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Animals in dreams

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posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 06:59 AM
Normally I dont dream about animals, and certainly not in this way or two nights in a row. What could these dreams mean?

Dream 1:
I am aware, or dream starts with me sitting on a sofa in a white big "empty" room, when I look to my left stands a big, larger than a normal dark brown arabian horse (similar to the type of horse) I jump the little I was not prepared for it, I look at it, it looks at me with his big black eyes, I want to pet it but dare not (i am a tiny bit afraid of horses)

Looking more to the left, almost behind me, see another horse, but Brown. Viewing opposite directions, on seeing two dinosaur-sized creatures, long necks like giraffes, white fury feather coat, two legs, somewhat reminiscent of ostrich of the lower body and a giraffe at the top, but only white. They start to argue and one falls, everything in slow motion, it comes up again o they start arguing again, I run away and trying to find a way out.

Dream second
I'm out on a field and in a "cow pasture" stands a giant big black goat in size as a horse, looks like a horse but has black ram's horn, those that spins you know. The ram stare at me and I at it, the large black eyes. I run away, then I warn anyone not to walk through the pasture because the "goat" is there ...


Creepy but calm animals
just staring at me.

Could this mean something?
The emotions in dreams was just weird when they stared at me and their black eyes, since in both dreams i had an instinct to "escape" or get away from there.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: spazze

This is just my opinion, based on my experience. Dreams involving black and white, or brown in your case, are working dreams. You are looking at one of your centers. As in Chakras. Your subconscious is seeing the darkness and light within that particular part of your spiritual body. It is not necessary to understand, just know that you are working to heal yourself.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: spazze

I'm curious if at any point you became lucid (aware that your awareness is dreaming) within either of these two dreams?

Try replacing the "animals" in your dream with people you "know" from real life.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: ProsceniumProtagonist

Try replacing the "animals" in your dream with people you "know" from real life.

I don't believe this approach will yield coherence. I once dreamt I was sent to kill a feathery dragon but ended up taking it as my pet. Yet, in real life, I am not a bounty hunter, nor do I know people who are pets.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: swanne

Understood. It was just the first thing that popped into mind.

Dreams can take odd form (not that I have to tell you this judging by your brief dream history) so "killing" something in a dream could actually be part of your conscious mind wishing to "eradicate" a concept/problem your conscious mind is trying to work out/solve.

Random thoughts.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: spazze

You say you have some fear of horses. So, horses are subjects of apprehension. The arguing dinosaurs were obviously once again a source of apprehension. And so was the big black goat.

Yet your dream was about animals. If your subconscious really wanted to express a visceral fear, it would not have shown calm animals, it would have shown a cliff, an accident, or some more imminent danger.

So actually your dream could be telling you that you should try and pat the horse. Try and shed away your fear. It may lead to arguments (the dinosaurs imagery), and you could even fall (the dinosaur fall imagery). But you are stronger. And with perseverance, you will prevail over the silent threat (the big goat). You just need to trust, to make the horse your trusted steed and not your obstacle.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: spazze

Viewing opposite directions, on seeing two dinosaur-sized creatures, long necks like giraffes, white fury feather coat, two legs, somewhat reminiscent of ostrich of the lower body and a giraffe at the top, but only white. They start to argue and one falls, everything in slow motion, it comes up again o they start arguing again, I run away and trying to find a way out.

This part sounds like a child watching its parents argue or some really strange business deal gone bad.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: ProsceniumProtagonist
This part sounds like a child watching its parents argue or some really strange business deal gone bad.

In both case, the witness usually roots for one of the sides. It is very hard for a human mind to be impartial. Which is the reason why I believe one of these dinosaur thing actually represented the OP's side; possibly the falling one since the dreamer was not in a dominance state of mind.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:32 AM
In the first dream I remember thinking - where am I -
But i never really got to - i am dreaming -
The second dream the i never got lucid in any form.

Well, i have been sick a lot during the last 6 months. Might be what you wrote Iamschist

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: spazze
Generally I believe animals in dreams aren't a concern unless you're positioned behind them standing on a milk crate. Gold. Seriously though the eyes are the key as you've already guessed. They are more than the fleshy baubles of vision, they are the windows to a greater sensibility than we can usually obtain consciousness of. Peer into the eyes of a living creature and with the correct discipline you can see everything. And thus you are being judged or examined in your dreams by these strange creatures. Stare back, your mind will reveal some amazing things.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 10:01 AM
I dreamt of a beautiful healthy black rat last night. I did not make an immediate conclusion that the rat was a bad omen, so I did a little googling. It seems in different cultures animals represent different things and all the different happenings in the dream can culminate in the one animal being the message/meaning. I am still musing about it.
edit on 25-1-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: spazze

Ha ho ( I greet You)
Interesting dreams. How do you feel now? Sometimes the first feeling you receive is a good start. Some times who you are makes a difference, like your beliefs, your ethnic background, etc., and were you able to see their eyes?

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 12:33 PM
I was sitting at a table having dinner with an English speaking raccoon with emerald green eyes in my dreams this morning. He was a likeable guy. I was disappointed when I woke up.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: chachonee

Yes, I could see the horses eyes and the goats, it were the same eyes, deep black eyes, just looking at me. like observing me.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: spazze

I too have had dreams about various types of horses, and later a friend of mine had dreams of horses too. I asked my friend can I look? I saw my friend sitting in the middle of a design and saw that there was white candles placed in a certain order.
The next day my friend asked me, So what did you see? I told my friend what I saw and the feeling I got. My friend told me that what I saw was a Wicca ceremony.
We call horses big eaters and I noticed too that goats have similar ways, voracious appetites.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 04:58 PM
Last time I had a horse in one of my dreams it killed me :\ Dark brown horse that was. Unfortunately I can't remember why it killed me.
Last time I had an animal in a dream, it was one of my cats which I don't have anymore (still alive as far as I know). It was hugging me intensely, so I hugged it back and comforted it.. It seemed really happy seeing me again, though the feeling/experience this dream left me made me really sad..

Think I have had multiple dreams where I have warned people of not going some specific place because something "bad?" is there, usually some creature or machine.

No big black eyes starring at me though, and no arguing animals

Interesting about the horses, still would like to know why one killed me :S

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