posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to:
yes we have seen this before, the difference is resolution. last time it was far away and we could barley make it out.
it was however a ST-10 video, but apparently from the same source -nasa.
It apparent to many that these utube channels were setup for the purpose of total saturation, that was achieved last year.. now ANYTHING that's
posted to the tube gets netted into the known hoax/fraud channels.. and is instantly flagged as bunk by the in crowd before any real debate can ever
It's a nice setup, i'll give them that.. casual observers are turned back quickly by the pre placed strawmen.. or instantly turned of by Blake's
"style" (he's no Robert Stack. & this ain't unsolved mystery's).
Or other similar .. rather irritating, problems.. many of these "big guys" add to their mega vids.
The end result is folks walk away, stop communicating due to the forced stigma.. they win, we loose.. and fakers get payed for their
now that's settled.. lets have some actual debate? and a lot less burning straw eh?..