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originally posted by: windword
a reply to: FinalCountdown
Have the Phoenix Lights been debunked?
originally posted by: FinalCountdown
Are all UFO videos fake? All UFO images?
originally posted by: skyblueworld
The UFO's seen flying over Washington in July 1952, please debunk!
I don't need to add anymore, it seems like you need to convince yourself whether it's true or not. That should be your decision alone.
So many testimonies, so many witnesses, yet people want video proof lol
Good luck convincing yourself either way.
originally posted by: skyblueworld
The UFO's seen flying over Washington in July 1952, please debunk!
I don't need to add anymore, it seems like you need to convince yourself whether it's true or not. That should be your decision alone.
So many testimonies, so many witnesses, yet people want video proof lol
Good luck convincing yourself either way.
originally posted by: Unity_99
They're not all. Some were debunked according to the skeptics, but not at all. NASA ones are good as well. ----.
originally posted by: uncommitted
originally posted by: skyblueworld
The UFO's seen flying over Washington in July 1952, please debunk!
I don't need to add anymore, it seems like you need to convince yourself whether it's true or not. That should be your decision alone.
So many testimonies, so many witnesses, yet people want video proof lol
Good luck convincing yourself either way.
The so called 'battle of LA' (not Washington, you can even see that in the text below the picture, not 1952, actually not long after Pearl Harbour)'? There were no testimonies that anything strange had been seen, none - all you are showing is the sole photo showing the army shooting at what appears to have been nothing and from all the actual testimonies from the military at the time, it seems one itchy trigger finger started a whole lot of shooting. There was a fear Japan was going to attack and the military were on high alert.
I always makes me laugh when people take a copy of that newspaper cover and try to add what they believe is an alien craft where there is nothing. The text on your screengrab even says that the white lights above the searchlights are from anti aircraft shells exploding - not against an object, but because that's what they are designed to do.
originally posted by: FinalCountdown
Good points here.
Still, there are hundreds if not thousands of UFO threads on this site.
Can anyone pull up a previous thread that has imagery that the majority of ATS fully agrees is actually alien?