posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to:
im so sorry your pittie was attacked. i kinda agree with you about the old man. i own a mastiff as well. she is so loveable but she hates smaller dogs
and will attack them. you must absolutely be able to handle them and they need to be well trained this is a must. mastiffs are so powerful if they
dont mind you its a accident waiting to happen.
now to the reason why i posted. please go get your pittie some colloidal silver from Walgreen. and give it to him in his water. it will help to kill
the infections over his whole body especially inside. i know for a fact that this works. im diabetic and got bad gangrene on my foot. i was presented
with the option to go to hospital for intravenous antibiotics. i declined. i would have been there for several weeks.
i made my own silver solution and it killed the infection and my foot looks normal again even after the dead skin came off...
i would post pics of it if i didnt think it would gross people out and i could figure out how to do it...
the silver solution is a life saver and just might stop something bad from happening to your wonderful pittie...
he is a great looking male.
hope you and him recover soon and thank you for not blaming the mastiff..
its the owner that needs to take the blame.. and this is coming from a mastiff owner...
regards robert in louisiana..
ps here is a link for you to review
well crap link didnt work here is the product i am talking about available at walgreens.
Peaceful Mountain Ionic Colloidal Silver
edit on 16-1-2015 by rwguessjr because: added link to walgreens for silver solution.
edit on 16-1-2015 by rwguessjr because:
link didnt work