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A Metal Thread For Metal Heads

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posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:06 PM
And just an open question to anyone that chances by -- Is anyone that posts to this thread a musician?

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: Ashirah
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Yeah I was wondering what happened to you the other day because I recently read a book with a story in it called Kallisti and as I have been visiting this site for news and reading material for a long time, I know I have seen you use that word before.

Tis true. I am a Discordian, you see. "Kallisti" is the word Our Lady Chaos, Eris Kallisti Discordia, inscribed upon the apple of discord. She was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, thus snubbed, Eris tossed the apple into the midst of the gods and goddesses present sparking a vanity fueled fracas (primarily between Athena, Hera and Aphrodite), "Kallisti" means "to the fairest" and we are all the fairest in our own eyes. Read more about my religion in Principia Discordia or How I met Goddess and What I Did to Her Once I Found Her.

"If organized religion is the opiate of the masses then Discordianism is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe."

Sprechen sie Deutsche?


posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Ashirah

I used to sing in a deathcore band called "Thousand Year Rain" but that was in high school and we sucked. I still do sing though. Otherwise I was always to poor to actually learn an instrument...

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

I see ... That explains why the story was centered around apples and an apple tree. Don't believe I've met a Discordian before.

Haha I hear that. I was a broke kid living with other broke kids when I should have been in hs, so I'd hitchhike downtown ( how I didn't get kidnapped and/or murdered is beyond me lol) just to go around to the music stores to play -for free- nice gear I could never afford! What kind of vocal style do you use?

This is the first song of someone else's I learned to play on electric guitar ... Don't laugh, its Trivium

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Ashirah

Hi! I'm a Discordian, nice to meet you! There now you have met a Discordian.

My vocal style is varied. It pretty much runs the gamut, gutturals, pig squeals, lows, highs, I can even hold my own doing power metal (Rhapsody of Fire, Dragonforce).

I gave up on that dream when life happened all of a sudden. I still sing for fun though. Or if I am drunk...

I like Trivium well enough. I have always wanted to play drums. And saxophone... yeah... saxophone.
edit on Cpm7Sunday3620152428Sun, 15 Feb 2015 19:36:24 -06002015 by CagliostroTheGreat because: add

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:01 PM

A heavy metal grab bag!

edit on Cpm8Sunday0220152328Sun, 15 Feb 2015 20:02:23 -06002015 by CagliostroTheGreat because: tags

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

Ah yes, Life, the destroyer of dreams lol.

Thats killer that you have singing ability, especially if you're belting out that clean power metal #. I went through a phase with operatic metal and discovered I actually have a bit of talent as well ... But despite that, I don't have a very unique sounding voice so didn't pursue anything.

I always seem to wind up with #ing guitar players so I typically have access to guitars but I'd kill for a nice electronic drum kit just to dick with at home. So expensive though. Prob a long shot but just how drunk would you have to be to actually record a bit of singing?

I have a weird thing for the percussion in this song and once I tried it on a friend's kit and it was actually somewhat discernible haha! Not bad for zero #ing experience.( On second thought it probably sounded like utter # to everyone but me

Also, I have an archspire shirt my stupid ass mangled with scissors on accident. Good band. I see you like Heaven Shall Burn -- Do you like Deadlock or Fear My Thoughts? They're also from Germany and I believe the girl singer from Deadlock did a song or two with HSB.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

So would that dinotrax be 'Nintendocore'?

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:56 PM
Sludgy track from post-black version of Lantlôs.

Woods of Desolation

Russian Circles w/ Chelsea Wolfe

And last but not least, this wonderful track from Ulver

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Ashirah
And just an open question to anyone that chances by -- Is anyone that posts to this thread a musician?

Not me! Although if someone gets the bodhran out in the pub, and if I've had a whisky or two then I can't help singing. My friends used to play in the Clutha, which was a pub in Glasgow and we had some great nights there.

Here's some more tunes you might like:

I've had this song in my head all day

(Forgive the hat, I wouldn't have picked it for him!)

Looking so oooooold now, sob:

Coz we do, right?

Not sure if you'll remember/like these guys or not:

And oh...I see you found him again! Well done.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

See, you just keep reaffirming how awesome you are! I'd never heard Tad ( or is it TAD?) Love that bass tone though. And I just so happen to like NIN
However, I don't think you should feel old, hope that's just you having a laugh!

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 08:18 PM

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: Ashirah
And just an open question to anyone that chances by -- Is anyone that posts to this thread a musician?

Raises hand.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

Oh that's right, I remember you mentioning something quite a few pages back. What do you play? Bass, right? I'm sorry if I've gotten it wrong, my memory is horrific

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: Ashirah

nope, you're spot on and memory is fully intact.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

What bass(es) do you play? I used to have a little 5 string soundgear and a btb.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Ashirah

I used soundgears for years. solid sounding and playing bass that you can actually afford. I was looking at another one recently just to have something with 24 frets instead of 22. Right now I've whittled my collection down to an Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray and a Fender Jazz fretless and run it all through an ancient 1975 Sunn Colliseum head into a Mesa 1x15/4x10 power house cab and use a few effects like a danelectro chorus, a big muff distortion, Radial Tonebone, digitech whamnmy pedal and a boss NS-2 noise suppressor.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

I've always liked ibanez guitars, especially sdgr because the slim necks work better for my smaller hands. A few years ago BC Rich came out with a Greg Weeks signature Eagle that appeals to me, though. Neckthrough model, not bolt on. My ex, who is a very talented bassist played a music man bongo and his band actually won an Ernie ball sponsored botb not too long ago. I'd post something of his but that might be kinda weird as its been a while since I've talked to him.

What do you think about Spectors? Mesa boogie makes good stuff. Ever played through an Aguilar? Pick?

Just to be clear, I'm not some virtuoso by any means lol Novelty, gimmicky girl metal bass player thing, or just playing alone for the sake of playing and its been a really long time since I've played one. Not very knowledgeable on gear.

Edit: Here's Greg Weeks' signature Traben

edit on 17-2-2015 by Ashirah because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Ashirah
a reply to: peter vlar

I've always liked ibanez guitars, especially sdgr because the slim necks work better for my smaller hands.

I used to love them and for the same reason. I could fly up and down the neck because of the width and scale but once I started playing Ernie Balls it was too weird to go back and forth after I got used to playing the wider neck and heavier bass.

A few years ago BC Rich came out with a Greg Weeks signature Eagle that appeals to me, though. Neckthrough model, not bolt on.

I'm not familiar w/ the Greg Weeks sig model and not really a fan of BC Rich. I liked the old early 80's stuff they were putting out but the company changed hands in the mid-late 80's and the quality dropped off. It's been so long since I gave them a chance though that they might have a decent product these days so who knows haha

My ex, who is a very talented bassist played a music man bongo and his band actually won an Ernie ball sponsored botb not too long ago. I'd post something of his but that might be kinda weird as its been a while since I've talked to him.

I love the Bongo Bass. I'd love to get one but I'm always dumping money into my recording studio and never seem to have an extra 1500 laying around these days. I might think about getting a used one though if I can find one I like because they sound amazing and play really nice.

What do you think about Spectors? Mesa boogie makes good stuff. Ever played through an Aguilar? Pick?

Spectors were really, really excellent instruments. Like the BC Rich though I haven't played one in a long time so not sure how well made they are these days. I love my Mesa gear and miss the 400+ head I used to have but the Sunn Colliseum is really killer. Especially for an amp that's 40 years old this year. Never played through an Aguilar and no picks, all fingers. I couldn't play with a pick if my life depended on it. I play with far more precision and can do 16th and 32nd notes all day faster and better than nearly everyone I 've seen do so with a pick. There are a couple videos that I posted of bands I've played with in the past and I'm pretty sure my current one as well I wasn't sure what the ATS policy was on shameless self promotion so I kind of just stuck them randomly in the thread and didn't bother making any mention of it. I'll PM you and link them if you want to check it out.

Just to be clear, I'm not some virtuoso by any means lol Novelty, gimmicky girl metal bass player thing, or just playing alone for the sake of playing and its been a really long time since I've played one. Not very knowledgeable on gear.

ehhh... you don't need to be a virtuoso or super knowledgeable and particular about gear. As long as you enjoy playing and have fun with it, that's all that matters in my opinion.

Edit: Here's Greg Weeks' signature Traben

It looks like its a pretty decent bass and not overly expensive. really good wood and I dig the pickups. I'll have to look around and see if I can find one and check it out. thanks for putting up the video of that.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Oh no I am with you on the BC Rich thing, I've owned a couple BC Rich guitars and my term for them is Firewood haha. Used to be attracted to them as a youngster purely for their aesthetics, but I've long since grown out of that. I had one US custom bich that played well but it got stolen! I also had a nice us warlock but it had weird neck issues that needed tweaking. But that sig eagle kinda caught my eye.

I remember when my ex bought his bongo he got so much # from everyone because it looked so different but it was so nice, only thing I didn't care for was the pick guard but I tend to dislike those on any guitar. Never had the chance to play a stingray but I've only ever heard good things.

Greg Weeks isn't a mind blowing bass player, I just always loved The Red Chord and I appreciated his taste in guitars. Plus he and Mike Gunface McKenzie are, in my opinion, hilarious.

YES! I could NEVER use a pick on bass and I used to get flak for that a lot. Did try but I'm a plucker and a slapper when it comes to bass, using the pick on those heavy gauged strings always felt clunky and weird.

Of course I'm down to hear your band if I haven't unknowingly already, when you get a moment u2u me something.

Edit: This is The Red Chord, they're deathcore, not sure how you feel about that..

edit on 18-2-2015 by Ashirah because: (no reason given)

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