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Muslims segregated from French society in growing Islamist mini-states

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posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:24 PM
How is this special. Almost every city has a Chinatown and is usually officially classified as that by municipalities and surely honoured federally.

So the Chinese are not a problem when they segregate themselves but it is a problem when Muslims do it? At least I don't have to worry about a Muslim eating my cat.

I don't even like religion, especially Islam but this fad of anti-Islam is pathetic and it shines a spotlight on the our worst human trait - mob mentality.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: peachesx... islam is a really beautiful religion, and i don't even really believe in organized religion...

That's an interesting statement. As one who doesn't believe in organized religion, what makes Islam "beautiful"? Are you implying that other religions are not beautiful?

Just curious why Islam gets a pass.
edit on 8-1-2015 by LogicalGraphitti because: fixed spelling

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: sayzaar
There are entire towns in the UK which are almost completely Muslim. From what i understand if you're white or suspected of being non muslim then you will be violently evicted from those towns. The police there will do NOTHING against these muslims so they get to do whatever they wish and to WHOMEVER they wish. They have been known to rob/beat people in large gangs in broad daylight and throw their victims into the local rivers.It's only a matter of time before they spread much further afield and begin removing people from their own homes in other towns. The rest will be so fearful that they will start moving elsewhere and the muslims can just make themselves right at home in these other towns.
Now, as i said, the police do nothing, the government do nothing, which is suspicious in itself, but just as bad the citizens themselves do nothing. Their hateful violent ways seem to be working in the UK but i'm not sure that they will have such a free reign in France. Only time will tell.

Sorry dude again which towns?.....fear mongering at best.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: xuenchen

Kind of reminds me of around here, Los Angekes, prior to the Fair Housing Act.

There are Christians in America trying to set up Christian exclusive neighborhoods. They are limited on how far they can go by law.

America still has communities of specific groups.

But in France, the government seems to sponsoring this type of thinking.

It's almost like it's "Legal" in France.

Not the same as the U.S. I would say.

Do you think this a dangerous situation in any country?

I can't find it on the Internet. But, I know recently a group of Christians got legal right for a housing community. But, they were limited on how many houses.

And you know you better have an armed escort when going in those Christian neighborhoods.

Edit to stay on topic,

Many of the "no-go" zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services.

The "no-go" areas are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated rather than become integrated into their European host nations.

In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on a French government website, complete with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost control.

edit on 1 8 2015 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:29 PM
Here's some official French Government confirmation....

French Government policy

A law passed November 14, 1996 created sensitive urban zones (ZUS) and urban tax-free zones (ZFU). 752 of these zones were created in France, including 718 in mainland France. The law of November 14, 1996 (which implements a renewed urban policy) distinguishes three levels of intervention:

Sensitive urban zones (ZUS)
Urban renewal zones (ZRU)
Urban tax-free zones (ZFU)

Sensitive urban zone

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: Auricom

That is key right there. For proper integration into society immigration must be very very slow.. trickle them in, make sure one group is fully integrated, trickle in a few more. Never too many all at once, and never the next group too soon before the previous group is fully settled in.

If that was true than The United States would be half it's size.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Not yet. Just wait till people start getting kicked out of LA for not being Spanish.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: stosh64

When I go to Utah I'm armed (pun intended)
of the secret Mormon handshake.

I think I'm covered.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: sayzaar

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: sayzaar
There are entire towns in the UK which are almost completely Muslim. From what i understand if you're white or suspected of being non muslim then you will be violently evicted from those towns.

Why does anyone think this is exclusive to the UK or anywhere else?

There are many places in the U.S. you don't go if you don't belong.

There are many areas in the US where people of same ethnicity or belief congregate.

But are these people of a certain ethnicity with their certain beliefs radicalized and hell bent on taking over the US ? Are these ethnic types with their certain beliefs comitting terrorist acts and atrocities ?
I think that is the point.


posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Wow, I don't know what to say. You're, never mind. I don't feel like getting banned today.

I will say this though, the minute the Chinese Taoists rape non-Taoists because they're "dogs", the minute Chinese Taoists single out non-Taoists to rob, the minute Chinese Taoists decide to decapitate non-believers, the minute Chinese Taoists demonstrate in the hundreds or thousands that Islam will be the death of me, the minute Taoist temples start declaring Jihad, is the minute I'll have an issue with Taoists.

The difference between China town and "Iran town" is the fact that I DON'T have to fear for my life.

I'm off to bed, the sheer idiocy by some here on ats is disgusting.
edit on 8-1-2015 by Auricom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: xuenchen

Kind of reminds me of around here, Los Angekes, prior to the Fair Housing Act.

There are Christians in America trying to set up Christian exclusive neighborhoods. They are limited on how far they can go by law.

America still has communities of specific groups.

But in France, the government seems to sponsoring this type of thinking.

It's almost like it's "Legal" in France.

Not the same as the U.S. I would say.

Do you think this a dangerous situation in any country?

I can't find it on the Internet. But, I know recently a group of Christians got legal right for a housing community. But, they were limited on how many houses.

And you know you better have an armed escort when going in those Christian neighborhoods.

Political Christian Right.

Terrorism comes in many forms.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I think that it is a good thing when a nation stands up to the muslims.

The muslims want to live in the dark ages so bad-then fine they can do it in the middle east.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Political Christian Right.

Terrorism comes in many forms.

Oh so that's what hit your nerves.

Got it now.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:25 PM
I just think it would be ironic if the muslims lived in the tax-free zones. unless theyre Israelites.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: stosh64

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: xuenchen

Kind of reminds me of around here, Los Angekes, prior to the Fair Housing Act.

There are Christians in America trying to set up Christian exclusive neighborhoods. They are limited on how far they can go by law.

America still has communities of specific groups.

But in France, the government seems to sponsoring this type of thinking.

It's almost like it's "Legal" in France.

Not the same as the U.S. I would say.

Do you think this a dangerous situation in any country?

I can't find it on the Internet. But, I know recently a group of Christians got legal right for a housing community. But, they were limited on how many houses.

And you know you better have an armed escort when going in those Christian neighborhoods.

Political Christian Right.

Terrorism comes in many forms.

Wow, those goal posts are just swaying in the breeze aren't they.
Sorry xuenchen, I wont derail anymore.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: peachesx

This is not the French governments doing, this is what those communities wanted in order to practice Sharia law. And the French felt obliged for fear of...something.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here's some official French Government confirmation....

French Government policy

A law passed November 14, 1996 created sensitive urban zones (ZUS) and urban tax-free zones (ZFU). 752 of these zones were created in France, including 718 in mainland France. The law of November 14, 1996 (which implements a renewed urban policy) distinguishes three levels of intervention:

Sensitive urban zones (ZUS)
Urban renewal zones (ZRU)
Urban tax-free zones (ZFU)

Sensitive urban zone

So, what does this have to do with Islam in itself ? As far as I know, Islam doesn't tell you to sell drugs, steal cars, rob banks or racket people. If these zones exist, it's because those people who immigrated to France when France needed them to work in the mines were parked like cattle all in the same places. Every country has its Bronx. It's a social issue.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: gosseyn

What mines are you talking about?

Or is that just a general term for "work" of any kind?

France must have really needed some big production somewhere.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (45.9% of the population). Nearly one quarter of the population (24.7%) are Muslim. Just over one fifth of the district’s population (20.7%) stated that they had no religion.

I'm not from Bradford, so I couldn't really tell you what it's like to live there, or how this population percentage effects the community...

All I've heard is that Bradford is a very popular place for Muslims, some may be integrated fully...
I'd guess there is a percentage that does not to be honest.
edit on 8-1-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Like I said I never have had any problem at all.
Oh and I love the accent of the ladies

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