posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:21 AM
I too, run a recording studio. Here's some advice, for using what resources you have:
- record in a medium to large sized room.
- make sure there are no devices running they do increase your noise floor. No fridge, no computer, no fans, not even a cell phone on vibrate.
- make a blanket fort. The more absorbative material on the walls, the less reverb.
And the biggest advice I can give on that particular mic:
- do not sing straight into the mic. You are most likely causing harmonic distortion. Boost the mic to eye level, aiming it down 45 degrees at your
chest. Sing under the plane of the diaphragm. The recording will pick up the lows in your chest and the mids of your mouth, without the mud.
I really really really don't recommend using compression, if you don't know how to use it. Not even on presets. Louder signal without dynamic, will
defeat what you're trying to achieve.