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Millions of GMO Insects Could Be Set Loose in the Florida Keys

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posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: lostbook

does anyone know what effect mosquitos have on our environment ? .

Wasps serve apple trees , bees make honey and pollinate flowers and crops and so on .

Nature seems to manage things without mans interference , so i say leave mother nature alone , she knows what she is doing and she has had more experience than man .

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: lostbook

STOP EFFING PLAYING GOD!!! What happens, HAPPENS!! We are not the ones who are supposed to try and correct this! Spend money on a cure for these instead of releasing a zombie mosquito outbreak on our people! This is insane if it comes to pass, I fear for humanity on so many levels it is getting crazy! We wonder why God wipes the population of humans from Earth.....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:39 AM
Bleh... Gee can't imagine how this could go wrong, every time they try things like this it goes side ways.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 09:25 AM
. their goal is not to change the plants and insects their goal to change people, the proportion of the population that they have cheated, exploited, robbed, murdered and even eat, that part which they call the cattle or goyim . from their crimes should be methods to protect the elite and all of their blueblood or golden billion, they can not be too complicated it is necessary to find a way before it is too late

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:31 PM
I jumped when I saw the thread title...

I used a similar "theme" for an entry in ATS's short story competition (about Pandemics) a while back.


Problem is... it was loosely based on REAL information that I came across whilst looking into Monsanto, Pesticides, Boll-Weevils, Morgellons disease, and the GM superbugs that they developed to hunt down the weevils.

Not nice bedtime reading, but based on REAL developments of hi-tech GM superbugs.

Yeah, totally safe, nothing to worry about...


posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 07:22 PM
Good post op, however I feel that you are overreacting a touch, the tests in Brazil have been really successful in bringing down disease rates, the genetic modifications only extended to the ability to reproduce. I can see no harm that they can do to us humans that the disease carrying one's can't already do.


posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: lostbook

GMO foods are completely safe. That is settled science. The vast majority of scientist say GMO foods are completely safe, so you must be crazy to not go with the vast majority of scientific opinion.

At least that is what I hear about global warming, but Liberals forget about settled science when it comes to GMO foods.
edit on 27-1-2015 by Stuship because: ...

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:20 PM

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