posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 09:53 AM
Originally posted by jeeze louise
destroys some embryos just because they are the "wrong" sex, and promotes gender discrimination.
its an artificial insemination technique in which the parents are given multiple embryos to choose from. If they choose a boy over a girl, or vice
versa, well, so be it. Most artificial insemination techniques and in vitro fertilization methods require that multiple eggs be harvested and
multiple otherwise viable embryos be created and selected from.
But if you think sex selection is disturbing, think about selecting
for brith defects, like, deafness. Surveys and studies have shown that
some deaf parents would prefer to have a deaf child, many are willing to do genetic screening to make sure that they are having one, and some have
even said that if they hah a hearing child that they'd have an abortion until they conceived a deaf one.
Conversely, many hearing parents would have abortions to prevent the birth of a deaf child, or a mentally handicapped child, or a deformed child.
With more genetic testing, people will be able to choose from a suite of features.
In some countries, liek India I beleive, the elimination of female children in favour of male children is starting to lead to a shift in the sexual
demographics, with more men than women. Normally there are slightly more women than men.
[edit on 14-12-2004 by Nygdan]