Errrm so I've not just discovered this site but recently decided to make an account. A little about me: I like weird things and reading. Most of the
time I keep myself busy being creative. I also enjoy day dreaming a lot. There's not much else I can think of to say about me. I'm shy with
introductions and never know what to say. If you have questions, I'll answer. Anyways, I'm looking forward to being a member on the site and hope
everyone is enjoying their day.
You are possibly scaring her/him/it. I doubt they are the scareable type though. It really takes guts to inroduce yourself on this site. It's kind of
a big deal. I couldn't do it. I just de-lurked one day and hoped nobody noticed.
It's a great way to score a bunch of flags before you are allowed to post threads elsewhere. That being said, I did the same thing as you. I just
started posting and didn't think about any introductions until I was a few hundred posts deep.