posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 08:02 AM
I haven't got a record,
Never fired a shot,
Never stole a damn thing,
Just look at what I've got,
Fat nothing in terms,
Of monetary value,
Little education,
Less material I assure you,
I've never made a material gain,
And yet things now,
Have become utterly insane,
Because I have a password,
For my e-mail account,
With both letters and numbers,
And I could get sent down,
By a government gone mad,
Using law they intend,
To apply across the land,
One can only hope,
That they don't get re-elected,
Because if they do,
All of us will be effected,
By a law written,
With a fearful quaking hand,
By powerful males,
Not one of whom is a man,
You want secure e-mail?
You go to jail,
You want passwords for your banking?
You go to jail,
You want to lock your phone,
Or have a private chat?
Well you better prepare yourself,
For Her Majesties welcome mat,
Put your hands on the wall,
And spread your legs,
This is what you get when,
You want to keep whats in your head,
Vote them out,
During the next election,
Prevent these bastards,
From maintaining their erection,
Of an edifice that flies in the face,
Of the freedom of the nation,
Prevent this disgrace!