and scary visual/audible "hallucination". I regret not letting the doctors use a nueraleptic. I asked for something without side effects. The quack lied and said a new drug " latuda" was without side effects. My group home called my psychiatrist and said I couldn't return if risperdal was stopped. I told the doctor if I get any side effects I would sue him. He threatened me that he would claim harrassment. Within a week out I started twitching my neck. My voices got worse after 5 months. Again I was hospitalized and was put on zyprexa. Another fail. Then got diabetes. Then my right arm developed a burning sensation, which lasted a month, I went in to the emergency room and because I said to the voices to shut up they never treated my arm and put me in lockup. Coincidently it was a blessing, another patient
Had a lidocain patch, over two weeks my arm felt better. It took another hospitalization after that to get a nueraleptic which didn't fully stop the voices but blocked the crazy loud sounds.

When I was in the medical field the tutor always stressed that, when you are looking for the cause of a disease always go for the simplest cause first as that one is usually the one.

For these days if I were you, I would first look at Vitamin b3 deficiency as the lack of it causes a disease a lot like Schizophrenia. The anti smoking campaign, has effectively reduced the amount of B3 that people are obtaining. Some people have a problem digesting it. The misdiagnosis, would cause a cluster f%$#@ of needless medication. Doctors in the past have caused a great deal of misfortune, because they haven't gone the simplest route.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:16 PM
roth1, S&F for your thread.

On top of all the TV commercials pushing various drugs there are also the ads in magazines. Yup, you've seen the full page add advising that said drug will eliminate your symptoms of "chronic blah blah" and see the happy "patient" walking hand in hand with their spouse through the woods. Happy ending to a fairy tail story....then you turn the page to basically a centerfold (two full pages) of micro-printed warnings and liability waivers from the drug company. Even if you could read information, the entire thing is in legal-speak and you'd need a law degree to understand it.

Its unfortunate that health care has become such a mega business, and upping the bottom line is paramount to keeping the shareholders happy. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayurveda, Shamanism, Naturopathy, Reiki, and good old chicken soup among other alternative treatments need to get more press. There are doctors willing to listen when you suggest stuff like that but they are not willing to give you the support to proceed just in case you get worse and sue them.

Also, most drugs only treat the symptoms not the cause of the disease or dis-ease. So you simply spend your time, and money, chasing your tail and not getting any better. ARRRRGHHHH! Where are my calming medicines????


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:33 PM
Here is a link to a documentary (7 parts) on Ayurveda medicine. I found it very informative as to how simple treatments can have great results....not FAST results, but results. Would be interested in your thoughts.

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Running late for Yoga class, so I haven't had a chance to test these out.


posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:40 PM
Besides the processed food and hideous coffee, these ads are the single strangest thing to get use to when coming to the States.

I've not seen them in any other country, and certainly not at this level. It's also odd when considering that an individual doesn't choose their drug, their doctor does. Why advertise so much to those who are not your decision makers? they are consumers, but NOT decision makers.

They could save themselves a heap of money by doing education workshops with doctors….

Oh and Big Pharma are evil so anything they do is wicked, so there's that too.

edit on 28-1-2015 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:48 PM
Why would drug companies spend millions each year to advertise to the public? My theory is that the benefits are not simply the revenue they get from the public running to doctors and saying, "I want this drug." Spending that kind of money on all forms of advertising also gives them a lot of leverage when bad news comes out about one of their concoctions. If media outlets make millions from advertising Big Pharma's potions they are not going to be too quick to criticize the goose laying the golden eggs for them. So, if a study of drug X in a foreign country reveals serious, dangerous side-effects, the US media might report that story one time---might---but they also might completely ignore the study.
With all the major media outlets in the US being owned by a select few corporations, and Big Pharma being one of the largest advertisers in history---is it any wonder that we hear only good news about these medications? Is it sensible that we don't hear from the msm about how those people who grab a gun and start shooting were on some sort of SSRI or its cousins? Because, without an actual word being said to anyone---they know who pays the bills.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: YogaGinns

Keeping shareholders happy with regards to the lack of blue chip investments, in an economy that is sick. Wouldn't take much of a leap in the imagination to say that, for certain investments to prosper require more sick people. A corporations duty of care to the shareholders is mainly to keep environments that they can prosper in going. What we are witnessing is exactly this.

You are just a business model, so would be well advised to take your health into your own hands by attending to the simplest and basic causes of disease first. Question the efficacy of every food that you consume. remembering that the more its processed the less value it has. Also remember that the illness rates of the east (Asia), is not mirrored in the illness rates of the West. The diet of the East is 90% plant based, the West ,40%. The triglyceride ingestion from too much animal fats cause so many diseases they are to numerous to mention.

If you came over to my place and I offered you a latte, made of rats milk, would you be happy? would you be happy with one made from cows milk? You would only be happy with the Cows milk because you have been conditioned to think its a good food, for you. From early on you have been conditioned. But the fact remains its great for Cows, as rats milk is for rats, but unfortunately, we don't need milk, human at that, after we have been weaned.
edit on 28-1-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 08:20 PM
Heres a behind the scenes look at pharmaceutical management!

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: roth1

Roth i agree with you 99%. Rx company's are bushiness, and are run like make money. That being said there are allot of good doctors and chemists that are working for them.

I would hazard a guess that most of the people think they are helping out humanity and the renaming 1% are there for the money or in the case of the doctors who work there that 1% may want to use us sheeple like..... sheep, and test on us.

But I think that you would agree that allot of good medications come from some of these company. It's to bad that there aggressive advertising tactics ruin there achievements.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 08:32 PM
I've been on the Lab Rat Roller Coaster for twenty years.

If what I dealt with were benign enough that I didn't pray every day for that "miracle pill" to finally get developed I wouldn't keep playing through the damn game every three months or so with my psychiatrist.

And the television commercials just annoy the ever-living flip out of me.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

What about commercials for cosmetic surgery, weight loss pills, hair growing pills, ED pills?

It is not just TV ads that cause the problems, they way the pills are pushed on doctors to prescribe them also has many problems.

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 03:18 AM
I would have a hard time agreeing that " A lot of good medicines come from some of these places. If you like treating side effects for a problem instead of the problem while getting worse side effects from the medicine. The choice is yours. 'a reply to: penroc3

posted on Jan, 30 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: roth1

anti-biotics, SOME cancer treatments, organ transplant drugs, HEP C CURE, the ability to fight Ebola and other virii just to name a few.

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