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Hearing music and voices in white noise

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posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 05:19 AM
anyone checking the thread? I don't wanna write in vain

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Well I posted a few hours ago. Shoot!

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 09:15 AM
I think that white noise acts as a universal amplifier of subconscious signals (words, thougts,music) because it contains all common frequencies at once unlike the white light contains all colors. So the music you heard in the morning is stored in your RAM memory waiting for sleep to write on disc (long term memory) Of course you need to calm down the brainwaves somewhere below 8 hz or rather 6,5 to hack the lower layers. The voices could be a movie you've seen or even realtime people but no technology. Rather an astral plane we share during a bedtime. I believe that altering brainwaves to SMR (14Hz) or just above low alpha can restore it. Youtube is full of usefull isochronic music.
Also if you want to achieve a mastery I'd suggest Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I would suggest using headphones and a program without white noise tuning your right hemisphere to 14 or 14.3 Hz and the right hemisphere to beta. Trial version of for example Neuroprogrammer can do the trick.
I also wanted to pinpoint that if there is tinnitus it can probably act as kind of your own white noise source so you can hear your subconsciousness even if you are in silence. A friend of mine has one ear tinnitus and she hears BS all the time.

mostly reply to: sanitizedinfo

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ
My voices make it clear they reference a technology that is external. I fight them and I hear them talking. Plus my techniques work over time to almost fully stop them.

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

Actually I may be dealing with some low-pitch machine humming which makes everyone angry but it's far away from sci-fi mind hacking interacting with thoughts. Probably just some clever dick neighbour want's me to faq off but most likely a coincidence. My friend use to turn off the refrigerator and all. As long as she believes it works it relieves the stress and works. It's rather chemical because she interacts with it mostly after a bottle of wine and a few weeks after it. One thing I've learned - it doesn't matter what I say because these thought signals are audible-like which is more important than logic (especially for women). Hearing and thoughts are both electricity. Can't we kinda hear our thoughts?
I know many herbs and technology I mentioned which can be very powerfull but as long as she loves to dispute her own subconsciousness it's useless or temporal. Phantasy or trauma and confusion can give an area of brain (mind) it's own life. At first you argue or just think about someone from the past and imagining/forecasting the answers on the base of memory and at some point you realize you created an artificial intelligence playing chess with you like a dream you wouldn't make up.
I think the only way to destroy a Tulpa is to accept it as your own part and let it merge and dissolve in you.
No technology can invade spirit or defend against it. Why would anyone spend his own short life chatting with you about your day telling you how he's doing it just because he can anyway? You don't need any technology but your own mind. Eventually ask it's Source to reset you. However keep in mind the brain is also an organ and after years of chemical imbalance and empowering the neural paths there could be done some damage you can't just regenerate with omega3 oil.
If you make some thread about such technologies in the future send me U2U to invite me 'cause I like it.
I can't promise I won't try to debunk it but sharing weird stuff it's why we are here, isn't it?
edit on 22/1/2015 by PapagiorgioCZ because: Your reason for the edit (must be filled out):

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ
Basicly I know for a fact its exotic technology. My experiences tell me that. I know doubters are not worth my time.

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 09:13 PM
Your thread reminded me of my childhood.

I used to hear weird mumbling and often faint music, more heavy bass type stuff when I was a kid and it used to make me cry.

I remember my mum coming into my room a lot and assuring me there was no music and no voices. When she'd leave and turn the lights out I'd hear them again soon after and even as a boy I'd imagine little round headed shadow gobliny things were outside my room in the hall...if I had to go to the bathroom I'd run and close doors behind me really quickly.

One night I heard the noises, I lay in bed, scared and needing to pee. I got up and went to my bedroom door and opened it really quickly and sprinted to the bathroom, flicked the light on and closed the door. I did my business but I could hear mumbling outside again an it sounded like it was coming from my room, I panicked and opened the bathroom door and ran to the living room, opened the door and ran in slamming the door behind me.

My parents were sat there...motionless, not looking at me, their mouths not moving but they were talking, really muffled hard to understand, garbled speech. I was a bit confused and trying to talk to them but they were frozen, motionless...still mumbling and not even looking at me, I ran to my mum and tried to cuddle her and noticed something odd...she was 2d, paper a cardboard cut-out.

I looked round behind her and there was a weird tape machine, like a really old fashioned tape recorder type thing where you see the rells turning, like in mission impossible or something.

Then I woke up.

Sorry to go off on a tangent there but this thread reminded me of that.

I've heard pitch perfect, very elaborate and often quite wonderful music in my sleep many times, like yourself often just as I wake up.

One time I heard what sounded like circus or carnival type music, it got louder and louder then suddenly a booming and crackly voice started bellowing in some language I couldn't make out - but it sounded like it was coming from a speaker or PA system like some announcement and I woke up startled. Really odd and extremely vivid.

Interesting thread, flag well deserved.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

You see? Everyone hears stuff under circumstances. Aren't you so important for some military-industrial complex to use alien technology to blab with you all the years? We would need a few dozens military-industrial complexes and agencies just for your country.
This little thread is actually able to set you free from suffering but it won't happen if you are in love with your version of reality.
Isn't it you who starts the talk in your head or aloud spitting words of hate before you hear "them" ? Because it would be typical.
What if it's like a phone and you are answered only if you make a call?
What if your inner talk is a voice in some other poor soul's head causing similar suffering?

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ
I dont know that its human, but I am sure its technology.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: sanitizedinfo
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ
I dont know that its human, but I am sure its technology.

Technology disabled by classic schizo meds.

Makes you think...

Deny ignorance, read about the ailment afflicting you, and how it works. You will be stronger if you know how it affects you.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

OK this always happens, I didn't say meds worked completely, I said mental energy movement techniques were part of a multi-faceted system and they don't completely stop. And different locations have different levels of responses, some are polite, some are cruel, and its not like regular sounding but includes background noise as loud as jets. Its not an illness, its torchure, like trying to convince people I'm right.
edit on 24-1-2015 by sanitizedinfo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

What if you are wrong?

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: JUhrman
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

What if you are wrong?

What makes you want me to be?

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: cleverhans

... but it's basically like hearing a distant voice or song with white noise, but if you were to turn off the white noise it would stop.

This is normal, the hearing/voice recognition system present in your brain act like a filter. White noise countain all frequencies (audio) and will produce some activation of this mechanism, making it like hearing voice.

Some peoples may be more sensitive to this effect than others, but IMHO no need to worry.

However if the voice are intelligible and telling you "things" ...

edit on 2015-1-24 by PeterMcFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

I don't want to. You just have to examine the possibility. People are wrong all the time. Sometimes I am. Sometimes you are. No one can be right all the time.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

The voices know whats happening in and around me before I even do. And multiple times have intelligently showed me.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: JUhrman
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

Interesting! I would be interested by the recording too.

The thing with the remote isn't conclusive though. If the voices are from your subconscious, they will behave the way you expect them to.

That's actually exactly what happened to me. I discovered that it was my beliefs that were influencing what I was hearing and seeing.

If I expected seeing/hearing menacing stuff; I would.
If I expected seeing/hearing self/aggrandizing thoughts; I would.
If I expected seeing/hearing angelic choirs and divine presences; I would.

It behaved exactly how I expected/believed it would. So basically, I was in control. And thus it was coming from within.

That's why I'm really interested in your recording, to check if there's really something there or if it's not you hearing/seeing what you expect to find.

That is so true. And it applies to the experiences that folks have with psychic visions. If they feed their brains with the Alister Crowley demon crap then that is what they will experience. If they are hard core religious then they will see Jesus, angels or whatever their religion dictates. It's all in your belief structure. This cannot be stressed enough. Your thoughts create your reality. So feed your mind with what you want to experience and that is what you will create for your life. It's a simple concept, but not necessarily easy. It takes practice and a bit of discipline.

posted on Jan, 24 2015 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: Sha33

originally posted by: JUhrman
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

Interesting! I would be interested by the recording too.

The thing with the remote isn't conclusive though. If the voices are from your subconscious, they will behave the way you expect them to.

That's actually exactly what happened to me. I discovered that it was my beliefs that were influencing what I was hearing and seeing.

If I expected seeing/hearing menacing stuff; I would.
If I expected seeing/hearing self/aggrandizing thoughts; I would.
If I expected seeing/hearing angelic choirs and divine presences; I would.

It behaved exactly how I expected/believed it would. So basically, I was in control. And thus it was coming from within.

That's why I'm really interested in your recording, to check if there's really something there or if it's not you hearing/seeing what you expect to find.

That is so true. And it applies to the experiences that folks have with psychic visions. If they feed their brains with the Alister Crowley demon crap then that is what they will experience. If they are hard core religious then they will see Jesus, angels or whatever their religion dictates. It's all in your belief structure. This cannot be stressed enough. Your thoughts create your reality. So feed your mind with what you want to experience and that is what you will create for your life. It's a simple concept, but not necessarily easy. It takes practice and a bit of discipline.

Where is the Aleister Crowley "demon crap" you speak of?
I've read many of his writings, and I have not found any of this.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Sha33

The very essence of chaos magic, and of every other magical tradition in fact.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 08:25 AM
Hearing of the stuff you wouldn't make up is the most intriguing and confusing part of it.
Years of autosuggestion makes your subconscious believe you and play your game.
For example years ago I was taking some selfies, making vids and you know playing with my new cell phone and having good time. Next day my BS hearing friend told me she heard "them" speaking about some "nasty shots".
It makes you think about paranormal, supernatural, deamons, distant hearing of the agency guys speaking about the new content in your tapped phone etc.
Ok, what are the other possibilities? I think psychiatry started to recognize the paranormal in times of Carl Gustav Jung and his "Collective unconscious". It evolved but for the mainstream it's not important where it comes from. Their job is to quickly relieve crazy condition with drugs and go home sane at 03 p.m. It is 99% BS in most cases anyway. No one will study ancient mystique, magic herbs, quantum science or astral plane because you hear what you are not supposed to. Shut up, do not listen and go back to work. Don't spread the insanity.
How can I believe my friend had it from her own source? I believed it has logical explanation so I found it. If I decided to believe supernatural explanation I would have found it too. What about logical explanation? They say our consciousness works with about 40 bits of information per second while the subconscious mind process 40 Million. Imagine all the movies you've ever seen, all the data you've unknowingly stored in memory while lurking the web, all details from the everyday peripheral vision, smells, subliminal sounds and distant voices of real people.
Our brain is processing all of it and under normal condition it's processing the data on demand and you just pull something out of it. I think it's a work of the right brain hemisphere (called female hemisphere) You can rather feel the info as emotions, pictures, intuition and work on it while lucid dreaming.
Speaking about dreaming... Schizo- people use to have an area in the brain with theta activity which can be described as a day dreaming. Those with epilepsy use to have delta wave focus.
I'll tell you that drugs messing with dopamine levels like alcohol and lifetime nicotine abuse are pretty harmfull. Especially alcohol dissolves beneficial barriers and it's physically harming the brain cells. That's why they use nasty dopamine blockers to cure schizo folks. Weed and psychedelics is another story. Let's don't start about it if you don't have history.
I think you could try and see what happens with herbs like Gotu Kola - drunk by yogis for a better meditation and left-right brain hemisphere synchronization. And other GABA agonists like Brahmi, Scullcap, Valerian and B3 vitamine etc. Indian medicine use Calamus root for such conditions and also for epilepsy. What about a heavy metal detox and nutrient deficiencies? You can study technology stuff later or just live your life and forget it.
just to know what I was talking about:
then focused. It's good to speed up the brainwaves when you have slo-wave disorder
and maybe something like this before sleep
rather avoid digging lower into theta ever again

edit on 25/1/2015 by PapagiorgioCZ because: Your reason for the edit (must be filled out):

edit on 25/1/2015 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

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