posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 10:53 PM
i guess it may appear to be odd at first glance, but i am a pro-choice, anti-cruelty vegetarian.
first of all, the wording of this topic is a bit deceptive. it kind of gives off the impression that the vast majorty of pro-choice advocates are in
favor of savagly torturing and mutilating animals
the distinction that i draw between these two topics is that while i am not in favor of abortion, i do not believe that i (or anyone else) has the
right to say that it is wrong. Secondly, there is a distinct difference between the two practices. Animal cruelty is a malicious act, one that does
intentional harm to animals simply for the thrill. Abortion, while a negative thing, is in some ways required. what if a woman is raped? should she be
forced to carry out the pregnancy? additionally, what if the birth of the child will in turn kill the mother?
as a sidenote (once which i am not a large fan of), is the theory proposed by malthus - stating that if we do not have some form of human population
control, the inevitble population spike will cause mass hunger and famine, thus killing many more people.
these aren't the best arguments in the world, but i want to see if it will spike some conversation before i devote significant time to it.