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Fox News 'terror expert' says everyone in Birmingham is a Muslim

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posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I might do Domo, but I have some doubts about which way that sort of thread will go.

Better to reach and teach one person than stay quiet.

Rather than an "ask-me-anything" I sense it would turn into a "you're-telling-me-what-you-think" thread

Stiff upper lip, you'll get flack, but isn't it worth it? Show people your passion, be vulnerable, and they are more likely to understand. Get some fire in that belly. You've said many of us that are taking issue with your religion don't understand, you have a perfect opportunity to explain what you feel, what you believe. I am betting the response would be overwhelming positive.

I think you're a good man, and I don't doubt your faith. I would love to hear the story. I would love to know how you met your wife, and how you found yourself and your religion.

I appreciate you, and I hope someday you will feel comfortable relating your story.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: douglas5
a reply to: xuenchen

I have lived there and found it a great place with nice people

Terrible accent though
Birmingham is full of people with terrible accents would have been a more accurate description. Sorry brummies

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: hutch622

a reply to: Domo1

I'll definitely think about it, pals.

Weigh up the pros & cons & all that.

I can see where you're coming from Domo, I've said to myself since day one I wouldn't get involved if people take issue with Islam on here, but sometimes my composure goes awol, & I feel I have to say somethin...

Usually though I'll respond to someone who I know is actually here to learn or at least come to an understanding, rather than those with blanket hatred or uncalled for vitriol...

It's rare I respond to someone I know is looking for a reaction.

Having said that, I feel an entire thread would seem like I was preaching.

I wouldn't mind doing a thread about how I came to my decision however, but that was a long journey and would need to be shortened & might take a while to put together.

I appreciate you too, & am forever grateful for your kind words & support.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs


At the end of the day, this is a place where we can share discussion and learn from one another by so doing. If you have had an experience of your faith, which runs counter to the prevailing understanding of it, held by those outside it, then I would not consider it preachy to assemble a thread upon the topic! That said, I can understand any misgivings you might have about doing so. Public opinion, even in a better informed demographic like the one all members here belong to, can be difficult to reconcile with the reality of certain situations.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

It's FOX viewers that haven't seem to have learned their lesson as they still need to ask after an 'apology' has been issued clearing up wrong information, for someone to confirm or deny if it's true.

The city council for Birmingham is still being inundated with petitions to allow non-Muslims back in.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:10 AM

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
What an idiot....I often hear from idiots we will be a muslim country (5 % population of muslims are gonna take over how) or no go zones...I live in one apparently.
Just lies and remember muslims love their kids just the same as we do and want the best for them.

Thanks for that reassurance....You mean like the ones that strap explosives on their children's bodies and force them to be human time bombs......very nice.
Do boy children enjoy 72 virgins too? How old are those virgins?
Lovely religion.....should be more of it.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: gort51

The virgins are a myth propagated by liars...

When we Martyr ourselves, we get to eat a Bacon sandwich though!

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: gort51

originally posted by: boymonkey74
What an idiot....I often hear from idiots we will be a muslim country (5 % population of muslims are gonna take over how) or no go zones...I live in one apparently.
Just lies and remember muslims love their kids just the same as we do and want the best for them.

Thanks for that reassurance....You mean like the ones that strap explosives on their children's bodies and force them to be human time bombs......very nice.
Do boy children enjoy 72 virgins too? How old are those virgins?
Lovely religion.....should be more of it.

Sorry you seem to confusing an entire religion of like 1 billion people with a comparative tiny amount of extremists within the religion...

we going to start listing atrocities committed by christian folks and then directly linking them to the entire christian religion?

Back to the issue, Birmingham is OK, its a little bleak, there are heavily Muslim area's but there is in Glasgow (where i am) too, and i spend a lot of time in Glasgow, even going through the Muslim areas. :O

i spend some time in Birmingham (recently in an argument Sheffield was quoted to me as being a Sharia law zone too) and Sheffield, Neither of these places have an overly oppressive feel to them.

Also can people stop pre fixing the word "Muslim" to gang related or crime related issues to focus on the "Muslim" part of it... i mean, Christians, aesthetes, Jews etc. they all commit crimes, intimidate people, fight in the street etc.

I Hate Fox.....

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:34 AM
I've never been there, but considering the immigration problem in the UK, I'm willing to believe it.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: peskyhumansSo your going to believe fox over people who have lived there. Figures

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: peskyhumans

People who live in the uk have shown it is bs.
Why would you still believe it?.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
A FoxNews "expert" has declared some amazing things about Muslim areas in England.

He claims there's religious police in some places and that non-Muslims don't go to some "no-go zones".

Hah. Well, I often go to Birmingham for work, and occasionally end up in some of the predominantly "muslim" areas of the city.

As with probably every city in the world, there are areas that have distinctive local communities. As a pasty white Irish Roman Catholic I have no concerns whatsoever in wandering around those areas based on religion. Admittedly, I'm not waving a Bible around and trying to convert anyone.

Are there areas of Birmingham I would avoid if possible? Absolutely. Nothing to do with religion, though, they're just rough areas. I'm sure every one of you has a local city that has a "bad area" where the thugs like to congregate, and thugs come in all shapes, sizes, religions, and colours.

I think the "muslim-dominated no go" areas really refer to "rather wouldn't go" areas. If not for work, there is absolutely nothing in that area that interests me. The same applies to most of the so-called "no go" areas in the UK - people don't want to go there, but nothing would actually happen to them if they did.

I don't doubt that there are groups in some of these communities who try to enforce their own views more strongly. I think the issue is massively overspun in the media, It's little different from the various "Gay-basher" and "Paki-basher" groups that sprung up in cities over previous decades. Thugs being thugs, not necessarily supported by the local community and certainly not exempt from the laws of the land when they are caught.

As for the Sharia Courts issues... oh dear. But that's a subject that has been done to death in several other threads, I believe. "Sharia Law" is not recognised as law, but Sharia Courts are accepted as arbitrators, just like many other bodies. The basic premise is that "if both parties are happy to agree to those terms, provided those terms are not unlawful, it's none of the Court's business what they decide." Matters can still be taken before a real Court if necessary. The actual issue is people being pressured into accepting Sharia Court decisions by their family or local communities, even if they have real redress available to them through English Law.

The Law Commission was looking at ways in which certain legal documents could be drafted to remain consistent with both English law and Sharia requirements. It wasn't an attempt to legitimise Sharia, but rather an attempt to see how it could be brought into compliance with English Law.
edit on 12-1-2015 by EvillerBob because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs Someone said Duran Duran were originally known as Quran Quran

ha ha not bad.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: peskyhumans
I've never been there, but considering the immigration problem in the UK, I'm willing to believe it.

Do you even know where it is? And the immigration problem? How would you know about the immigration problem if you've never been there? oh, I see, you rely on people like this pundit to form any opinion you might have?

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:24 AM
I see there are a couple of muslim AND Birmingham hating trolls on here already!

Je suis un Brummie

Birmingham is probably one of the most diverse multicultural cities in the UK. I work there everyday and also spend quite a few enjoyable evenings in the city centre and have never had a problem with anyone from any culture apart from a few white British thugs. I am white btw.

Here's a great open letter to Fox:

Educate yourselves and enjoy!

edit on 12-1-2015 by Ratman because: added content

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Mr Emerson maybe getting a visit shortly from " The Peaky Blinders "

On a serious note, i live in Birmingham and Mr Emerson has rang the local radio station and apologised. He has also made a donation to The Birmingham Children's Hospital.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Ratman

Great night out there....I think.
I was ver very drunk.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:30 AM
And I'm pretty sure this area of Birmingham is not 100% Muslim!!!

Oh Fox. How you've made me laugh today!!!


posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 07:30 AM
If Birmingham is where Black Sabbath was born then I am a fan! I am also a fan because of a great show called Peaky Blinders.....if you haven't seen should.

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