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Conservative Icon Blames College Campus Sexual Assaults On Too Many Female Students

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posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:43 AM
Its hard to believe that in this day and age that this type of absurd and illogical thinking is still alive and well. Surprisingly, the statement comes from a women who has been university educated. I love The Young Turks, give their video a watch for the story.

"Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly is worried that college campuses are populated by too many women, a phenomenon she insinuated has contributed to increased sexual assault on campus.

In a Monday column for the far-right website World Net Daily, the longtime anti-feminist crusader lamented the declining portion of university enrollments accounted for by men. Schlafly — BA and JD, Washington University in St. Louis; MA, Radcliffe College — argued that it may even be time to implement quotas to ensure that men constitute at least half of a college’s enrollment.”

So, apparently you can reduce the amount of sexual assaults on collage campus's by... reducing the amount of women. Not only that, she goes on to talk about how less men are now going to college and that a quota should be introduced to reassess this ( I kinda agree)
Lastly, she states that student loans should be abolished so that college students don't have enough time for partying.

This woman has lost her marbles but im sharing this because it reminds me of some of the mentalities of some active ATS members. Thought i'd give the MRA's something to defend while i sit back and laugh to myself about how moronic this whole segment is.

Ladies, dont want to risk sexual assault? Take this educated woman's advice and stay at home

edit on 11-1-2015 by SearchLightsInc because: Edited to get video to show.

edit on 11-1-2015 by SearchLightsInc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:46 AM
First, Young Turks.

Second, I can't see your video.

Third, since Young Turks, could you at least name the relevant so-called icon and put up the quotes? It is not unusual for people to be taken out of context and then smeared from that alone.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
First, Young Turks.

Second, I can't see your video.

Third, since Young Turks, could you at least name the relevant so-called icon and put up the quotes? It is not unusual for people to be taken out of context and then smeared from that alone.

Young Turks are very good in how they present current news. They're neither conservative or liberal, just human beings who want real solutions to the worlds problems.

Secondly, ive included an external extract from their youtube video and *hopefully* the video should work now.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
First, Young Turks.

Second, I can't see your video.

Third, since Young Turks, could you at least name the relevant so-called icon and put up the quotes? It is not unusual for people to be taken out of context and then smeared from that alone.

This is the name of the woman the video is about Phyllis Schlafly. This woman is if anything anti woman she was even against the ERA. It's funny that you say they take words out of context when they usually play videos showing the person making the comment they talk about if they don't have a video they provide the link showing where they got the quote from. So how are they taking words out of context.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:04 AM

Lastly, she states that student loans should be abolished so that college students don't have enough time for partying.

I wonder if mom and dad paid for her education?

Don't have a few of grand handy when you register - no school for you. Too bad supply/demand, such as lack of students, wouldn't reduce the cost anyway.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:05 AM
Here is the article in question, straight from the horse's mouth.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:13 AM
I mean technically that does work, lower numbers of women does
equate automatically to lower numbers of sexual assault against
women.... If that really is their idea of addressing the problem though
i will have to question their overall intelligence.

That is tantamount to simply saying well if everyone just stayed
inside all the time hit and runs would be at an all time low..... lol
Useless and pointing out the obvious. I bet they even got paid to
do it too.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

I can't say all conservative beliefs have no merit, but I have to say, they have the most ignorant and incompetent people speaking on their behalf. Wow, putting the blame on women for being raped. Is there even any question as to why conservatives lose the women's vote? I don't know how any competent or forward thinking conservative can even defend this.
edit on 11-1-2015 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:23 AM
So? This is what she's saying:

You have an arena now where there are more women than men. The men can afford to be very choosy and pick and choose and dictate the terms on which they will accept the women. If you are a young, randy male, the odds are that you are not looking to settle down. Most men do not start to think about that until they are in their later 20s. So, you can tell a girl it's my way or the highway if you want to be with me.

That's what she is saying.

When there were more men than women. The situation was somewhat reversed. The men had to play the game on the women's terms in order to have a date, and women are looking more for long-term at that age. So those were the terms men had to play by.

Also, she points out, rightly, that men do better at math as a function of how their brains are wired. They are better at special reasoning. This means they score better at the tests that get them into most colleges, but for some reason, they are under-represented on college campuses.

Of course, it could be that our education system is geared more toward a female learning style. Teaching children who act like good little girls rather like little boys who wind up drugged as having ADHD because they are "uncontrollable."

Face it. Boys are discriminated against.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:35 AM
While this is insane, and outright infuriating, it's no different than liberals claiming that all men are rapists. Idiocy exists on both end of the spectrum I'm afraid.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:37 AM
Nothing she states is rightly stated. Sexual assualt has nothing to do with the women's numbers. She is a complete anti feminist moron. And men don't need quota's. Just apply for college. Make sure you take the right prerequisite courses and get good grades. Its that simply aside from the financial aspects.
edit on 11-1-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: SearchLightsInc
This woman has lost her marbles but im sharing this because it reminds me of some of the mentalities of some active ATS members.

originally posted by: ketsuko
Face it. Boys are discriminated against.



Phyllis Schlafly's comments and mindset are so insane that I can barely form a response because I'm kind of speechless!

It is interesting, though, how A LOT of people automatically tend to look, not at the men's behavior, but for other factors to blame, for the persistent problem of rape and sexual assault by men in our society! It's like it's out of the question to look at men and start making them take responsibility for what they do. They must be doing it for another reason... They can't help it. And it must be something women are doing... It's been that way forever. It's why women wear burkas. It's why they blame women for how they're dressed, how they behave, where they are, how much they've had to drink, how gullible women are, and so on. With this article, it seems to be the woman's fault because she is simply THERE.

Insanity seems to rule.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Wonder what she meant with this little gem:

The imbalance of far more women than men at colleges has been a factor in the various sex scandals that have made news in the last couple of years.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:53 AM
I don't believe that sexual assaults are more of a problems than they used to be. It's just that more women report them.
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 09:54 AM

Is there even any question on why conservatives lose the women's vote?

Women are big conservative supporters in rural Texas. I thought it was a paradox but now just write it off to stupidity and the husband's pay check.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: SearchLightsInc

The Young Turks to current events is like what Dennis Rodman was to basketball. Fun to watch and make fun of.

It is sad that this is even a topic to discuss. Even more depressing that a "conservative icon" doesn't know the facts and has bought the feminist lie that campus sexual assaults are rampant. Women that attend college are less likely than their non college peers to be sexually assaulted. And women that attend college have something like a .03/5 chance to be a victim.

Touching on the ratio of males to females that attend college; I could care less. An average college education doesnt mean much in today's world, most people are better of not taking on the debt and finding other ways to climb the ladder (just my opinion).

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
It's like it's out of the question to look at men and start making them take responsibility for what they do.

Hey BH, well, you know I am not some neocon sexist, but I am gonna disagree with you here. This is a social movement that is steeped in a whole bunch of manure...lets start with that last line.
The prison system is packed with men taking responsibility for sex assault/rape. There is no greater need here for education in the west. everyone knows rape is bad, even date rape. What the problem is now is that they are going too far. now its arguably rape if one or both parties are drunk, or if specifically the words yes haven't been clearly spoken. This is becoming creepy now.

The social justice types in this area are the puritans in this case, demanding sex is a dirty thing men do to women violently. I have read soo many rather disturbing quotes by influencial and seemingly rational folks that show a rise in this old school witch burning disguised as social justice (social control is more accurate).

Insanity seems to rule.

It does, and I don't want to diminish what you wrote, because cons are also at fault here for the slut shaming stuff..however, unless both sides of this get together with facts..hard statistical facts, and principles, then both sides, right and left, are fighting the fight of censorship, puritanical values, California "yes means yes" style bedroom control, paranoia, misandry, and ultimately a backstep in liberation and equality for all.

look at this huffpo article (and ignore the narrative) Sexual Assault Statistics Can Be Confusing, But They're Not The Point
no, statistics are dry numerical facts. what stats do is confuse narratives.

There is no rampant sexual assault culture on campus, its safer there than at home frankly, and in the west sex assault is at a all time low, but that doesn't stop the feminists (3rd wave feminists are not egalitarians, they are women empowerment (over men) types) from trying to create segregation and places, man guilt should someone rape someone, all men raped someone, etc. its quite disconcerning to someone of liberal mindset to watch pretend liberals trying to corrupt education and equality.

Anyhow, this nut is just that...a nut. But, don't let this specific nut make you polarized against an actual look into the claims and call bs where it lays.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: ghostrager
Women that attend college are less likely than their non college peers to be sexually assaulted.

Minutely less likely.

Bureau of Justice

The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).

But maybe not...

Another oft-cited national survey from 2000, the Sexual Victimization of College Women, found the opposite to be true: that college women are more likely to experience rape or sexual assault.


And seeing as how students are less likely to report it, it's hard to say which is more... Does it matter? No.

Rape and sexual assault victimizations of students (80%) were more likely than nonstudent victimizations (67%) to go unreported to police.

Even more depressing that a "conservative icon" doesn't know the facts and has bought the feminist lie that campus sexual assaults are rampant. And women that attend college have something like a .03/5 chance to be a victim.

Insignificant! We shouldn't even worry about it. Yes, the feminist lie! Once again, let's blame the women for making this # up!

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
Insignificant! We shouldn't even worry about it. Yes, the feminist lie! Once again, let's blame the women for making this # up!

Actually, lets take a different route. I was about to start requoting stuff from your source (the daily beast) to show the doublespeak, but screw it. lets take this path instead...

What should be done? don't say have men take responsibility, yadda know assault is bad, yet bad people assault.
So...what can be done then. Its a bit like any crime. criminals do it regardless of the law..thats sort of the point of them being criminals

So..what actual tangible thing can be done? think about it..what is the final result?

segregation perhaps? all men outfitted with some sort of electronic chip for tracking? video surveillance everywhere? take a bit of time and stop going with the slogans and consider the actual real world possibilities of what can/should be done.

You will quickly realize this whole argument has a hidden agenda, and it isn't pretty for anyone.

re-examine the stats.

I watch this woman in regards to actual feminism, and more importantly, trying to reclaim sense into the movement

edit on 11-1-2015 by SaturnFX because: speeling mastake

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

She meant that when men get to dictate the rules of the dating game, then the game is played by their rules not the rules women would prefer.

The power rests in the hands of the minority in this case. You want a man who will treat you with respect and the men don't want to? They don't have to. There are less of them and more women who want men. If you won't play ball their way, then another woman will.

You really should stop and think. She holds the same jaundiced view of men in this case that you do, but you refuse to see it because ... OMG, conservative = bad.

edit on 11-1-2015 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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