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College president sorry for saying 'All lives matter'

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posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
There is a specific movement here, involving social injustice for blacks. Agree or don't agree with the basic tenets of the movement, but acknowledge that the movement exists. The movement has a slogan - Black Lives Matter.

The college president sends an email stating that she and the college are in support of this movement, but she mistakenly says "all lives matter", which is not the slogan of the movement. The students inform her why the slogan is what it is. Wanting to fully support the movement, the college president corrects herself.

If you are wanting to support the movement, at least get the slogan right.

I get why the students wanted it corrected. Let's say there has been a huge problem with sex trafficking of kids under the age of 14. Let's say there is a movement to highlight this problem and to try and stop it. Let's say the slogan of this movement is "Kids' Lives Matter". Now, let's say a person in the limelight publicly states their support of this movement, but calls the movement "All People's Lives Matter". Well, duh - sure all people's lives matter, but that is not the slogan of the movement. It is taking away from the specific target of the movement, which is kids.

Yes, I get it.

The protesters probably didn't do themselves any favors when they picked a slogan, like a marketing campaign, that focused on them, 12% of the U.S. population, when they were trying to influence the other 88% of the population.

Unless the goal was to motivate the "base" as they say in politics.

If that's the case, and the end game is to make the 2016 an election where they drive the black base to get out to vote for justice, then all this makes a lot more sense.

Looking into the future, what possible candidate could be portrayed as somebody the black demographic could rally behind to get them justice? Clinton? She's going to need the black vote, especially after Obama tried to play the race card on Bill in the 2008 election.

Maybe that's what this is really all about. Making sure the black voters come out in full force in 2016.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I laugh at the insecurity of the White people making a big deal out of a Slogan that highlights a problem with racism against Black people...

Errrr... no one has a problem with that slogan, the problem here is that a person has to say sorry for using a slightly different version of the slogan. Who is making a big deal over the slogan now? These over sensitive idiots are like "you must use the correct slogan or else we wont be focusing enough on the struggle of the black man". I'm pretty sure we all know the sentiment the College President was trying to express.

I laugh at the pathetic attempts to justify hijacking the Slogan of another persons movement because they neither have the intellect or ingenuity to think of their own...

The phrase "all lives matter" is probably hundreds of years old, no one hijacked it.
edit on 5/1/2015 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 10:53 PM

Violence Against Women Is An Everyday Reality, Act Now Always And Forever, Before Its Too Late.

Perspective For The Hijacking Sympathisers!!!

I got an idea...

Let's start a campaign....

With the Slogan "Violence Against People Is An Everyday Reality, Act Now Always And Forever, Before Its Too Late"...

& then what we'll do is contact the Media and get them to profile this Org's movement & claim that they only care about Women...
Cause really People suffer violence as well!!!


You can get over it!

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: Jamie1

Maybe that's what this is really all about. Making sure the black voters come out in full force in 2016.

Or.... maybe people really truly genuinely feel that blacks are getting the shaft when it comes to treatment by police. Just a possibility.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:00 PM
And this from the "response" letter ....

"I am committed to working as a white ally"

kinda alienates the other ethnic groups at the college....

Ethnicity of Students from U.S.

0.2% American Indian/Alaskan Native

14.4% Asian

5.5% Black/African-American

11.0% Hispanic/Latino

5.5% Multi-race (not Hispanic/Latino)

0.0% Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander

52.9% White

10.5% Unknown

International Students 13.2%

Smith College

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

no one has a problem with that slogan

I've read plenty of posts on this board that refutes this, whatever.

the problem here is that a person has to say sorry

Yeah, they was forced to apologise I'm sure.
It couldn't possibly be that they understood the mistake & genuinely wanted to apologise.

The phrase "all lives matter" is probably hundreds of years old, no one hijacked it.

What an extremely convenient time to pull that one out of the bag, eh!

Excuse me while I piss myself laughing.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:03 PM

a reply to: Jamie1

Maybe that's what this is really all about. Making sure the black voters come out in full force in 2016.

Psssst ..... Shhhhhh.

That's not supposed to be assumed.

But it's right on !!!

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Jamie1

Yes. I read about this a day or two ago when the black brunch thread came up. Why doesn't a authority figure in the discipline of higher learning have a backbone? Why did this person cave to the first sign of disagreement? I cannot understand why people do this. The author of the original e-mail was in the right originally. All lives do matter. I find this caving to popular racial pressure to be racist itself.

Here we have an individual doing the right thing here. This person is letting every student on her campus know that people of any color are victims of police violence. Yet because she feels the protected bigots will label her a racist if she stands her ground she folds instead. I would not have made the same choice. I would have defied the racist antagonists. I would have continued to say "All lives matter". Why? It is the truth...all lives matter. The juvenile antics exhibited by these fools makes me regard them in contempt.

How can I support these types of people when they obviously have no support towards me?

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I've read plenty of posts on this board that refutes this, whatever.

Ok fine, some people don't think that black lives matter, but those people would also disagree with the statement that all life matters, wouldn't they? The subject of discussion here is whiny little cry babies who need everything to be stated in a politically correct way. You're twisting the issue into what you want it to be about.

It couldn't possibly be that they understood the mistake & genuinely wanted to apologise.

I'm sure that was the case, but only after a lot of pressure from students and faculty. The President is actually just as bad as the rest of them in my books, her response is cringe worthy.

What an extremely convenient time to pull that one out of the bag, eh!

How so? I was stating an obvious fact. Even I've probably written "all life matters" at least once in my life before I even knew it was a slogan.
edit on 5/1/2015 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

but those people would also disagree with the statement that all life matters, wouldn't they?

No, because generally their whole reasoning for having a problem with the Slogan is because "All Lives Matter"...

You're twisting the issue into what you want it to be about.

I'm really not though!

I'm sure that was the case, but only after a lot of pressure from students and faculty.

How is informing somebody that they made a mistake, translated into "pressured into an apology"???

Now who is twisting things & adding to the narrative in the process?

How so?

How about this:

Apparently, All Lives Matter is probably hundreds of years old..
You' & others have probably written it before...
Black Lives Matter becomes a Slogan for a good cause...
All of a sudden "All Lives Matter" hits the headlines within weeks of the initial cause...

All Lives Matter didn't spring up to fight alongside Black Lives Matter...
It was a counter move plain & simple.

& If that's not convenient timing to you, we shall leave it there.

cry babies

Still smiling actually!!!

edit on 5-1-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 12:11 AM

No, because generally their whole reasoning for having a problem with the Slogan is because "All Lives Matter"...

There are people in this thread who have suggested that "all lives matter" is a more appropriate slogan because "black lives matter" might imply that no other lives matter besides black lives. But they are not saying that black lives don't matter. I suggested that "black lives matter" is not a great slogan because it doesn't specify how much black lives matter. We are not suggesting that black lives don't matter, we are simply saying that "all lives matter" is a better slogan, and it shouldn't matter if that is the phrase the College President decided to use.

Apparently, All Lives Matter is probably hundreds of years old..
You' & others have probably written it before...

It's a 3 word phrase expressing an idea which has certainly existed for hundreds of years, it doesn't exactly take a genius to come up with it. The idea that all life is equal is even written into the Constitution for christ sakes.

Black Lives Matter becomes a Slogan for a good cause...
All of a sudden "All Lives Matter" hits the headlines within weeks of the initial cause...

All Lives Matter didn't spring up to fight alongside Black Lives Matter...
It was a counter move plain & simple.

& If that's not convenient timing to you, we shall leave it there.

Maybe you are right, maybe there is a secret slogan war happening in order to undermine the black man, I don't know, because I don't pay attention to racial issues very often and I don't live in the US. Where I live the native "colored people" I know are totally cool, I couldn't care less about how much melanin is in their skin. It's been a very long time since I dared to post in a thread like this and I now remember why I never participate in them, they are totally stupid and only help to create unnecessary tension around stupid issues. The whole reason all these racial divides exist in the first place is because people like you put so much energy into these issues. WHO GIVES A GOD DAMN # ABOUT A SLOGAN.
edit on 6/1/2015 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Dude, it was just an email. No lives were lost in the sending of the email, no laws were changed, there was no rioting, the college wasn't burned to the ground. The person starting this thread was the one who made a big deal out of it.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

We are not suggesting that black lives don't matter

I never said you were pal.

we are simply saying that "all lives matter" is a better slogan

How is that a better Slogan to highlight racism against Black people?

I couldn't care less about how much melanin is in their skin.

Good, that's very Human of you, I like that.

The whole reason all these racial divides exist in the first place is because people like you put so much energy into these issues.

No that's racist people that do that, not people like me.


Clearly you do, or you wouldn't suggest "a better" one!


posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Yes. If people started a movement to protect their 2nd amendment right to bear arms, and other people countered that ALL the amendments are important, it's like duh, of course they are, but THIS protest is focused on the 2nd amendment.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: My_Reality
a reply to: Jamie1

Yes. I read about this a day or two ago when the black brunch thread came up. Why doesn't a authority figure in the discipline of higher learning have a backbone? Why did this person cave to the first sign of disagreement? I cannot understand why people do this. The author of the original e-mail was in the right originally. All lives do matter. I find this caving to popular racial pressure to be racist itself.

Here we have an individual doing the right thing here. This person is letting every student on her campus know that people of any color are victims of police violence. Yet because she feels the protected bigots will label her a racist if she stands her ground she folds instead. I would not have made the same choice. I would have defied the racist antagonists. I would have continued to say "All lives matter". Why? It is the truth...all lives matter. The juvenile antics exhibited by these fools makes me regard them in contempt.

How can I support these types of people when they obviously have no support towards me?

You got it right. They're all afraid of being labeled a racist. If you read the article, it quotes a student who was talking about how her friends were already personally attacking McCartney after the first "all lives matter" email.

The bigots are those who attack people based on their beliefs. It's a farce.

Here's what I think of when I hear about these students:

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Yes. If people started a movement to protect their 2nd amendment right to bear arms, and other people countered that ALL the amendments are important, it's like duh, of course they are, but THIS protest is focused on the 2nd amendment.

That's a terrible analogy. If they started a campaign called The Constitution Matters that would cover the overall principal, of which the 2nd Amendment is included. People are FOR the Constitution, of which the 2nd Amendment is included.

Black lives matter and ALL lives matter. It's a dumb slogan to begin with. That's the root of the problem. But hey, if they want a movement that's focused on themselves, they should expect the results. To be upset because it removes the "blackness" from the protest is counterproductive.

Of course, I've never heard exactly what result they're protesting FOR. What do they want?

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs


Clearly you do, or you wouldn't suggest "a better" one!

Just because I like one slogan more than another doesn't mean I care about which slogan people use. My whole point here is that people shouldn't be getting their panties in such a bunch over which slogan the College President decided to use. Both slogans are perfectly adequate for the job of what she was trying to express. My issue is when all the idiots come in and cry about her choice of words, even though her choice of words were perfectly fine. There is no secret slogan war, both slogans have the same meaning, one is just more specific than the other. Apparently this all boils down to the stupid fact that she wasn't specific enough. Oh the lack of specificity.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs


Clearly you do, or you wouldn't suggest "a better" one!

Just because I like one slogan more than another doesn't mean I care about which slogan people use. My whole point here is that people shouldn't be getting their panties in such a bunch over which slogan the College President decided to use. Both slogans are perfectly adequate for the job of what she was trying to express. My issue is when all the idiots come in and cry about her choice of words, even though her choice of words were perfectly fine. There is no secret slogan war, both slogans have the same meaning, one is just more specific than the other. Apparently this all boils down to the stupid fact that she wasn't specific enough. Oh the lack of specificity.

Yes, the simple version is:

Somebody coined the phrase "black lives matter."

Then the cops were like,WTF, our lives matter too. So they coined the phrase, "All lives matter."

This is an obviously much better phrase from a PR standpoint, and it pissed of the "Black lives matter" camp. They accused the cops of stealing their thunder.

So the college president didn't realize this hashtag war was going on, and got berated for saying all lives matter. So she changed it and apologized.

Personally, I believe all lives matter, and I won't apologize for saying so.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 05:12 AM
the 'All lives matter' statement is obviously, on analysis, the politically correct one.
So actually we have a liberal , gone rouge racist, in fear of not being politically correct, which is a bit of a laugh.
It's probably a good idea to not mention any colours in your slogan. rather save them for the logo.
yet, f#$ck political correctness, say what you mean to say,
and it would seem, don't get offended when a group or society does not include your demographic.

By saying 'something matters', it implies that it matters to some thing.
concluding, that, the thing to which it matters, should be a focus of discussion.
edit on 6-1-2015 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: Jamie1

yeah political correctness is ruining the culture that works and replacing with culture that doesn't

PS I like you but I don't like your cat.

I ask myself, would your cat survive in a natural setting, if not, than it is not a real cat, but a play thing, a species without future.

You on the other hand, I see a future LOL

(see what I did there ** if a man can't pay lady a compliment which one day will be politically incorrect if it isn't already, then there is something wrong)

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