a reply to:
I have lost count now of the number of posts I have had to write in the last few days justifying why I don't "hate" different groups in society, why I
don't view one man's religious beliefs as "evil" or as a "cancer" on society.
Do you imagine a man that uses (or truly believes) religion as a tool to bring terror to others?
You know what I hate?
Murderous f's....rapists...greedy bastards that suck, like leeches, off others...child molesters....terrorists.
I can't "not hate" because hate come naturally when I see the damage done by the dredges of our world.
....it only makes me want to kill them.
There is no other way to be sure!
You know what else I hate? (I know, you didn't ask...but it's the rant forum so hell with it, I'm rolling)
I hate those who attempt to apologize for or sympathize with those who do the things that I hate the aforementioned for. It's sickening and I WILL
call it out, when I can...and when I come to HATE it enough.
Thing is, many ask, "what is it like to live "hating".....Who is to say one has to live only to hate, to hate? I don't do that.
I enjoy what I can in life. That's the thing though...I HATE the aforementioned because for others, just like me and you and all the rest of us that
just want to live a full life, our lives are often destroyed by those scum of the Earth, oxygen thieving *self snip*.....and until it is figured out
how to eliminate those dredges of society with harming innocent lives (not happening any time soon, sadly) then I suppose I'll just keep on hatin'.
I however, will not generalize entire groups of people because of the actions of segments of people deemed "the same" as them.....in any capacity.
ETA:.....the more we allow the haters (as spoke of by the OP) and the scum (as I speak of above) to have a platform, to be given a place where the
"haters" (as spoke of by Other) can come to apologize for them or trying to "rationalize and justify" their actions...to tell those of us that wish to
eliminate them that we are "more wrong" or "just as bad" as the scum (child molesters, etc) then it is only going to get worse....
When we do nothing to combat evil, it IS cancerous, it IS a threat....and if WE don't stop it, somehow, some way, then I guess we just get what we get
and it is what it is....I however, hope not to be here to see it, as I hope if it comes to that, that said "evil forces" will know me to be a "thorn"
and I will have perished before it all goes to complete [insert armageddon movie title to imagine] type s.......
...I don't like the direction this world is (and has been) heading......it seems to be my worst fears about the direction our world could take
(probably inspired by the visions of earlier visionaries in many ways, I suppose) are coming to pass, in slow motion.
edit on 11-1-2015
by Jakal26 because: (no reason given)