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How to befriend a mouse?

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posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:35 PM
Dear ATS,

I come to you with a serious, to some perhaps silly question.

In my garage, I have spotted the cutest dark grey mouse, living there in a box of champagne bottles (he's got a good nose I bet
), having made a neat little nest with the cardboard fittings inside, including a little cardboard 'bridge' to get in and out of the box that I don't even recall having organized in that way.

Anyway, I threw the little fellow some cheese in his box and, to nobody's surprised, when I went to check just now, it's all gone. He's got a bit of a toilet corner going on as well I've noticed. At least it's outside of his little mansion!

Problem is, I obviously can't have him living in the house, it's not even mine, and I don't want to risk it becoming a pest. Or can I? I think it's alone so far.

I've had a mouse in the house before, caught it and set it free that time.

But this time, seeing as this one has made himself quite comfortable, my funny brain got to work again and decided maybe I could use a little companion.

Now, I know from research done after having caught the first one, that wild mice will simply go crazy when caught, and I don't want to do that to any of my little friends, so I'd never take the risk of just locking him up.

This one is obviously different though! He's accepted my offerings (not that he has any reason not to lol, if it was a trap he would be in there by now as well so go figure
), and it got me to thinking, would he ever, eat out of my hand perhaps? Like, take a bit of cheese while he sees who it's coming from? Would I ever be able to tame him?

To the people who own mice: Does a mouse get to know who you are? Or will it always remain a "dumb rodent"?

Is he better off being set free in the wild? Should and can I just leave him? Can I try to befriend him? Any advice from a fellow mouse-befriender?

What says you in general ATS? Kill it with fire?

Thanks in advance for any replies, even your most hilarious ones! (Name suggestions ARE ENCOURAGED! The gf already came up with Geronimo, so that's off the list)
edit on 25-1-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:37 PM
I guess slowly show yourself to be a non-threatening presence. Maybe leave some food for it, it might see you leaving it and will equate food/safety with your presence.

Other than that I guess be hygienic about it, mice are dirty. Their urine and feces present health hazards.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:39 PM
Oh and for the record, cat people need not apply!

Unless they're cats like my friends frenchie (bulldog), who we once caught with a dead mouse under his front paw, rolling it with pressure on the floor, either playing with it or, presumably, trying to resuscitate it! It was very wet so chances are it had been in it's mouth as well, undoubtedly after numerous attempts of performing mouth-to-mouth in an unorthodox manner due to the sheer difference in size, and snout-shape

edit on 25-1-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
I guess slowly show yourself to be a non-threatening presence. Maybe leave some food for it, it might see you leaving it and will equate food/safety with your presence.

Other than that I guess be hygienic about it, mice are dirty. Their urine and feces present health hazards.

Good point, already had that in my head when I looked it up the first time I had a mouse, but it's always good to get a reality check!

Anyone who could offer some more info on this would also be highly appreciated! Will be looking into it myself but what could happen after a bite, for example, would be quite interesting to read from experience.

I trust you ATS folk a lot more than I trust the yahoo answers kids haha!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:48 PM
I befriended a mouse last summer after rudely evicting her and her brood accidentally during a garage rebuild. I even helped her rebuild inside the rarely if ever used compost bin (which had previously chewed entrance into the side of). Actually she probably befriended me as she came around when we took our breaks/lunch and I'd feed her scraps. She became quite friendly and wasn't afraid to jump in my lap.

I guess this doesn't really help you but I think they can recognize individuals and read the vibes you give off (plus food doesn't hurt). So hopefully a little time and a few freebies might just get you a new friend.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Kukri
I befriended a mouse last summer after rudely evicting her and her brood accidentally during a garage rebuild. I even helped her rebuild inside the rarely if ever used compost bin (which had previously chewed entrance into the side of). Actually she probably befriended me as she came around when we took our breaks/lunch and I'd feed her scraps. She became quite friendly and wasn't afraid to jump in my lap.

I guess this doesn't really help you but I think they can recognize individuals and read the vibes you give off (plus food doesn't hurt). So hopefully a little time and a few freebies might just get you a new friend.

Sure it helps! Just basically interested in finding out whether or not they will, as you say, over time get closer and learn to trust you.

I like the idea of sharing what I consider garbage, with a little creature that will have a nice day off thanks to it! Besides, it's freezing outside, wouldn't want to set it free right now anyway.

I hope he's having a good cheese-overdose-high right now haha

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Strawberry88
Oh and for the record, cat people need not apply!

Unless they're cats like my friends frenchie (bulldog), who we once caught with a dead mouse under his front paw, rolling it with pressure on the floor, either playing with it or, presumably, trying to resuscitate it! It was very wet so chances are it had been in it's mouth as well, undoubtedly after numerous attempts of performing mouth-to-mouth in an unorthodox manner due to the sheer difference in size, and snout-shape

Did you know mice often carry a brain parasite that causes them to be attracted to cat urine?

Oh and, by the way that parasite is easily transmitted to humans.

For more info check my signature and click on little mind benders.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

Did you know mice often carry a brain parasite that causes them to be attracted to cat urine?

Oh and, by the way that parasite is easily transmitted to humans.

That's ok, I wouldn't mind being attracted to cat urine.

J/k thanks for the info, will read!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 09:57 PM
What an adorable thread! How sweet! If you got a cage big enough with everything a little mouse would be happy having, you could try keeping it in a cage. See how it goes. If it remains where it is, it will eventually mate and have a family and you could end up with an infestation. Take the little bugger home. And cheese is good, but don't give it too much. They like fruit and nuts and other things. Check any pet store for foods and treats for mice. Good luck. Oh and...get a pic please!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
What an adorable thread! How sweet! If you got a cage big enough with everything a little mouse would be happy having, you could try keeping it in a cage. See how it goes. If it remains where it is, it will eventually mate and have a family and you could end up with an infestation. Take the little bugger home. And cheese is good, but don't give it too much. They like fruit and nuts and other things. Check any pet store for foods and treats for mice. Good luck. Oh and...get a pic please!!!!!!!

Good advice! I'm a bit of a cheapskate though so I'll be getting some mouse food at the local budget store, was looking for bird food recently and spotted it, so it'll come in handy, and it was a bargain so my new buddy is worth it

I've read in the past they don't like being caged, robbing them of their freedom actually makes them go insane! Kinda cool on one hand when you think of it, what the brain will do instinctively when life as it knew it ceases to exist, but way too sad in reality! I might consider 'taming' it and getting it to build a nest in a container of some sort though, that would be nice, perhaps that way it could get used to being enclosed after all, and if it doesn't I'll let it free, wouldn't want it to infest the place as you said!

I'll try and see if I can get a picture! It's silly when it's not you experiencing it, but it's just too cute the way he nested into the cardboard separators for the bottles... I'm probably really a child at mind when I'm capable of imagining the little bugger in there with all that cheese he amassed

This pic comes to mind hahaha!

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 10:44 PM
You could prob keep it in a have to be super careful with mice...non pet store mice are major disease transmitters. For instance their poo often carries the hantavirus, the plague's no joke. It will enter your lungs when it is's some cdc lists of known issues...cdc list

I highly advise against it because of this. I highly advise against letting it free range any area in your home, they love to eat wire insulation and burn houses down, and breed like, well mice...very fast

If you must, I would keep it in a big cage and not handle it, being careful not to breath air from cage or dust when changing bedding materials. Maybe a vet could give it shots?

Cute, but risky pet right there
edit on 1 by Mandroid7 because: typo

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:31 PM
I saved a rat from being a snake's lunch. LOL My niece's husband has two big snakes and when I saw the rats, I had to have one. LOL It's from a pet store though.

I have had mice in the past and they seemed pretty darned content to me. Never had a wild one though so that was good advice above about diseases. It sounds adorable and I can't wait to see a pic. Probably a cute little field mouse. I hope it doesn't get constipated with all that cheese. LOL! Sunflower seeds without salt are cheap and they like that.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: Night Star
I saved a rat from being a snake's lunch. LOL My niece's husband has two big snakes and when I saw the rats, I had to have one. LOL It's from a pet store though.

I have had mice in the past and they seemed pretty darned content to me. Never had a wild one though so that was good advice above about diseases. It sounds adorable and I can't wait to see a pic. Probably a cute little field mouse. I hope it doesn't get constipated with all that cheese. LOL! Sunflower seeds without salt are cheap and they like that.

Hehe I made sure it was a somewhat balanced diet, there was some bread in there among things, so he doesn't OD on cheese
Just checked and the bread is gone, so he's busy alright! I also noticed he's made a decent hole in the garbage bag that's near, so God knows what he's been hauling off into that little hole!

Good advice indeed, as stated earlier I already was aware of the disease issue but it is good to be reminded again.

I wonder if I ever do manage to tame him and get him used to a cage, if I would be able to get him some shots at a vets? I know one near me who would probably be totally fine with it, really chill guy, but I wonder if it's even done
They don't get all that old either if I'm not mistaken, so it's probably not even worth the risk
edit on 26-1-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:02 AM
I will probably just provide him a warm place to stay till winter is over and then I'll be releasing him in the same field I released his friend last year!

I live in an area that's still fairly rural so there's no harm done in releasing him back into the wild, it's where he came from after all, and where he belongs.

Still, any insight to have some fun with my new friend is welcome!

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:04 AM
The next door neighbour's kids had pet white mice which escaped and bred with wild ones. We then had these light grey mice coming into our house which were like half tame. One came and sat under a chair while we were watching tv and another used to come and take food from a mousetrap while we were there watching. It thought we were feeding it and it seemed grateful. These little sods then found the baby toys stored in the roof cavity and played with them at night. No kidding. We would hear this little noisy ball thing in the baby's highchair being spun over and over at all hours of the night. Obviously we had no cats then.
So you may be able to have a tame mouse but I think they are heaps of trouble.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:17 AM
You're a good mousie friend.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Strawberry88

The two main problems you are going to come across, is that wild mice are less predictable than those grown as pets, and furthermore, that wild ones carry diseases. One of the ones which rodents can carry, is hantavirus.


posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Strawberry88

It will die in captivity... and do nothing but spread disease in your house...

I love little critters too, but if you really want a mouse... go to a pet store...

Pet stores have feeder mice which are food for snakes...

you could save one of them from a horrible fate... and they're pretty cheap... and clean, you can handle them and they usually won't bite... plus they get pretty attached to you

Wild mice belong in the wild unless they're raised from a pup in captivity...

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:06 AM
Singing and food work for me.... me and any mouse I plan to

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: grumpy64

Hehe cool story! Poor thing thinking you were feeding him though!
Thx for sharing

a reply to: TrueBrit

Will do! Thx for chiming in!

a reply to: Akragon

So I've read indeed.

Also read some time back that the already tame ones are like a different breed of mice altogether, having been bred with only a selection of the most docile/tame mice of every nest, to end with a very tame mouse.

Perhaps you're right and i'm probably better off just saving one of those for a couple bucks.

And I agree, they belong in the wild without a doubt! I already planned on setting it free but seeing as it's snowed here I decided to let it stay for a while until winter is nearly over.

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