posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to:
Don't be mislead by some of the prior "solutions." Auto supply stores can sell you a kit for about 15 US dollars to remove or at least reduce the
dimple caused by a severe rock hit that has damaged the outer layer of glass on your windshield and lets air in between it and the inner plastic
surface. There are vendors that may do a more professional job of it, but the process is simple for first-timers and really does work.
There is no solution for removing the normal minor sand pitting of a windshield. At least that is what
Click & Clack formerly of popular PBS
TV fame said a few years ago. They said that glass isn't as durable as it used to be. It could be done but is a time consumer chore and would
probably cost more than a new windshield, and therefore, not done.