I have read a 500 page book about the Illuminati and it gives some surprising information that is never mentioned in Illuminati videos on Youtube.
Adam Weishaupt believed that the primitive man was the most illuminated and the modern man was unenlightened. It goes against the notion that he was
out there to create a giant world government and bureaucracy. I'm just putting this on the record.
Tragedy and hope touches on some of the aspects on how the plan got formulated over the years by different historical characters
.www.tragedyandhope.com... Adam Weishaupt being one of many .I think the education system was one aspect that help play a big roll in dumbing
down the populaces to only have the ability to regurgitate and not think properly . Worth anyone's time to spend a little digging at the site ..
a reply to: MayorOfCydonia
"The Illuminati" are not who we think they are. I think the entire image of gloating, old bankers is a distraction. They're fall guys just playing
their part.
This is how I feel as well. The NWO presented to us is the system established that has lead to prosperity. By sabotaging and corrupting this system
from within it will be the fall guy. The real NWO is the solution that will be presented to everyone as the final solution of sorts to the problems
of global inequality. They have to have our compliance to bring it about is the key. Even with tech and manpower they can not police the entire
planet. Once the fake utopia is uncovered it will be too late we will be trapped in an autocratic system that will cause people to turn on each other
like in places like the former U.S.S.R. etc.
It's nice to see someone learn the facts about the real Illuminati and not just stick to the you tube 'knowledge". Here is something you might enjoy. The artist is/was a member here.
A little of the writings and correspondence of Adam Weishaupt ... if not well worth studying for a real insight into what he was about in his own