posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:36 AM
originally posted by: SLAYER69
If you're like me *a person of Faith, there's no need to kill those who think or believe differently.
Logic accepted SLAYER69
For what religious FORCE or KINGDOM would that type of behavior be representing?
Considering the believers who apply such force "believe" in benevolent (GOD-Angels) and malevolent (devil-demons) influences upon the metaphysical
SOULS here, 1 would think they would know that kingdom of which they are representing with such acts and where they may be placing their souls
Because to truly believe inside you know a balance shall be made to the ill minded by the what many humans may perceive as Angels, perhaps in the more
metaphysical ranges of CONTACT.
Basically as a believer and follower of a benevolent Kingdom or HEAVEN deep inside you know there is no need to kill the temporary flesh do to some
not following your belief systems for their souls shall be judged and or acquisition in a more accurate soul integrity detecting region of existence,
that can better see internally thought processes & re-balance these energies of unbalance and relocate/ascend them when the ill consciousness of dark
has been eliminated from their SOUL energy. How ever long that may take them in the ABYSS under ABADDON/APOLLYON perhaps...
Revelation 9:11
They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon.
There is however a need though to sustain and push back the physical threats of some of these beings at times when they are in flesh and may be
risking the destabilization and causing death of many in flesh and so... Physical contact is made and engaged at times to lower the threat potentials
of the ill and dark in conscious.