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Pyramids Could The Ancients Have Had Access To Infinate Power For The Matrix?

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posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: peter vlar

The only reason I can fathom for the salt residue, must signal that the GP. was submerged in salt water at some stage.

Undoubtedly it was "submerged in salt water, given that the stone it is made of is formed on the @#$%^& ocean floor!


posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

Different legends tell different tales of what they were for, always some contact another plane device to make gods and such, however none say they were burial tombs.

Except, of course, for the Egyptians themselves:

Cheops became king over them and brought them 104 to every kind of evil: for he shut up all the temples, and having first kept them from sacrificing there, he then bade all the Egyptians work for him. So some were appointed to draw stones from the stone-quarries in the Arabian mountains to the Nile, and others he ordered to receive the stones after they had been carried over the river in boats, and to draw them to those which are called the Libyan mountains; and they worked by a hundred thousand men at a time, for each three months continually. Of this oppression there passed ten years while the causeway was made by which they drew the stones, which causeway they built, and it is a work not much less, as it appears to me, than the pyramid; for the length of it is five furlongs 105 and the breadth ten fathoms and the height, where it is highest, eight fathoms, and it is made of stone smoothed and with figures carved upon it. For this, they said, the ten years were spent, and for the underground chambers on the hill upon which the pyramids stand, which he caused to be made as sepulchral chambers for himself in an island, having conducted thither a channel from the Nile.

My emphasis.
Herodotus "Histories," Book Two link
Scroll down to section 124.


posted on Jan, 31 2015 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: Hijinx
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

The batteries are remarkable for their time, what were they used for ?

They were ceramic jars used to store scrolls.

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Look at the Chinese Fengshen Yanyi stories of how they used Sky towers to welcome gods, create gods and perform various exploits in war.

If you're going to cite a novel as evidence, why not go with Stephen King's "The Tommyknockers?"

Fits better.

edit on 1/31/2015 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Harte

My apologies, I have made an unforgivable error, I have misquoted Herodotus. Thank you for your correction. However in my defence Herodotus is reporting hearsay from some two thousand years before. Along with some suggestive remarks with regards to Khufu, on how he was running out of money and prostituted his daughter. However, I'm sticking to my story that Khufu, may have been the original vandal, I have no qualms about accepting the fact that he built the Causeway, and his temple.

I'm basing this on the fact that a stele was found, where it states that Khufu cleared the sands away, from around the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, and then rededicated the site to Isis. Herodotus admits that the causeway was as great an undertaking , as the building of the GP. The man didn't have unlimited resources.

If this is the fact, then Khufu may have came across the site, and carved his face on the Sphinx. Then took the Kudos, which historically didn't work very well. As he was hated two thousand years later. At the time Herodotus reports. If this is the case, then the GP. was shut and sealed, long before Khufu, so the mystery still remains as to its use.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Harte

The analysis accepts this, but also maintains that some of the deposit was from sea sources.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 01:47 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Harte

My apologies, I have made an unforgivable error, I have misquoted Herodotus. Thank you for your correction. However in my defence Herodotus is reporting hearsay from some two thousand years before. Along with some suggestive remarks with regards to Khufu, on how he was running out of money and prostituted his daughter. However, I'm sticking to my story that Khufu, may have been the original vandal, I have no qualms about accepting the fact that he built the Causeway, and his temple.

Herodotus got the story second hand for sure, since Khufu was long dead.

However, the second hand source was the Egyptians, and the time period qualifies as ancient, so it is true to say that the Ancient Egyptians stated the Great Pyramid was Khufu's tomb.

I only posted it because the statement was made by the poster I responded to that no culture regards a pyramid as a tomb.

originally posted by: anonentityI'm basing this on the fact that a stele was found, where it states that Khufu cleared the sands away, from around the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, and then rededicated the site to Isis. Herodotus admits that the causeway was as great an undertaking , as the building of the GP. The man didn't have unlimited resources.

The fact is, the Inventory stela, your reference, actually states that Khufu built the Great Pyramid.

And why wouldn't it? After all, the Egyptians say it several times in their history and the stela is Egyptian-made, though admittedly it post-dates Khufu by almost 2 thousand years.

HEY! That's around Herodotus' time! I smell an ancient Greek conspiracy.

They always said not to trust them, you know. Especially bearing gifts.

Wonder if Herodotus brought gifts?
If so, I never got one.

originally posted by: anonentity
If this is the fact, then Khufu may have came across the site, and carved his face on the Sphinx. Then took the Kudos, which historically didn't work very well. As he was hated two thousand years later. At the time Herodotus reports. If this is the case, then the GP. was shut and sealed, long before Khufu, so the mystery still remains as to its use.

Vyse couldn't have forged the workers graffiti in the relieving chambers. He didn't know the glyphs, and the glyphs actually make sensible statements. It's not like he could have copied them out from a book glyph by glyph and have them miraculously form sentences that fit the context.

ETA: I guess I missed your post concerning Herodotus. Didn't see you quote him.
But don't feel bad about misquoting Herodotus as it is quite likely that Herodotus did the same and so deserves the same treatment.

edit on 2/1/2015 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: peter vlar

The only reason I can fathom for the salt residue, must signal that the GP. was submerged in salt water at some stage. Which would figure , its been around for a lot longer than believed in conventional theories.

As noted by Harte, the only reason for salt residue is the geological nature of the construction material itself. Homo Sapiens emerged in East/North East Africa ~ 200KYA +/- Can you tell me when in the last 200KYA Cairo/Giza has been completely submerged in sea water? it hasn't The last time anything close to that occurring was 250 KYA when the Nile pushed through a low channel near Wadi Tushka, flooding the eastern Sahara and creating a prehistoric mega-lake that at its highest level did cover more than 42,000 square miles of what is now the North Easter Sahara Desert. Unfortunately, it was covered in fresh water. The geology of the area completely rules out the Giza Plateau being totally inundated with sea water AFTER the pyramids were constructed, thus being responsible for leaving trace residue in the construction materials of the Great Pyramid. The true reason was the one given by Harte. I'm certainly open-minded enough to entertain the notion of being wrong so if you are able to cite a map or paper that shows otherwise, please do so. I would rather learn the correct answer and know the truth than hold on to incorrect information and repeat it.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

water is not damp.
that would mean you do not doubt the op.

(Facepalm) The loud whooshing noise you heard was my point sailing far, far over your head.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 06:15 AM

Here is some more on topic video that deals with the pyramids being ancient technology, generating eletricity and much more.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Here is some more on topic video that deals with the pyramids being ancient technology, generating eletricity and much more.

I admire the way you keep posting more content. It's just too bad that it's all made up. I'm not going to waste the time watching any more videos, but is that really an Ancient Aliens clip you put up? If anything, that gives these asinine theories even less credibility....Come on now....

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Bybyots

I think we are talking about a society before the Ancient Egyptians, It seems that its Pre flood, and Global. Sometime around when the great ice dam in Canada broke, But disappeared after.The main sites were set up on a Grid system. The conjecture suggests that the communication was maintained by, telluric currents, which can somehow react with human consciousness. That's what the facts suggest.

Know what I suggest? Opening a dictionary and looking up the definition of 'facts', because the material you posted is anything but....

What the hell has happened to peoples ability to reason lately?

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Harte

The problem with the graffiti in the relieving chamber, was that the next person that saw it said the paint was still wet. The style of writing was modern and not ancient. Not only Khufu wanted Kudos.

If you find a temple of such magnificence on your land, of course you will announce to the world that your ancestors built it, its all spin, and warm fuzzies. But we still have many anecdotal sources that say it was built before, the flood, not necessarily the biblical one, but the time when Dogger land and, and the continental shelf receded after the end of the ice age. Along with the great tsunami caused by the Canadian ice damn breaking. I cant believe that Khufu built it for a tomb, then sealed it up, what would be the point. because where's the body? why two chambers. Why the mathematical precision, or more so advertising to tomb robbers that here's the gold.

Ultimately we were not there, we do not know.

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Here is some more on topic video that deals with the pyramids being ancient technology, generating eletricity and much more.

I admire the way you keep posting more content. It's just too bad that it's all made up. I'm not going to waste the time watching any more videos, but is that really an Ancient Aliens clip you put up? If anything, that gives these asinine theories even less credibility....Come on now....

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Bybyots

I think we are talking about a society before the Ancient Egyptians, It seems that its Pre flood, and Global. Sometime around when the great ice dam in Canada broke, But disappeared after.The main sites were set up on a Grid system. The conjecture suggests that the communication was maintained by, telluric currents, which can somehow react with human consciousness. That's what the facts suggest.

Know what I suggest? Opening a dictionary and looking up the definition of 'facts', because the material you posted is anything but....

What the hell has happened to peoples ability to reason lately?

Oh come on!, loosen up man. The radiocarbon dating from the mortar at the top of the Pyramid, shows its way older than that of the base. It was not built from the top down. The analysis of the salt shows inundation. The plateau shows a massive silt layer. Their were watermarks three quarters of the way up, their were sea shells found in the silt layer, and a fossilised sea cow. The logic of the place is skewed, the later pharaohs should have built the larger and better monuments than their predecessor but they got progressively worse. These are the facts not the woo woo.

A stele says Cheops found and refurbished the monument, then dedicated it to Isis.Guardian of the dead among other things. Which might in fact indicate its true purpose, as interpreted by the uninitiated, with a truly materialist viewpoint, which means they thought that they could conquer death by preserving their bodies, that's when they lost it.

I didn't post the Ancient Aliens vid. But here we go again that's the way the uninitiated would view it in the materialistic paradigm. If you have a space shuttle that's where they would have to come from. If you didn't you'd have horses that could fly.

edit on 1-2-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
Oh come on!, loosen up man. The radiocarbon dating from the mortar at the top of the Pyramid, shows its way older than that of the base. It was not built from the top down. you have any citations (not YouTube videos, links to an abstract would do at this point) to back up the claims made in this post?

What were the varying radiocarbon dates from construction materials used in the Great Pyramid? What was the age ascribed to mortar at the top and what age was given to lower portions?

How did they test it via 14C as mortar wasn't made from organic material?

Please, any citations at all would be in your best interest.

The analysis of the salt shows inundation. The plateau shows a massive silt layer. Their were watermarks three quarters of the way up, their were sea shells found in the silt layer, and a fossilised sea cow.

Do you have a link to the analysis that concludes with an inundation of the Giza Plateau? A geological report describing the silt layer and an associated date of said inundation? Where was this fossilized sea cow found? was it documented in situ?

The logic of the place is skewed, the later pharaohs should have built the larger and better monuments than their predecessor but they got progressively worse. These are the facts not the woo woo.

Not necessarily. There are a lot of factors that could result in loss of technological prowess resulting in lesser quality imitations created in more recent time periods.

A stele says Cheops found and refurbished the monument, then dedicated it to Isis.Guardian of the dead among other things. Which might in fact indicate its true purpose, as interpreted by the uninitiated, with a truly materialist viewpoint, which means they thought that they could conquer death by preserving their bodies, that's when they lost it.

Which stele is that exactly? Specificity would enable a better, more precise reply.

If I'm understanding you correctly, it appears that you are implying that Khufu's GP had nothing to do with funerary practices. If so then how do you account for the Solar Ship (or barge), dated to the reign of Khufu and buried at the foot of the GP. These solar ships are ritual vessels that would have been intended to take the Pharaoh along with the sun god Ra across the heavens and into the afterlife. This particular ship/barge shows evidence of having been in the water which lends credence to its possible use as a funerary vessel taking the body of the Pharaoh down the Nile to the Giza Necropolis where it was buried in a pit carved from the bedrock upon which the Giza Plateau sits. The one currently on display is all that survives from 4 pits discovered, all with the same dimensions. As it sits now, all evidence actually points to the necropolis being used as a necropolis. Unless I'm misunderstanding you here? If I am, please correct me so I can better address this.

I didn't post the Ancient Aliens vid. But here we go again that's the way the uninitiated would view it in the materialistic paradigm. If you have a space shuttle that's where they would have to come from. If you didn't you'd have horses that could fly.

Who exactly then are "The Initiated"? Are you referring to Egyptian Mystery Schools?

Based on the video referenced above, the OP is grasping at so many straws that I'm shocked that anyone is still able to follow along because the vast disparity of hypothesis that in many cases are entirely contradictory is really mind numbing. It's a classic scenario of throwing as much S# at the wall with the desperate hope that eventually something is going to stick. In this case, though, its not an alchemical process, when you start with poo and throw it at the wall, the only thing that's going to be on the wall when you're through is still going to be poo.

I'm certainly open minded enough to entertain any range of initially ridiculous sounding hypothesis. However, when making an extraordinary claim one must be ready and willing to offer up extraordinary evidence to support those claims

posted on Feb, 1 2015 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

I was just getting ready to write a lengthy reply, but there's no need now, as you have perfectly summed up every issue I intended to raise. Excellent post, friend, and it's quite reassuring to know that there are still a few sane people here.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 12:45 AM

The video which supports the theory that the pyramids were in fact power plants similar to Tesla Towers but much more advanced than we could ever imagine is what this thread is about. Its also about the evidence John Cadman & Christopher Dunn found in the salt residue, and what the ancients could have been using the power for.

Christopher Dunn And John Cadman have shown how the Great Pyramid at Giza, used water from the Nile and produced vast, directed energy very similar to a Tesla Tower.

Cadman traced Nile water pumped through a channel to a pool under the Great Pyramid. The pump pushed pressure upward. The pressure vibrated. It sent a low-pressure rarefaction wave upward. Water traces and chips from the pressure wave then Dunn sequenced the way the pyramid gave the Ancients working power.

Dunn then shows how, in the salt-lined Queen’s chamber of the Great Pyramid, hydrochloric acid and hydrated zinc (they left residues he recorded) flowed down shafts to meet in the Queen’s Chamber. The zinc ran down a channel called the Northern Shaft; the dilute hydrochloric, down the Southern Shaft. When Zinc met Hydrochloric, they freed hydrogen gas (Dunn duplicated this reaction in the lab.) The hydrogen gas rose inside the pyramid. I see alot of discussion about sun barges and other off topic stuff, yet no discussion of the evidence presented in the video.

The gas, lighter than air, streamed through all the pyramid’s upper chambers. It went first from the Queen’s to the King’s Chamber. Then the vibrations of the Earth itself, plus the underground pool’s compression vibration energized the hydrogen atoms into a microwave energy beam. The energy beam shot up 27 vertical shafts . This system kept sending a microwave that sustained itself for hundreds of years, a microwave strong enough to power their tools, cities and spacecraft.

“The evidence that shows use of hydrogen in the King’s Chamber in a shaft, 8.4 by 4.8 centimeters.” This channel guided the MASER–Microwave Amplified Through Stimulated Emission Radiation–wave through crystal power-amplification devices.

Meaning the ancients were much more advanced than we thiought they were, there is evidence of them being an advanced civilization, all around the world. Legends speak of this as well, I think we are just at the tip f the iceberg. . . .

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
The hydrogen gas rose inside the pyramid. I see alot of discussion about sun barges and other off topic stuff, yet no discussion of the evidence presented in the video.

It's rather difficult to discuss evidence that doesn't exist. How about the verifiable evidence that others have pointed out that falsifies the entire premise, but which you seem to ignore. How about we discuss that?

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

The hydrogen gas rose inside the pyramid. I see alot of discussion about sun barges and other off topic stuff, yet no discussion of the evidence presented in the video.

It's rather difficult to discuss evidence that doesn't exist. How about the verifiable evidence that others have pointed out that falsifies the entire premise, but which you seem to ignore. How about we discuss that?

You can talk about whatever you want to, you can talk about my little pony if you like, however it has nothing to do with the evidence Mr Dunn found, if you stop saying the evidence that exists doesnt exist and talk about the hydrogen they were making it would be on topic rather then just one thread drift after another.
edit on 2-2-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

has the guy tested the salt found on the walls??

if they made hydrogen with hydrochloric acid and zinc there should be plenty of zinc chloride in there..

this bloke who also believes in the pyramid power plant like yourself doesnt mention any zinc chloride found after a chemical analysis:

In 'The Giza Power Plant' I present the results given in 1978 by the Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology who did a chemical analysis of this salt. They found it to be a mixture of calcium carbonate (limestone), sodium chloride (halite or salt), and calcium sulfate (gypsum, also known as plaster of paris).

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: choos

welcome to " pyramidiot chemistry "

they never explain where sodium comes from - or for that matter where the hydrogen goes

and people wonder why they are criticised

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: choos

welcome to " pyramidiot chemistry "

they never explain where sodium comes from - or for that matter where the hydrogen goes

and people wonder why they are criticised

You nailed it. If they were actually trying to learn a thing or two, it'd be one thing, but they have no interest in learning anything. They just keep spouting the same things over and over, and steadfastly ignore any evidence that disproves their claims, even when you shove it down their throat. And by the 3rd or 4th time that you try to explain exactly why their ideas are false, you become a "disinfo" agent. How anyone so tthick-headed and willfully ignorant is even able to function in society is beyond me....

Edit: And before I'm further accused of trying to take the thread off-topic, I'm still waiting for any actual evidence, so we have something to discuss....
edit on 2/2/2015 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

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