posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 11:24 AM
s we move forward into the Age of Aquarius, we will have many opportunities to experience anger. Either coming from other people or coming from
ourselves. Anger in and of itself is not bad, but left unchecked or left in the body unexpressed can and will be very damaging. Reiki will gently but
thoroughly help to remove it from the body and by removing it, we are then able to learn new ways to handle anger constructively. The Age of Aquarius
is raising our vibrations, so you may find that you are experiencing anger more often than before. If you find that you are angry much of the time,
Reiki will provide an outlet for healthy anger releases. Kelli is our resident AQUARIUS. Her gift's are to work with universal love energy, she has
the ability to channel directly from her heart chraka. This makes a healing with her feel very special. We could all use more LOVE in our lives.
The above I didn't know until just now, I was researching reiki because I went for a massage yesterday and she was also doing reiki on me.
I could not believe the things she was saying to me after the session, she was so right on. my heart "chakra" and throat "chakra" were apparantly
plugged or something so she balanced everything out, and wow, it felt wonderful. The massage was great, but the energy stuff is wild. I'm not going
to tell you what she said because it's kind of like going to see a shrink except it's about you and the universe. Anyhoodle, this age of aquarious
is a time for us to do some inner soul searching, figure out what we need in our lives, and start living with more love instead of anger... Anger
doesn't get us anywhere, stress levels are higher, anxiety level gets higher, sickness happens, and your spirit gets rusty.. If anybody lives in
michigan and would like some info on where I went u2u me i'd be happy to share.