posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:37 PM
B negative according to the Church of Laodicea in the 7 Churches of Revelation are interpreted as YAHudah’s progeny through Shuwah’s Daughter
(Jews or Ewes). Progeny of Eve (ha Wah) before flood & Japheth after the flood.
Laodicea – Holy people make restitution. Eve SEXually beguiled by fallen angel (Zeus- XES) and eating the Fruit of the body that causes death.
1) Your works are neither Hot nor Cold. You are lukewarm.
2) You are rich and increased (reference to Japheth’s blessings) continuing to break YHWH’s Law and eating the forbidden Fruit.
3) You don’t know you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked so clean out your eyes while there is still time.
4) You are going to be tried in the fire of the great Tribulation to make restitution
5) Counseled to righteousness to hide shame of your nakedness (reference to Eve’s adultery with Satan) Clean the Lust of flesh out of your eyes to
hide nakedness.
6) As many as He should love He reproves and corrects so repent and he will knock and have the Passover of mercy (April 3rd) with you.
14, And to the angel of the in Laodicea assembly write! Thus says the amen, the witness trustworthy and true, the source of the creation of God. 15, I
know your works that neither cold you are nor boiling hot; ought cold you should be or boiling hot. 16, Thus, because you are lukewarm, and not
boiling hot nor cold, I am about to vomit you from out of my mouth. 17, For you say that I am rich and am enriched, and no need have. And you do not
know that you are the miserable, and the pitiable, and poor, and blind, and naked. 18, I advise you to buy gold from me purified by fire, that you
should be rich, and garments with white that you should be covered, and should not be made manifest the shame of your nakedness; and collyrium rub
upon your eyes, that you should see! 19, I, as many as I should be fond of, I reprove and I correct. Be zealous then and repent! 20, Behold, I stand
at the door and knock; if any should hear my voice, and should open the door, even I will enter to him, and have supper with him, and he with me. 21,
The one overcoming I will give to him to sit with me on my throne, as even I overcame and sat with my father on his throne. 22, The one having an
ear, hear what the spirit says to the assemblies!
What happened to the House of YAHudah’s progeny (the Jews- Ewes) historically?
Here's the connection: YAHudah was an A- blood type like most of his family. He married the daughter of Shuwah. They had 3 sons’ the eldest married
to Shem’s granddaughter, Tamar. YAHudah’s firstborn rejected Tamar by spilling his seed at the counsel of his mother and again with the second
Son. Not wanting to lose his youngest son and thinking Tamar may be cursed. He withheld the 3rd forcing Tamar to play the Harlot. After YAHudah’s
wife died he had gone to shear his sheep. He saw a mysterious vailed prostitute at the fountain in the town square. YAHudah purchased sexual favors
using his ring and staff. Later in the story whamo, he finds that he is the father of Tamar’s twin son’s.
So what is the purpose of this crazy Biblical story?
Both YAHudah’s bloodlines had to be preserved. Tamar being an A- descendent of Shem easily provided that. YAHudah’s wife interfering was a problem
because naturally she was lobbying for wives from her foreign Tribe for her sons. Once all the conspirators were moved out of the way YAHudah’s
Blood line was preserved by himself. However on close inspection we find that Shuwah’s daughter was a B- and the 3rd son as well. Though YAHudah’s
A- blood line had to be preserved the House of YAHudah (Jews) which is the line of B-‘s that came from Shela, the 3rd son was just as important.
Genesis 50 refers to YAHudah’s ass’s colt being binded to the choice vine. Shela was that colt. The reason for the Messiah riding into Jerusalem
on an ass’s colt is so symbolically he could show the B‘s were entitled to have salvation along with the House of YAHqob’s namesake. Bringing
Eve’s Blood line back into the fold after the transgression in the garden was a great symbol as was the O- serpents being raised in the wilderness
symbolized some of the serpents would be entitled to salvation. This is why there are the 7 churches of Revelation to reaffirm those very promises and
to finally understand who we all are.