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Why Revolution Inside USA Is A Strategical Mistake

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posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:35 AM
So there we have it. Americans dreaming for a new Civil War. A new revolution. Watching Hollywood movies about it and fantacising about it. Gearing (guns, guns, and also guns) up so to "resist the big bad Gov". Whining on social media that they have no freedom of speech although they just used their freedom of speech so to whine on the social media. We see them all over the place - attempting to spread their hatred for their government, citing in reference some leaks from dubious wisthleblowers who have ties with Russia or China (and sometimes both).

Meanwhile, let us take a look at the other side of the globe. China is the new World Number One Economy leader. Of course it is, everything is made in China. In 2010 it was already known that China has started sharing its intelligence services with Russia. Since 1996 a Sino-Russian military partnership started through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Then in 2014 they went through with the petrodollar. At the end of 2014, major DDoS attacks traced back to China crippled many american online systems. And as many american people were busy whining about how bad the government protecting them was, Russia went on and silently signed another trade agreement - this time with India, the country which is about to become the new most populated country in the world. Talk about potential for an army. There is even words that Iran joined the party.

A flash parenthese on these coutries' position on freedom of speech: if you think these countries tolerate rebellion, or any speech that may encourage it, think again. Their censorship is fully effective and enforced.

Now, back to the US. Yes, the US do have its flaws, like any other countries in the world. But please, do try to realize the consequences that a new american revolution would bring. If the people revolt, the people will weaken the US as a whole. Maybe even abandon heavy armament so to avoid it falling into the Revolutionaries (or pro-Revolutionaries inside the military). Which means the entire nation will become vulnerable to exterior attack.

What do you think will China-Russia-India-Iran then do? Pass on the opportunity to control North America in addition to the whole of Asia? And what do you think will happen to freedom of speech then, hm?

The exhausted Revolutionaries will not find peace. They will only find themselves facing the combined power of nearly all of Asia's military, technological and economical power:

Maybe this is the East's actual strategy. Divide and conquer. After all Russia did conduct Operation Infektion to try and turn the american people against the US intelligence agency during the Cold War.

Revolution, and those who promote it, is utter selfishness. Because if you all think about it for a moment, you can see that it is a major strategical error. And to those who nevertheless keep on promoting it, I say this: shame on you for putting your hatred before the well-being of your fellow americans.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: swanne

Well, the American world dominance era showed some serious flaws, when it's greed hidden under false humanitarian reasons, in so many ways, aggricultural, where would Monsanto be without the USofA? Or wars and stabilising the own position by weakening the oppponents... There are a lot of players out there, that disagree, not saying they don't have their own flaws, but one could say at least they don't act as if they are always the only one with the right answer. Obama actually is the fist US president who doesn't do that as much and what happens? His own people call him weak for this more democratic approach.
Not saying I know what happens in the USofA, I just observe over the news I get, surely an entirely different thing than actually living there. But a violent and therefor deconstructive revolution would surely throw the country out of the ranks of a first world, for a while. Wonder how all the true patriots would justify that? But they'll find a way, sneaky old white men having issues to grasp the USofA is not a white nation. Maybe a social revolution, where they accept, why it is seen as the best country in the world for so many, because it is founded and developed on multiculturism. The first. The whites, maybe haven't been a true majority for a while already. And that's beautiful, it could be a beacon of hope that it is actually possible for us to live together without asking what race one is in the first two questions exchanged. But anyhoo, the world is moving and developing, opinions clash a lot lately. The wave of revolution rolls over it and I don't think any nations will be excluded. It's just rough when so many private persons have rifles... So yeah it is possible the 2nd amandthingy, intended to protect the citizens during a revolution will kill the citizens during the 2nd revolution. Funny, huh?
edit on -06:00America/ChicagoAmerica/ChicagopWednesdayAmerica/Chicago by Peeple because: bee

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: swanne

Foolish mortal, nation doesn't exist to those in power. The coming war is population control nothing more.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:57 AM

A revolution is a hypothetical scenario:
Please keep in mind revolters will be up against insurmountable odds as well as a media turned against them.
The UN may even step in should the revolters gain the upper hand in a straight up revolution.
Nukes may be used on or against rebel territories. . .
It may be difficult to discern friend from foe in the fog of war as vast swaths of land fall to one side or another.
Both sides will conscript men women as well as possibly children.

If the powers that be give people a reason to get rid of the 2nd amendment and there may be a small huff about it, but I think most are complacent and will roll over and give up thier guns.

There may be a false flag to kick the ball down the field so to say, give people a reason to give up thier guns by the droves.

Military was ready to take out all the Fergerson protesters if they needed to, goes to show they wont hesitate to kill Americans if they believe its for a just cause.

Of course it could be put off a few generations, but there is no time like the present, and the people have never been this apathetic to the world around them. I doubt future generations will be as detatched as our current generation.

I dont think this current generation will be a problem for the powers that be in its current state.

As long as Americans have guns a revolt is very possible, only by taking away thier ability to fight back and change the government itself as the founding fathers planned can total control be instituted by the powers that be.
edit on 21-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: swanne

Not that I believe a revolution will occur in the US anytime soon. But if it does, I believe the fault lies mostly on the government itself. The US government gets it's power by the consensus of the people. If there's ever a revolution, that would mean the government have lost the people's consent. As long that the government respects the rights of it's citizens, they should not have to worry much a about any revolution.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: swanne

People who want a revolution in the US are idiots. Revolution almost NEVER turns out well for the people. If the people were to rise up and overthrow the government, what we'd have afterwards would be FAR worse than anything we have today.

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: swanne

Why does your post completely stink of pompus arrogance?

The US government along with the UK's are corrupt to the very core. Keeping them in power means enslaving yourself and your children for generations to come.

Doing nothing because of an absurd fear of China and Russia invading is moronic!

I'm not scared that a revolution will leave us open to invasion. I'm scared that no revolution will leave me living a restricted life on a polluted planet working to make other people rich while I just get by.

Your entire theory is crackpot! And you are completely unaware of just how corrupt things are.

The US has its flaws?? HA! Here is the award for understatement of the day!

Seriously if it wasn't you who made this thread I would think the OP was trolling
edit on 1221Wednesday212015-01-21T07:21:12-06:002112 1 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:15 AM
There is an old saying in the jungle. Don't watch for birds in the trees, watch for snakes in the grass...and the trees. In fact, forget about the birds altogether, they are looking for snakes too.

The point is that neither a revolution or a war with Russo-chinese forces will take place anytime soon. Our biggest threat right now is to the south, that's why so many troops came home.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Silicis n Volvo

And you are foolish if you believe a revolution will fix any of that. All a revolution will do is transplant the current crop of asshats with a new crop. Oh and since we've destabilized the government, you can kiss your rights goodbye and say hello to a military dictatorship.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: Silicis n Volvo
I'm not scared that a revolution will leave us open to invasion. I'm scared that no revolution will leave me living a restricted life on a polluted planet working to make other people rich while I just get by.

Funny how the PTB can make you scared about the wrong threats. There is a growing military/economical/industrial alliance of the whole of Asia, yet you keep your attention focused on the US government, drinking every words of sensationalist, leftists newspapers.

If the US government is so powerful, and bent on enslaving you all, then why hasn't it done so? It's been decades now that you prorevolutionaries claim that one day the US gov will "enslave" you all.

Meanwhile, Asia grows in the shadow of the perfect diversion.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: swanne

I must say that I'm not too scared of an Asian or a Russian dominance of the world. Our time as an empire is limited, just like every other empire, and another empire will replace us eventually. Such is the way of the world. Being that we have nuclear weapons, I doubt that either of those two regimes would attack us anyways due to MAD and all.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:40 AM
I really don't think that the US has anything to worry about except losing their stranglehold on the rest of the globe. What is left to take from the US on it's soil? China has better manufacturing and Russia has better resources, US infrastructure is rotten. Is there any non GMO agriculture left in the US? Many cities in the US are no more than 25 years behind China in how thick the smog can get.

Americans believe that their military is keeping them safe at home when all the nations they consider a threat want is to be left alone. Pack up your bases and leave. Problem solved. Nobody wants anything from the US on it's soil because there is nothing to be had.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
And you are foolish if you believe a revolution will fix any of that. All a revolution will do is transplant the current crop of asshats with a new crop. Oh and since we've destabilized the government, you can kiss your rights goodbye and say hello to a military dictatorship.

Well it's foolish to believe anything other than a revolution can fix things.

Protests? Voting for the other guy? you're kidding yourself.

The current corrupt leadership have their feet firmly planted in their positions of power and can not be removed without force by the majority.

This is how to remove them. But what happens after that I have no idea.

But neither do you.

originally posted by: swanne
Funny how the PTB can make you scared about the wrong threats. There is a growing military/economical/industrial alliance of the whole of Asia, yet you keep your attention focused on the US government, drinking every words of sensationalist, leftists newspapers.

If the US government is so powerful, and bent on enslaving you all, then why hasn't it done so? It's been decades now that you prorevolutionaries claim that one day the US gov will "enslave" you all.

Meanwhile, Asia grows in the shadow of the perfect diversion.

The government have been doing it for decades. And it will probably continue for decades.

A new bill here, a change in the law there.

They can't just instantly enslave everyone. They are doing is subtly so that people (like you) don't see it happening.

After all, the best kind of slave is one that doesn't know they are a slave.

Softly softly catchy monkey

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Being that we have nuclear weapons, I doubt that either of those two regimes would attack us anyways due to MAD and all.

A revolution inside US would comprises such an balance. If the people revolts, the last thing the nation will need is some rednecks getting their hands on nuclear weapons. So to avoid them falling in the wrong hand, it is possible these weapons will get desactivated.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: swanne

There will be no revolution in the united states. Those rednecks would never be able to organize correctly to carry it out. It's just wishful fantasy from the deranged.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Silicis n Volvo

And you think that a Sino-Russian invasion will be any better?

Want it or not, a revolution will make the US vulnerable to invasion. There is what you want, and there is reality. Once Sino-Russia invades, once the invaders abolishes the Constitution so to replace it with Marxism, then what do you think will happen to your rights, hm? You really think you'll get any more freedom with them?

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

I know. I just told you about it...

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:54 AM
I don't see a revolution happening, but a coup is a horse of a different color. A lot of military personnel are disenfranchised as the rest of joe public. Generals and CO's getting shown the door as of late.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: swanne

There isnt going to ever be any war that ever looks like USA vs RUSSIA and CHINA.

Because there are too many nukes, and other terrible weapons to destroy the entire world 1000 times over we havent even seen yet.

So no its not going to happen and if it does kiss your arse goodbye, not even the robots in deep underground bases will survive the destruction that would ensue.

Mutually assured destruction is just the most moronic thing that could ever be done on this planet we live on.

edit on 21-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: swanne

I get that. The way I see things is that world wars are on the way out. Wars between world powers has evolved. Now they do all their fighting through proxy wars, economic sabotage, and cyberhacking. There will be no WWIII, because tptb know that nothing will be left if they let such a thing occur, but that doesn't mean that they still don't flex their muscles.

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