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Could Money Be The Antichrist & Root Of Evil?

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posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: arpgme
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

As long as it doesn't say 666 or is a micro-chip then most people don't care.

"Money over everything" is a cool thing to say now in pop culture. Except the only ones who actually control it are the rich leaders

In ancient Egyptian and Sumerian times it was "Gold over everything" and even then they were enslaved to get it for the rulers while they worked long hours, were poor, and barely surviving.

Just like today who people work in offices for corperations.

The God of money was called Anu in Sumer. According to the myths he created the human race to be his slave and get gold.

Well if we think about it why on earth would god need gold?
Only men need gold, and men can be cloned and made by other men.
Of course god can create man too as well as the entire universe.

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

It never ceases to amaze me how some will defend the things that represent various evils in the world

I'm amazed by the refusal of some to realize the distinction between money and the love of money. If you truly believe that money itself is evil then you should not have it.

What's in your wallet?

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: DenyObfuscation
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

It never ceases to amaze me how some will defend the things that represent various evils in the world

I'm amazed by the refusal of some to realize the distinction between money and the love of money. If you truly believe that money itself is evil then you should not have it.

What's in your wallet?

For the love of god! Dont worry about my wallet discuss the topic and not me. Sheesh

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

People are forced to have it or suffer the consequences because we live in an artificial money society ruled by the few (very rich/bankers/corperations who buy the political parties).

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 09:49 AM
My 2 cents on the subject is this... I see money as a tool. I see money as neutral. I believe it is how you use it, and how you work with it that determines its goodness or badness. If you value it above people and relationships, I see this as unhealthy, just as it would be unhealthy to value anything else material over people and relationships. You can have a healthy relationship with money and even live in abundance, so long as proper priorities, perspective, and balance are maintained.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: SecretAgentMan007
My 2 cents on the subject is this... I see money as a tool. I see money as neutral. I believe it is how you use it, and how you work with it that determines its goodness or badness. If you value it above people and relationships, I see this as unhealthy, just as it would be unhealthy to value anything else material over people and relationships. You can have a healthy relationship with money and even live in abundance, so long as proper priorities, perspective, and balance are maintained.

I agree money is a SATANIC tool to enslave human kind.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: SecretAgentMan007
My 2 cents on the subject is this... I see money as a tool. I see money as neutral. I believe it is how you use it, and how you work with it that determines its goodness or badness. If you value it above people and relationships, I see this as unhealthy, just as it would be unhealthy to value anything else material over people and relationships. You can have a healthy relationship with money and even live in abundance, so long as proper priorities, perspective, and balance are maintained.

I agree money is a SATANIC tool to enslave human kind.

That is not what you quoted the other poster saying, So not sure how you agree unless you cant comprehend what was said by a few in this thread.

Its neutral and the evil is in you if you think money is evil yet you use it on a daily basis, or do you worship Satan?

the first post on page 2 by member Jedite that no one replied to says it perfectly in my opinion, here let me quote them

Money is no more evil then a gun or a spoon. It's an object, that can be different for the person who holds it. For a homeless person, it's survive another day. For the poor, it's to keep a roof over their heads. For the rich, it's a trophy to show how far they come. For the greedy it's a crutch and addiction. Anyone who says money is evil has never truly spent time with out it.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 12:01 AM
Perhaps someday we may have a society without money and move beyond such foolish concepts.

edit on 29-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 12:10 AM
Is money capable of worship?

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale

Its neutral and the evil is in you if you think money is evil yet you use it on a daily basis, or do you worship Satan?

People are forced to use it against their will but it's not evil? You have a strange view about good and evil. It is the perfect belief for an elite to gain complete domination.

God gave land and fruits for free as a gift. The beast put a price tag on everything and make you worship his image. Soon people will happily take a mark into their skin when a lot of money is put on the microchips to start off the new currency.
edit on 29-1-2015 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: arpgme

People are forced to use it against their will but it's not evil?

Forced or given a choice?

I have a choice if you are forced or feel forced then use your brain a little more than you do and find a way not use money to survive and keep doing what you do.

Its easy in a hard way to those that don't know or simply choose not to, to live without money if you are willing give up some of your addictions and/or perceived needs.

You have a strange view about good and evil.

What view of good and evil do I have? No need I will tell you,
they are both concepts of the mind that manifest through action and then are judged by another mind as being one or the other.

You do it daily.

It is the perfect belief for an elite to gain complete domination.

What belief are you talking about?

That money is neither good or evil?

God gave land and fruits for free as a gift. The beast put a price tag on everything and make you worship his image.

Let me quote you again which is a perfect saying to accompany what I just quoted above

It is the perfect belief for an elite to gain complete domination.

Soon people will happily take a mark into their skin when a lot of money is put on the microchips to start off the new currency.

So often in your threads you speak for the people and what they do, will do or how they think.

Why is that? Is that because it is you that will most likely do what you say is evil of others when fear stares you in the face?

Why happily if they are being forced like they are now in your opinion?

How soon?

Why do you have such a lack of faith in the good you try to push but believe that the evil you always speak against will overcome all?

Ever since I joined I tried asking you questions for you to delve deeper into yourself but you are stuck in a material world pointing your finger at everything else but yourself.

You are where you are because of the choices you make, that is the hardest thing to understand and the one of the most fought against ideas because individuals cannot see how their action or non actions affect them and their own future even when that future becomes their present and past, most don't want to see what they have in them and choose to use everything they can to say they are victims of circumstance or another.

What I just said (the paragraph above this) is my own experience,

I have tried interacting with you the way I have because you reminded so much of myself in the ways of thinking and expressing your thoughts when I would read your stuff, I read ATS for about 6 hours a night for almost 6 years before I joined and took in quite a bit of everything people had to offer.

I have moved on, why not try moving past where you are today? You seem to be in the same place yo were many years ago in my opinion.

You do try like we all do I assume but have you taken or at least attempted to take different paths? I assume no because you seem to believe money is evil and material things are evil, you need move past blaming other things of being evil and find it in yourself, recognize it so that you can overcome it or embrace it, whichever you choose, because that is what I believe God gave us, a test to make choices and have to live with the choices we make by making more choices every moment of our lives.

People have a choice to live by their own hands or die by another s hand, but its seems as though fear (something you get to know quite well once you find and recognize the evil inside yourself) pushes many to against what they vocalize to others when the time comes.

Will you take the chip or will choose to go another way?

Now I have assumed way to much for just one post, assumptions are ignorant of knowledge, however that is why I ask the questions I do, because I assume too much.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 08:01 PM
We can do better as a civilization we dont need to have materialism as part of our culture.

Imagine you want to make earth likened to heaven, would they have money in heaven, of course not, so why do we need it here. . . .

We dont need it period.

posted on Jan, 29 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.

What part of "eliminating money won't eliminate materialism" do you not understand?

So far in this thread all I've seen you propose on the matter is to remove 'money' while actually increasing materialism. "Free" materialism is still materialism.

Do you want to discuss your topic or post another irrelevant video?

(post by FormOfTheLord removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 05:58 AM

You know its funny alot of people worship money and forget it only has the value we give it.

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