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Man pays $20,000 in Child support for a child that didn't exist

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posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 06:59 AM
Agency Culpable in Child Support Scam.

"Last week, Viola Trevino carried her 5-year-old "daughter" into an Albuquerque (search) court to satisfy a judge�s demand to produce the child.

Complications arose.

One: Trevino had kidnapped the child moments before to pass off as her daughter. Two: the "real" daughter never existed. Three: the "father" and ex-husband Steve Barreras had paid $20,000 in child support. Four: the system finally noticed Trevino was lying.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has asked the state�s Human Services Department for a full report.

Specifically, he wants to know how several government agencies became not only unwitting partners in the fraud, but also resisted efforts to correct it.

Richardson deserves a tip of the hat for taking responsibility. The official response to child support (search) or welfare debacles is usually silence.

Sometimes a finger of accusation is pointed at specific individuals as though the abuse resulted from a few "bad apples" in an otherwise clean barrel. Richardson is acknowledging there is a problem with the system itself."

This guy did everything.......Had a vasectomy and provided evidence but was told by a child enforcement worker, "your daughter does exist, as I am sure you already knew."

This is a prime example of a system that is extremely "anti-man". Liberal man haters run most child protective systems and cause the deaths of thousands of childern due to this "ideology".

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:17 AM

I think the father should have gone a little more into checking out the situation.
What a dumb-^$$.

He is just a lazy person who would not want anything to do with his child.

If you were responsible, you would be holding that baby, and taking your share of responsibility. He was just willing to let this crook take his money and not have a thing to do.

Sometime the courts are wrong, and people slip thru.

You know, if everyone worried about their own, we wouldn't have these problems.

If my son or brother is paying child support, don't you think I'm going to want to share in that childs life?

Where was his support?

It does take a village, sorry.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:23 AM

You're way off base.

His petition for a restraining order was denied. Evidence that his vasectomy, conducted a year prior to the child�s "birth," had left him with a zero sperm count, was ignored. Phoning and writing to New Mexico�s child support agency to have them verify his daughter�s non-existence resulted in a letter. The child enforcement worker stated, "your daughter does exist, as I am sure you already knew."

He knew he didn't have a daughter. The courts screwed this guy. It doesn't matter that he knew he didn't have a daughter, the man was big enough to continue to pay child support on a child he KNEW was not his, because the legal system told him he had to.

Let's get things straight in this. This guy wasn't lazy. He wasn't a deadbeat. He was a man that was forced to pay child support on a child he had already proven he couldn't have sired.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Tesla

I think the father should have gone a little more into checking out the situation.
What a dumb-^$$.

He is just a lazy person who would not want anything to do with his child.

If you were responsible, you would be holding that baby, and taking your share of responsibility. He was just willing to let this crook take his money and not have a thing to do.

Sometime the courts are wrong, and people slip thru.

You know, if everyone worried about their own, we wouldn't have these problems.

If my son or brother is paying child support, don't you think I'm going to want to share in that childs life?

Where was his support?

It does take a village, sorry.

Didn't read it did you. There was NO child! His Exwife faked it all.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Tesla
I think the father should have gone a little more into checking out the situation.
What a dumb-^$$.

He is just a lazy person who would not want anything to do with his child.

Did you read the article? Obviously not, or else you wouldn't be making such ignorant statements:

When a fraud is so blatant, there is a tendency to blame the victim for somehow facilitating his or her own victimhood. But Barreras, who works as a corrections officer in law enforcement, attempted repeatedly to expose the fraud and to protect himself.

His petition for a restraining order was denied. Evidence that his vasectomy, conducted a year prior to the child�s "birth," had left him with a zero sperm count, was ignored. Phoning and writing to New Mexico�s child support agency to have them verify his daughter�s non-existence resulted in a letter. The child enforcement worker stated, "your daughter does exist, as I am sure you already knew."

Barreras went so far as to hire a private investigator to expose the scam. Indeed, without his persistent refusal to be victimized, the fraud would have probably never come to light. It would have remained just one more injustice tucked away and protected by the system�s closed file.

Where was his support?

Helping the woman scam money out of him.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:46 AM
I worked at the Va. Dept. of Child Support Enforcement for 2 years and, yes, the system is skewed against men. I found that it came down to two reasons: 1) Society, right or wrong, has the idea that women are the better of the two parents to raise the child. 2) A disproportinate amount of men are deadbeats and make good fathers pay the price.

Why are there deadbeats? In my experience it comes from the court-ordered side of cases. Judges, for the most part, really stick it to guys, the men get frustrated that they can't make the payments and stop paying. This is no excuse, but most men aren't aware that they can petition the court for a reduction or a review of the case. So, a lack of knowledge hurts them. Every father that called me about their case (sadly less then 50% did) to ask for a reduction I pointed to the courts and most were amazed that they could.

I could go on about this but I won't. This guy got screwed (no pun intended) by all parties involved and received no assistantce when he needed it.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 07:52 AM
Sixteen years ago I fought the system in Texas and won custody of my daughter. Her mom was well something special. She didn't pay child support for 10 years. The court actually hunted her down and now she is paying. She's $20K behind. My daughter is grown and married now. But the X is still paying. Yes there is a God.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Sixteen years ago I fought the system in Texas and won custody of my daughter. Her mom was well something special. She didn't pay child support for 10 years. The court actually hunted her down and now she is paying. She's $20K behind. My daughter is grown and married now. But the X is still paying. Yes there is a God.

Great persistance good Dr.!

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:10 AM

You are correct, I didn't do my homework.

I only saw the Liberal-man haters comment and it upset me.

I have a few friends wether they were married or single mothers, having to hunt down where their ex is working just to get their payments.


posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:11 AM
I have helped to pay 200 billion dollars for a war and they have yet to produce any weapons of mass destruction.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:38 AM
Yo, Colorado, as soon as we rape Iran and Syria I'll make sure you get your share of the WMD's. Sorry you missed out on the Iraq versions.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:52 AM
BTW, if we invade Iran and Syria, I am sure China and the Soviet Union will kick our ass so I won't be getting any gifts from you.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 05:45 PM

Man pays $20,000 in Child support for a child that didn't exist

- Wow, imagine that huh? That's a sad story, at least the error has come to light.

Mind you it does make a hell of a change from all those SOB a$$holes who f*ck off and pay zip to raise their kids, right?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Tesla

I think the father should have gone a little more into checking out the situation. What a dumb-^$$.

He is just a lazy person who would not want anything to do with his child.

If you were responsible, you would be holding that baby, and taking your share of responsibility. He was just willing to let this crook take his money and not have a thing to do.
If my son or brother is paying child support, don't you think I'm going to want to share in that childs life?

Tesla are you NUTS? He fought for 5 years to prove there WAS NO CHILD! She claimed AFTER THEY WERE DIVORCED that she had a child. He wasn't duped he was denied justice by an anti-male court system that chooses to believe that EVERY father is a deadbeat, or would be if they didn't keep them under their thumb.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 04:23 PM
My favorite one is the man in New York who is paying support for a child that was conceived fraudulently without his consent. The man had undergone radiation treatment for cancer, before the treatment he had a sample of his sperm frozen in case the treatment left him sterile. An ex-girlfriend falsified documents and had herself artificially inseminated resulting in a baby boy. The first knowledge the man had of this was when a process server came knocking on his door with a court order for child support. This was taken to the New York State Supreme Court and the man lost. The Court stated that support was the right of the child and that since a paternity test proved that it was his child he had to pay. To top it off he has to pay support to the mother as well. Talk about getting the shaft! Wendy McElroy has a weekly column on Fox News's website, there is some very interesting information on this subject there. Note: she doesn't work for Fox News.

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 04:41 PM
I have known several situations on both sides of that fence...
and on the whole, the animosity shown to the men was undeserved blatant prejudice... except one...

I wouldn't mind so much, if the statistic ran the other way... but the new breed of demon bitch has been born for less time than the age of most of the judges... so the men will be the enemy for some time more... until younger judges that have a clue, realize that womens lib finally worked... women now suck as bad as men...

I have a friend right now, that is going against three strikes to have custody of his children. his three strikes are: he is black, he is poor, and he is a man...
he is also a far cry better than his cheating promiscious wife, that doesn't accept responsibility for anything... (including the first child, who she now says is ruined, and she doesn't want him)...
the courts ignored that she is crazy, they ignored that she attempted to harm the children, to make it look like the husband did it... they also wouldn't listen to an police officer that was called by the kids, when the mother had broken in, and tried to fry the house wiring, so that the house wouldn't be liveable...
they wouldn't even give him a VPO... after the officer testifed...
all thanks to one public worker, who thinks she has seen it all, and "this is no different"...

I hope they fine and Jail anyone who aided this fraud... even the state employees... they were negligent... maybe this guy can sue them for the lost child support...

[edit on 21-11-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 05:25 PM
In a related, but somewhat off-topic subject....
Men, never, ever ever ever, NEVER give your sperm to anyone. Especially not for a measly $100 or $200 bucks a pop. I used to listen to a radio DJ who preached this. It is a legal precedent that an anonymous donor CAN be sued by their biological children. One poor bastard was already out ~200G from a kid sired by his college-money sperm donating, and then....
ding-dong, kid number 2 came knocking for money. Reproductive rights mean reproductive responsibility. Know where your stuff is at all times. Never let it out of sight. Don't let anyone "borrow" it, or "keep" it safe somewhere, or freeze it.

Just some free advice

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
This is a prime example of a system that is extremely "anti-man". Liberal man haters run most child protective systems and cause the deaths of thousands of children due to this "ideology".

I spent five years in that system and it is true that it is anti-man, but it is even worse than that. The system is operated on rumor and innuendo. Stories are built up over time that become part of the agency culture, but bear no relationship to the truth. The stories are repeated in virtually every staffing and the fact that there is no documentation of events does not mean a thing. Sometimes staffings will consist of at least 30 minutes of gossip and 30 minutes or fewer of factual case discussion.

These are not isolated incidents. Every case has a legend or myth that goes along with it. Sometimes a person who has several unsubstantiated referrals, as often happens with foster parents, will be judged as guilty as someone with a substantiated referral. In every case, emotion not fact determines where the case will go and how it will be presented to the court. I have no reason to believe that every state isn't just as bad or worse.

The ultimate problem is that Social Work schools are feminist in orientation and feminism is a Marxist based model. Women who gravitate toward Social Work are generally angry to start with and that is made worse by the classroom discussions almost always turning to feminist ideology regardless of subject. This is not absolute, as there are dedicated academics in the field, but all it takes is three or four raging feminist professors in a program to keep the pot boiling.

One of the major observations any male would make by working in one of these female dominated environments is that most of the issues feminism spent ostensibly trying to eradicate from mixed work environments is rampant. Women curse wildly, put sexually suggestive pictures on their walls and will if they get the chance, hold men hostage to sexual advances. Lesbians flaunt their sexuality and mutual attractions and religious co-workers are treated with hostility.

It is no wonder that turnover in such environments is massive. Not all women who go into Social Work share these ideologies or proclivities, but if they protest they are ostracized. Men, of course, must do their best to ignore it all, but that becomes impossible when every staffing becomes an ideological discussion that is decidedly hostile.

Most get out as fast as they can, many put up with it until they can't take anymore and in the long haul, it is the children and society that bears the brunt. It is a sad state of affairs to be sure.

[edit on 2005/11/21 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Sounds like someone Bush appointed, like Brownie or Colin Powell or Miers... You know, all the other people who screw up in this government.

Also GP, good job blaming all women who work, sure 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% had nothing to do with this, damn this country has gone downhill ever since the women got the right to vote, right GP?

posted on Nov, 21 2005 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by GrndLkNatv
I have helped to pay 200 billion dollars for a war and they have yet to produce any weapons of mass destruction.

Whats this thread have to do about the Iraq war. Theres more then enough threads on this site covering that subject, keep your post on the subject there.

On Topic

I agree with people that have already stated that the system is bias against men. The mother either has to be a proven crack head or you have to a very rich man or sometimes both for the man to win custody of a child.

I hope a ridiculous case like this can bring more attention to the subject

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