posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 12:11 PM
"What's up babes ?"
"I hate the winter, the beast is sat there moping, regardless of how much love I show her, her breathing is shallow, however much I polish her she
turns her back like a spawned lover"
Ride her Cody
Too risky
"What happened to you ? We used to ride regardless"
"Yeah and you used to call me, now you just mope around"
"Oh my fault is it ? Was I the one that got married and had kids huh ? Was I the one that had the girlfriend that broke my heart ? Was I the one that
found happiness without me ? Was I the one that thought I'd moved on ? NO. I've been here for you waiting for you, I've always been here for you,
your freedom."
"OK then let's ride"
"But it's icy are you sure you can still handle me ?"
"Hell beast, I raised you, I loved you, I taught you every trick you know. Can I handle you ? Hell yeah. Can you handle me ?"
"I might kill you"
"I trust you beast"