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Anon declares war on Islamic extremeists

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posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: ecossiepossie

Good for them. I wonder if we will find out considerably more about these people than would be released by our own government? Also will we get to the bottom of who gets these dodgepots to act up in the first place.

(I do not disclaim actions taken purely by our governments in muslim countries as a reason for some of the hatred and bitterness that innocent victims of the trouble their interference causes). However, I do wish these hatred merchants would realise that most of the western people do not go along with their government's actions and sympathise strongly with the people left in turmoil. They should be aiming their hatred for the individuals who hold power to make these decisions or demand they are made - go for them and the rest of us could live our lives as we wish.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 07:06 AM
LOL Every single thing is infiltrated by gov, comes part and parcel, but this to me is the beauty of anonymous, anyone can join in and be anon, even gov, it's down to you to decide which is which.

It doesn't say anything really about anon as a whole, I mean potentially we are ALL anon! And no-one is anon lol Thus there is no ground to win or lose.

As for what they want to do, sure why not.

Are gov involved in this, why would they be? They set ISIS up, they benefit from them being there, why would they want to shut them up? And if they did want to secretly shut them up, why? As in why not take the credit? They're bombing them for heavens sake. XD

So to me it makes no logical sense for them to be involved with the task...

EDIT, Having said that gov does move in mysterious ways... Or is that god? Oh who cares, both a couple of control freaks... XD
edit on 10-1-2015 by Meee32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Meee32
LOL Every single thing is infiltrated by gov, comes part and parcel, but this to me is the beauty of anonymous, anyone can join in and be anon, even gov, it's down to you to decide which is which.

It doesn't say anything really about anon as a whole, I mean potentially we are ALL anon! And no-one is anon lol Thus there is no ground to win or lose.

As for what they want to do, sure why not.

Are gov involved in this, why would they be? They set ISIS up, they benefit from them being there, why would they want to shut them up? And if they did want to secretly shut them up, why? As in why not take the credit? They're bombing them for heavens sake. XD

So to me it makes no logical sense for them to be involved with the task...

EDIT, Having said that gov does move in mysterious ways... Or is that god? Oh who cares, both a couple of control freaks... XD

Thats simply not true. Not everything is infiltrated, my backside has never been infiltrated by government.
At least not yet anyway. I suppose there is time for that in the future.

Popular interest groups are infiltrated. Any movement of people that has political clout is infiltrated.
The government doesnt move in mysterious ways, it acts in self serving, preserve the status quo, "must keep power" kind of ways.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: OneManArmy

Thats simply not true. Not everything is infiltrated, my backside has never been infiltrated by government. At least not yet anyway. I suppose there is time for that in the future.

Oh, I assume you don't pay any tax then? Last time I totted them all up I felt rather penetrated... lol

Popular interest groups are infiltrated. Any movement of people that has political clout is infiltrated. The government doesnt move in mysterious ways, it acts in self serving, preserve the status quo, "must keep power" kind of ways.

Sure of course and what better way than to have a bogey man that's in your face and loud and proud, which again lends weight to the theory of them not being involved in this particular circumstance, yet of course one can never know for sure.
edit on 10-1-2015 by Meee32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 10:18 AM
Can someone please post a Youtube link to the video.
The OP's source page wont load and play the video for me, and there are alot of different "anon" videos, regarding Charlie Hebdo, out there already.

Thanks in advance :-)
edit on 10/1/2015 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 10:51 AM
I am still waiting for them to 'blow wide open' the pedophile rings.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Meee32
a reply to: OneManArmy

Thats simply not true. Not everything is infiltrated, my backside has never been infiltrated by government. At least not yet anyway. I suppose there is time for that in the future.

Oh, I assume you don't pay any tax then? Last time I totted them all up I felt rather penetrated... lol

Ok, when you put it like that, you have a very valid point.
My bum starts to feel sore.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 12:06 PM
'Kill them?' Seems like all anonymous ever does is take websites down for a few hours...

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 12:19 PM
détruire means destroy in English not `kill'....... The translation is wrong.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Kuroodo
a reply to: VoidHawk

I'm an Anon and I don't work for the Government.

Everyone else who shares their vision is an Anon. Anonymous may be a group, but they are also a symbol and movement.

Just curious. If you are a member of Anonymous.....why do you refer to Anonymous as "they"...instead of "we"?

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: infinityorder

I don't understand?

Is this a threat......a reply to: ecossiepossie
...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...........

Op, there is countdown underway right now for rhis op.

A little over a day left until the timer runs out.

If so the time has exspired an I am still here.............................................................

Easy to be brave when you are anon.
Care to pm me I will provide my details.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 02:37 PM

Just saw this from the twitter OpCharlieHebdo...don't know French so if anyone could translate this I think it could add some info on this thread.

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: Kuroodo
a reply to: VoidHawk

I'm an Anon and I don't work for the Government.

Everyone else who shares their vision is an Anon. Anonymous may be a group, but they are also a symbol and movement.

You're Anon...Not very covert.


That made my day

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: ecossiepossie

Sorry misunderstood I hope... Not a threat to my OP
But a promise to retaliate against the Terrorists .

Have at It....

Still waiting though .
And as another poster said still waiting for your threat to expose the peodophile rings wide open..

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 09:08 PM
This is just another way for ANON to get some more attention. All talk, and no action.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 06:40 AM
Reminds me of when "anonymous" declared war on Mexican Cartels then a bunch of fags were found skinned alive a week later.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Shutting down their Facebook, Twitter and all that is a start. They need to trace bank accounts and wipe them out. If they are as good as they think they are, that should be their main goal.

The problem is that western institutions don't really apply to the middle east and central Asia. While SOME terrorist money may be moving through bank accounts a lot of it goes through shell corporations in Dubai and the UAE and is then filtered into stock markets where it comes out clean on the other side. Additionally the majority of money transfers themselves, illicit and legal, move through Halawas. Halawas account for 2/3s of money transactions in Pakistan alone just to give you an Idea of there prevelance. There tend to be little or no verifaction or controls associated with the Halawas and the Hawaladars(the guys who run the exchanges) themselves keep notoriously bad records. If one wants to disrupt terrorist funding these Eastern methods of money transfer deserve further scrutiny. Additionally it would make sense to take concrete steps against the poppy trade for instance as that is where groups like Al Queda and the Taliban receive most of their funding these days. Anon going after propaganda outlets, and likely for only a short while, will have little to no long term affect other than making a statement.

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 04:36 PM
As long time Anon I find myself beside myself. This is as feutile as the time Anon declared war on the Mexican Cartel resulting in anons allegedly being kidnapped or killed.

So Anon has the internet at it's disposal.While islamic extremists have bombs and weapons of death in thier midst. Sure Anon might deface some Islamic fundamentalist websites and perhaps dox some nembers but in the end it wont make an impact in the grand scheme of things. It is not like jihadists are dependant on a dsl connection. This is not even realistic.

Anon , well all the newf@9$ keep cranking out all these ops and not following through on them. Make a YouTube video , get publicity , start a new operation , disregard last op , repeat cycle. Instead of anouncing what you plan to do anons, why dont you focus on one operation for at least a month instead of abandoning it all together. You cant take on several fronts at once and expect to make an impact. Anons strength is in numbers, it becomes compartmentalized when it is fighting pedophiles , police corruption , the KKK , Lizard Squad , Terrorism and everything we dont like under the sun at once.

There is no chivalry in procrastination. Stop tying so hard to be hero of the day anons. Be the internet hate machine that made us revered and hated for the lulz. The church of scientology was one thing see #chanology. But radical islam is an entirely different animal and a cold blooded one.

Too many chiefs , not enough Indians

edit on 11-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: ecossiepossie
If they have the skills to do as they say .
Close down there twitter feeds an there propa ganda blogs youtube accounts ect,

Then why cant the Goverments do similar?

They ARE the gov.

I know for a fact the most of anon are not. But like the saying goes only a few bad apples can ruin a bunch. I will elaborate below.

originally posted by: ecossiepossie
If they have the skills to do as they say .
Close down there twitter feeds an there propa ganda blogs youtube accounts ect,

Then why cant the Goverments do similar?

There are government alphabet agencies using the banner of anon to fill certain agendas and they have been doing it for a while now. No way am I saying anon is a product of the government ran by the government. But when certain ops are prepetuated in the interest of the DOD even corporations id be very cautious of them.

Anonymous white knighting for Sony and Microsoft against Lizard Squad is the opposite of the anon I came from. Trying to get script kiddies vanned over the same methods and ethos anon has used and claims to fame raises red flags. Now this ? Sabu is the perfect example how the feds can manipulate anons and set them up for failure using assets and planting them in the black hat community.

Anonymous is not the same Anonymous it was in 2005 - 2010. Most of anon is comprimised of new people. Basically wanting to belong to something and try to be edgy. It has become trendy. These are mostly protesters activists and some skids ( low level hacker ) . As opposed to old anon being trolls and hackers , coders and /b/tards ( 4chan ) the origin of anon. A sub culture in itself. Very much opposite of the follower mindset of todays anon.
edit on 11-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: ecossiepossie

Not anonymous - kill threat gives it away. But anon WILL do hacktivist paybacks, imho. Just not physical violence. Not their style.

Exactly !

One of the biggest no no's is using the banner of anon to make threats of violence. And using anonymous as your personal army would get your dox dropped. Threatening violence against terrorists, the irony.

Imagine thousands of people in guy fawkes masks riding camels in to battle ... oh my sides.

Sounds like someone got upsest over what went down in france and it hit them in the feels. So they decided to declare jihad on fanatic islamist militants on thier own. And this is why is not taken seriously any more. All it takes is the village idiot with internet acess with a text to speech program some video software and a script.... apparently.

edit on 11-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

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