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How many are against the death penalty and pro-choice in America?

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posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 11:41 AM

The Scott Peterson case raised an interesting question in my mind:

How many of you out there are both:

Against the Death Penalty



in America? What is your reasoning behind these two views together?

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 11:48 AM
I am a little different than most on this issue. I am for the death penalty, in fact, as one great comedian has suggested, they need an express lane for it. As far as abortion goes, I am only for it in certain circumstances. Rape, incest, and a threat to the mothers health. It should NEVER be used a a form of birth control. If you dont want to get pregnate, or you dont want to cause a pregnancy, dont have sex.

Scott P should have battery acid injected slowly in his viens as his form of corporal punishment.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:06 PM
I agree with the above poster however there's no point to the death penalty if it takes 20 years for it to be carried out. (As is the case here in California)

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:22 PM
I am against the death penalty and I am pro-choice.

To me a life that is already born and has an identity a name and a face is a human being.

Death penalty does not served a purpose but to give an eye for an eye

A person should be punish for his crime of another living and breathing human being with an identity a family and a life, jail term will be enough to make that person think for their violent crime for the rest of his natural life, death penalty makes thing to easy for the criminal.

I believe in a choice of a women to chose as her personal choice, not for others to take the decisions for her only when a child is born is when that child become an individual and is not longer attach to its mother's womb.

Lots of people has no problem when they are pro-war and for the death penalty when it comes to the death and killings of others human beings, but when it comes to women personal choices they put their bibles and religious believes to justify their actions.

Our nation is a nation of double standards as long as is justify in the eyes of their personal gods.

This is my opinions on the subject and I will not respond to any other poster that will challenge my views on this matter.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:28 PM
Death penalty GOOD. Abortion is MURDER. Sorry but I don't think many libs will have the guts to answer. Marg notwithstanding.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by DrHoracid]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:29 PM
I'm against the death penalty.
How many times have the police been proved to have got it wrong many years after the event.
Pro choice
I.m against Abortion, However in Rape cases or Serious Health problems I can see an argument

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:34 PM
OK, I'll play.

I am anti-death penalty. I could quote you a bunch of statistics showing how the process is heavily biased against young black men, but instead I'll simply say that the death penalty is not a deterrent. It is revenge, exacted against those who are too poor/uneducated/"undesirable" to defend themselves. When's the last time you saw a rich, middle-aged white guy get the needle?

I am pro-choice. Please note that there is, in fact, a difference between "pro-choice" and "pro-abortion." I do *not* believe in abortion; however, I think the wisest course to take is not to make it illegal, but to make it unnecessary. Teach sex education in school, starting in elementary, if necessary. Force insurance companies to pay for birth control. Make the "morning after" pill available OTC, and price it so that everyone can afford it.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:35 PM
I agree with Reap. I am against the death penalty (to easy a way out).

I am also pro-choice but against abortion. In some cases it is all the rest...don't get pregnant if you don't want a baby.

I believe it is the woman's choice though.....sad as it is.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:43 PM
I am for the death penalty and think it should be stretched to cover child molestation too, I am also for abortion and even assisted suicide, anything to get the traffic moving

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
I am for the death penalty and think it should be stretched to cover child molestation too, I am also for abortion and even assisted suicide, anything to get the traffic moving

Going to have to fully agree with you here. The highways are just too conjested in New Jersey.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:47 PM
I'm against the death penalty (I'll make and exception for GWB)
I am pro-choice but it should not be used lightly.
Rape, incest, abnormalities in the fetus or health risks to the mother are all acceptable reasons for an abortion.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:53 PM
I am pro-life (well, anti-abortion) and pro-death penalty. An unborn child is an innocent human being--no matter how small they are, and no matter if you can see them or not. Abortion is shedding innocent blood--the key word is innocent.

The death penalty is justice.

I don't get these liberals that do things backwards. Kill the innocent, defend the guilty. That just doesn't compute here. Or as they say on, my head asplode.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Death penalty GOOD. Abortion is MURDER. Sorry but I don't think many libs will have the guts to answer. Marg notwithstanding.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by DrHoracid]

I answered

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
I'm against the death penalty (I'll make and exception for GWB)
I am pro-choice but it should not be used lightly.
Rape, incest, abnormalities in the fetus or health risks to the mother are all acceptable reasons for an abortion.

So if my mother knew before I was born that I had a club foot, she should have had me killed?

Is it just me, or does that smack of EUGENICS? I cannot see aborting because of an abnormality. Would you kill your ten-year-old if he goes blind? Same thing. Gotta have the perfect child. Bragging rights and everything.

And when you say "health," what does that mean? That's a pretty broad term.

And should the child be punished because of what his/her father did? That child has every right to live as one that was conceived, say, in marriage. Not to mention that it's better for the mother in situations of rape or incest that she carry to term, and here's why:

The vast majority of the time, a victim of incest will WANT the child; it's her ticket out of there. The father wants the abortion to cover up his crime. And there's always adoption.

As far as rape goes--don't you know that one of the best ways to heal is to come to terms with what happened? Abortion is a huge act of denial. Abortion won't erase the fact that the rape happened, and will make things worse on the mother.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:01 PM
I'm for the death penalty, though when it comes from local charges, it takes forever to actually execute someone. If you get federal death penalty, you can be executed much more quickly (look at McVeigh for an example). Either way, it's no deterrent in it's current form. It just makes the guys on death row extremely dangerous (because they have nothing to lose).

Beyond those issues with the death penalty, you've also got to consider many state's 'three strikes' rule. It mandates either execution or life in prison for any third time felons. That makes such people unnecessarily dangerous too because they also have nothing to lose. If you're a two-time felon and you're out committing your third felony, just shoot all witnesses and victims. You're not going to be any more dead after a murder conviction than you are for a felony robbery one.

On to abortion. I won't go entirely into my thoughts on abortion because most people freak out with their 'every life is sacred' mumbo jumbo if I do. Suffice it to say that every life is not sacred. We have used medical advances to nearly completely counter natural selection, keeping deformed and disabled individuals alive and in states of near constant pain on the premise that 'life is sacred'. Life isn't's cheap. Sorry if you disagree with me (which most will), but that's the way I feel. The connections we make with others (emotional, etc.) are what are sacred, not the lives. So, is abortion wrong? Not in my mind. There are lots of good reasons to get an abortion. Do I believe that using abortion simply as an extension of birth control is the most socially irresponsible thing a person can do? Yeah. Does that mean it should be outlawed? No way. Until you have a bulletproof system for ensuring that humans can still be free and make mistakes, that also ensures care for children resulting from unwanted pregnancies, we're just going to have to live with abortion as birth control.

Fix the underlying society. This abortion argument is not the's only a symptom. To cure a disease, it must be addressed directly. To say that restrictive laws on abortion are the fix would be to say that if you gave an AIDS sufferer some Tylenol for the fever he got as a result of his weakened immune system, his AIDS would be cured. See? Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:02 PM
Pro-choice. The thing inside a woman is just like an appendix, it's not life.
Against the death penalty. Too much room for error, especially with minorities, and I don't think we have the moral right to pick and choose who we want to kill. I think it's a lazy way to deal with a problem.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:06 PM
I am only anti-death penalty only because the court system is not and can never be 100% accurate. I think leaving all real murderers to rot in prison without a chance of parole to save one innocent but convicted person from execution is better than what we have now.

I am pro-choice because I do not believe that anyone, let alone the government, should tell women what to do with their bodies. I personally would never consider an abortion if i got pregnant, even though i do not want children, and even if i got pregnant now as a college freshman. But I would never support any legal action that would take away that option for another woman.

Edited for spelling error.

[edit on 14-12-2004 by TheLiLBeam]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by curme
Pro-choice. The thing inside a woman is just like an appendix, it's not life.

Oh really? Would you care to see ultrasound photos of my son at 9 weeks' pregnancy? He was moving around so much the doctor had a time measuring him!

You don't see all the hoopla over removing a body part. An unborn child is not part of the woman's body. He/she has his/her own DNA at conception, even his/her own blood type.

I've been pregnant--twice. Miscarried my first. If it was only just a thing, why was I so upset over it?

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:26 PM
I am absolutely for the death penalty.
I think the biggest problem with the death penalty is that it takes to long to carry out. Scott P, was given the death sentence yesterday, he should already be burning in hell. Why waste time and money, they get convicted, and sentenced, then do it. No college education, no cable TV, no 3 square meals a day.

On abortion I have an odd view. I am personally against abortion, however I understand that it is not my place to dictate how a woman, or couple, should handle her own situation.

[edit on 12/14/2004 by superdude]

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 01:51 PM
How many are pro-life but pro death? It is sad, lets kill a human, but allow the zombie to live?(well, it is a zombie, it isn't alive, it isn't dead, it a zombie) I am both, pro-choice and pro-death. Kill the murderers, and well, can't kill a fetus, it isn't alive. I am not pro-abortion, but pro-choice. I don't get why pro-life think pro-choice means you have to go to a day care center and hose down the kids with uzis. Well, pro-life people like to shoot people and blow up hospitals. Sure only one part does abortions while the other 5 wings are pediatricians, surgeons, so forth, but hey, kill them all for we are pro-life. When was the last time a pro-choice blew up a church? NEVER! Yet the pro-life people kill doctors, nurses, patients, kids getting a check up at the time of the explosion, so forth all the time.

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