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The Government Just Shutdown a Bigfoot Researcher.

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posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 02:40 PM
It could be as simple as he discovered a camp attacked by a bear. That would be enough to scare tourists away. Even more so if the hair fibers were analyzed and found not to be of any known species. Then there would be thousands of sasquatch hunters wanting to visit the area.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 03:27 PM
How can they shut him down for that, when Bigfoot is not known to belong to the government, hell he's not even proven to be real. It,wreaks of just government saying that we are so much of a police state that we can shut anyone down for anything...real or not.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 03:31 PM
Rednecks want to hunt and shoot him and
scientists wants to dissect him.

You can't blame Bigfoot for being so elusive.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 04:57 PM
After watching the TV show "In Search for Giants" I've come to wonder if all those news articles of Giant bones discovered in Native American burial sites, which seem to have gotten funneled into the Smithsonian's abyss of lost artifacts, could be Bigfoot skeletons. There is also the red headed Paracas Giants of Peru that may lead some credibility to the mystery of our worldwide giant hairy man.

There are numerous oral accounts and news articles of these large, six fingered, double rows of teeth skeletons found but, of course, there is no physical evidence to be had. Why is that? Are we to believe all these articles from our past are lies? Sure maybe some but all of them?
I think we are seeing some kind of coverup going on and it looks to be older than just the last few decades. That may imply the Vatican is involved. Why? Maybe what is being encountered is the offspring of the Nephilim spoken about in Genesis when the Fallen Angels interbreed with human women. You know, 'when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.' - Genesis 6:4. Later on in Numbers 13:33 and the Book of Enoch they are described as Giants.

Maybe or Maybe not. It's up to you to decide.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 05:07 PM
He wasn't shutdown by the government, he was employed by them. He took all his research with him so that they could be the first to find the big man.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: pez1975
Another thing that i always thought of is the government has admitted they exist they tell there soldiers when training in the woods do not shoot them do not chase them do not try to approach them notify a game warden or forest ranger or your commanding officer.

the government has a massive amounts of helicopters with super sensitive FLIR cams do you not think they can not see them running in the woods at night when they fly over why do u never see these investigators doing this with a copter with flir cams that would be the way to find them imo not walking the woods in the middle of the night banging on trees

I hadn't even given that a thought.....
Police in helicopters do it all the time of a night using FLIRT cams to catch criminals.
Why aren't these people using them ?

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 09:10 PM
Isn't 'Bob Garett' same guy who was investigating the mass if missing campers in a particular state forest?

Could he just have a gag order due to stumbling on a crime scene?
If it is a gag order it doesn't mean you have to delete social media accounts. You just can't talk about what's listed on the gag order.

Last guess he had a break down or was arrested??

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 09:44 PM
When thousands of credible people (Law Enforcement, Military, Older Upstanding Citizens, Business People, etc...) come forward with sighting stories, how can we keep ignoring Bigfoot must be real?

What would these people have to gain from coming forward?

I think the answer is nothing...they just want to be believed.

I have had my own moments with this elusive creature - heard but not seen - but I do believe.

The findings of David Pauladies Missing 411 books are truly sinister - read them if you haven't and this gentleman's silencing will make sense.

Good story and thread.

edit on Jan4540400145404045America/Chicago by Missmissie173 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 09:55 PM
Heard a theory they are Avatars like the movie...makes some sense to me as far as never finding a body, UFO & Bigfoot scene together, guys shooting at them and they just disappear etc...

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: pez1975
I have had a personal experience while hunting years ago and since then im a believer and no matter what the debunkers say they will never change my mind on Big Foots. I personally think there dangerous to human and if this guy found a camp site where an attack occurred I would not doubt it. I can see the government cover something like that up to keep the public from panicing and getting guns and going in the wood to find them and in there fear shooting other humans with the same mind set.

You and me both. I have never been so scared in my life, especially holding a high power rifle. He was way to close to get off more than one shot with my scoped gun if he decided to charge again, let alone it was only ten to fifteen yards away. The thought of having my arms ripped off and then getting beat with my own arm and gun ran through my head more than once after thinking, what if I had to shoot.

It was a large male and all kinds of pissed off at me interrupting his hog hunt I do believe. I had hogs to my right that I was sneaking up on when King Kong decided to charge me from my left. We were in a Mexican stand off for what seemed like an hour till I calmed down enough to smartly creep my way back out, it was also getting dark and no way was I staying any longer. I moved the way I came in until I heard him trying to flank me, then it was an all out run back to the road where I had all the clearing I need to put him down should I have to.

Lucky for him he was smart enough to not stick his butt out on that road. Still to this day I have not went back to those woods, maybe one day with many friends but never at night and not alone.

I have heard many stories of these big bastards taking small kids right from under their parents noses while camping and the Feds cover it up for some reason. Myself and others think they are whats left of the Nephilim Giants of Biblical times that may have survived the flood, on top of some mountains. The good book did say not all of them were extinct after the flood and I know that they tormented man at that time so bad that man did rise up against them. I think that is where they have a natural fear of us yet are more than willing to chase us off if we get to close to them by accident. Words can not describe the fear they give you, it seems more than you would expect, like they are part demon or something.

Most people think they are just warm and cuddly when they do not realize they can be twice the size of a silver back Gorilla and most would crap their pants over a silver back charging them let alone a pissed off Bigfoot. I would equate its charge through the woods towards me sounding like Bigfoot the truck smashing through the woods yet I could hear King Kong's two feet pounding the ground, let alone feeling them in the ground below my feet.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 10:15 PM
Okay guys, so this is the link to the interviews, it's 3 episodes, so about 3 hours (long I know, but worth it). I think the first two are free, but the third one is members only. This actually highlights all of the evidence. From Bob Garrett's mouth.
All the "Down the Rabbit Hole" episodes. episodes 70-72
My husband and I have been listening to this radio program for a long time and everyone involved seems very credible and it is a safe place for those who have had Bigfoot encounters to share their experiences, so none of this is for money or fame. It's a great show, so if you have the time, go ahead and have a listen.

And for those who are not interested in listening, he literally watched as someone remotely took over his computer and started getting rid of files. And there is more. One camper survived.

edit on 18-1-2015 by smilesmcgee because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2015 by smilesmcgee because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2015 by smilesmcgee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: HAZE3

Haha. I like the way you think. Digging deeper

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: Missmissie173

When thousands of credible people (Law Enforcement, Military, Older Upstanding Citizens, Business People, etc...) come forward with sighting stories, how can we keep ignoring Bigfoot must be real?

Thanks for all the replies and that's a very good question Missmissie (it could also apply to UFOs as well)- did find some of the accounts at the 'Bigfoot confirmed by the Government?' link really interesting and as you say the sheer number of folks who claim to have had sightings is pretty mindboggling - here's a nice map (sourced by Zorgon):

Overview Map of North American Bigfoot Sightings as reported by selected bigfoot research organization web sites Maps compiled using DeLorme Topo USA® and Google Earth®

* Also some other reports found here taken from Ivan Sanderson's newly found crypto archives.

originally posted by: smilesmcgee

Okay guys, so this is the link to the interviews, it's 3 episodes, so about 3 hours (long I know, but worth it). I think the first two are free, but the third one is members only. This actually highlights all of the evidence. From Bob Garrett's mouth.

All the "Down the Rabbit Hole" episodes. episodes 70-72

My husband and I have been listening to this radio program for a long time and everyone involved seems very credible and it is a safe place for those who have had Bigfoot encounters to share their experiences, so none of this is for money or fame. It's a great show, so if you have the time, go ahead and have a listen.

Smilesmcgee, great stuff and many thanks for posting that -have been struggling to find more info out about this so will definitely be giving those episodes a listen!

originally posted by: smilesmcgee

And for those who are not interested in listening, he literally watched as someone remotely took over his computer and started getting rid of files. And there is more. One camper survived.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: pez1975
Another thing that i always thought of is the government has admitted they exist they tell there soldiers when training in the woods do not shoot them do not chase them do not try to approach them notify a game warden or forest ranger or your commanding officer.

the government has a massive amounts of helicopters with super sensitive FLIR cams do you not think they can not see them running in the woods at night when they fly over why do u never see these investigators doing this with a copter with flir cams that would be the way to find them imo not walking the woods in the middle of the night banging on trees

a reply to: lambros56

Cuz, $40 000 a day to charter a TI equiped helicopter.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 09:32 AM
So has anyone been able to find a working link which shows the torn up camp video or the day after video? Every instance I try to find is down.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 11:07 AM
You know what "shuts down" Bigfoot "researchers"? The fact that it's 2015 and I can find a picture of Brett Favre's junk but I still can't find one of Bigfoot. Bigfoot does not exist. It's that simple. No pics, no hair, no body, no facts or evidence. No one shut this guy down. He is just another huckster trading on hopes and dreams. He's just another guy who knows that the more outrageous his claims, the more someone will drive traffic to his YouTube channel and fill his pockets. There is no Bigfoot. There is no possibility of a breeding population of undiscovered large bipedal hominids on the American continent. Period. People have spent the last fifty years looking everywhere for Bigfoot and they have come up dry. Because there is no Bigfoot to be found. Period. Did I believe in Sasquatch when I was ten years old in 1983? Sure I did. Now? Nope. Not at all. Because I deny ignorance.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: jaffo

Be nice if it was that cut and dry... but it is not. Period.

People aren't prone to reporting things that don't exist with such consistency and numbers, and the evidence does, in fact, exist. I, too, thought it was hookum until certain folks in my old Anthropology dept spilled their stories and showed me the drawer with print casts, poop and hair samples... and the dna was human... or close.

I don't pretend to know, for sure, never having seen one, but as far as it being bunk.. .the world is big and few people travel into the boonies and spend time there, anymore... and if you want to stay in the realm of consensus reality, think 'escaped circus gorilla' if you must. But I think a small population of a homo related branch is more likely.

In the last decade we discovered two branches of the human family we had no idea existed... as weird as it seems, I tend to believe the people I've spoken to that have actually seen them. They were trained observers very familiar with wildlife.. .and they said the things were incredibly elusive... unknown... and smart... .at least smart enough to hide from us regular humans, anyway.

Better to keep an open mind about such things, especially when there is, indeed, some compelling evidence. Period.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: jaffo
You know what "shuts down" Bigfoot "researchers"? The fact that it's 2015 and I can find a picture of Brett Favre's junk but I still can't find one of Bigfoot. Bigfoot does not exist. It's that simple. No pics, no hair, no body, no facts or evidence. No one shut this guy down. He is just another huckster trading on hopes and dreams. He's just another guy who knows that the more outrageous his claims, the more someone will drive traffic to his YouTube channel and fill his pockets. There is no Bigfoot. There is no possibility of a breeding population of undiscovered large bipedal hominids on the American continent. Period. People have spent the last fifty years looking everywhere for Bigfoot and they have come up dry. Because there is no Bigfoot to be found. Period. Did I believe in Sasquatch when I was ten years old in 1983? Sure I did. Now? Nope. Not at all. Because I deny ignorance.

I like how whenever there's a bigfoot thread, there's always one person who comes along to spout the usual "There's no evidence!" bs.

There's lots of pictures, videos, hair samples from something we haven't officially documented, tracks, scat... You name it.
"There is no possibility of a breeding population of undiscovered large bipedal hominids on the American continent"
Right, because other large mammals such as brown bears and moose don't exist, do they?
"People have spent the last fifty years looking everywhere for Bigfoot and they have come up dry"
Blatant lie.

Here's a news report on a navy cryptolinguist who studied some sasquatch audio recordings. He also gave a very good 2 hour lecture on these specific audio recordings and the use of language in them, which you can find with some quick googling.

edit on 1/19/2015 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 06:08 PM
After all of my research I strongly feel the government is using bigfoot as a modern day minotaur, meant to keep curious individuals away from certain areas of importance as well as capturing some to be brought to secret locations.

Sound crazy? Look up the missing 411. There is something very sinister happening in the wilderness of North America. Or as I believe, under it. Not only that, but all across the globe people, mainly children, are disappearing under mysterious circumstances in the wilderness. Often times right under their families nose.
edit on 19-1-2015 by Gh0stwalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: trollz

I like how whenever there's a bigfoot thread, there's always one person who comes along to spout the usual "There's no evidence!" bs.

Where is the evidence the government shut down bigfoot research. Where is the cease and desist order, anything at all. There is none, this should be in the HOAX bin.

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